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1919-1920 Second General Report

On April 23, 1920, the president submitted to the Board his second report, a summary of which follows:

Change In Examinations

Heretofore about one-seventh of the working days in each term have been devoted to examinations. The chief function of a college is instruction and development rather than testing the knowledge of students. The time for examinations has, therefore, been cut down by about one-half, and apparently this has worked well.


The State Horticultural Society in annual session passed formal resolutions highly commending the work of the college for the horticultural interests of the state. Emphasis was placed upon the need for experts in packing and tree-pruning, and for instruction and research in the utilization of horticultural by-products.

Highway Materials Testing

An arrangement has been made with the State Highway Commission whereby the highway materials used by them are to be tested at this college. Laboratory equipment will be installed here and an expert chemist will be employed to direct the work. Engineering students will be used as laboratory assistants. The. appropriations made to the college by the recent General Assembly include $2,000 for road material testing equipment, and the State Highway Commission has set aside $4,000 for the first year for the operating expenses.

Teacher Training In Trades And Industries

The State Board of Education has agreed to allot $1,000 for a professor in industrial education for the year ending June 30 next, under the provisions of the Smith-Hughes act. Professor B. H. Van Oot has been secured for this work. His salary will be paid entirely out of funds provided by the state and federal governments. A small amount from college funds will be necessary for operating expenses.

Street Improvement

To cooperate with the town in improving the street at the northern side of the main campus, the unsightly fence was removed, and a strip of land about 100 feet long by six feet average width was permitted to be turned into the street.

Y. M. C. A. Improvements

The gymnasium in the Y. M. C. A. building has not been used since the erection of the field house, and the space is needed for other purposes. In view of the usefulness of this building, it being the chief social center of the student life, it seemed justifiable to permit the college repair force to do the necessary remodelling at a cost of $251.80.

Need For Watchman

This large plant has not had a night watchman. Such protection is needed, particularly during vacation periods. Reports having been made of rather frequent thefts of a minor character, it is recommended that a watchman be immediately employed, for continuous night duty, and that he have assistance during vacation periods. [This was authorized by the Board.]

Influenza Epidemic

Early in February a number of cases of influenza developed among the students. At that time the college hospital, which has a normal capacity of thirty, was caring for fourteen cases of mumps. As the number of influenza cases increased it became necessary to use the assembly-room in the Y. M. C. A. building. The epidemic reached its height during the first two weeks in February, and while only seventy-five students were actually attacked by it in a serious way, the proportion of serious pneumonia cases (nine) following from it was large. Parents became alarmed, particularly because of two deaths here. The resulting demoralization among the students prevented satisfactory work, and moreover many of the teachers were stricken so that classes were irregularly met. After taking all things into consideration and consulting with many people, it was decided to suspend college activities from February 19 to March 3, and to permit the students to go home. This relieved the situation greatly, altho a third death occurred.

It was very difficult to secure nurses at that time, when the demand was so great all over the state. The State Department of Health was most helpful and even sent three members of its staff to assist for several weeks. Many people in the community and elsewhere in the state, especially in Roanoke, rendered valuable aid, and we are greatly indebted to them.

The cost of this epidemic and the enforced closing of the college, including the loss to the dining department, the employment of extra nurses and orderlies, the calling in of physicians for consultation, and other extraordinary expenses of operation, amounted to approximately $4,500. There is some question as to whether we can rightfully ask our patrons to bear any of this extra cost for their sons who were in the hospital at this time. The general infirmary fee is usually considered to cover such expenses. It should at least be made clear in future that this fee does not cover extraordinary hospital service and protracted sickness. Since the fees collected from students cover only about two-thirds of the cost of operating the hospital under normal conditions, and since the budget allotment is less than the modest amount requested for normal operation, there is nothing to do but report this extraordinary expense as a deficit and seek reimbursement from the next Legislature. [This procedure was authorized by the Board.]

Health Protection

The experience just described brought out very clearly the necessity for better provision for caring for the health of our students. It is too much to expect any institution to provide sufficient hospital facilities to meet adequately any epidemic that may befall it; but it is obvious that a hospital capacity of thirty in a town utterly devoid of any such facilities, is altogether inadequate with a student-body of seven hundred and growing in size. The capacity of the present hospital 'should be doubled at the earliest possible date. The appropriation of $10,000—hardly enough under present conditions—requested in the last budget was not allowed, so that we have been unable to add the wing as planned. Moreover, the building is old and not in the best condition, so that it will take $5,000 to repair and renovate it. It is most unfortunate that there are no available funds for these purposes.

The two nurses are faithful but greatly overworked when there is much sickness among the students, and at such times it is difficult to get extra nurses. At least one additional nurse should be regularly employed' every year for the months of January, February, and March, when the number of sick students always runs highest.

The college physician is faithful and efficient, but he has more than he can do, since he has a large practise in the community. The college authorities cannot afford to take the responsibility for going thru another year under present conditions. Not only must the physical facilities be improved to a reasonable extent, and more nursing service provided, but there must be some better arrangement for physician's services. In the budget is an item for a professor of physical education. This should be interpreted as meaning a man with the M.D. degree, thoroly prepared to act as health officer of the college, give instruction in hygiene, and supervise the health conditions of the community. It is, therefore, recommended that immediate steps be taken to secure a suitable health officer to begin work not later than September first next, at a salary of not more than $3,000 a year, his whole time to be given to the college, including students and the families of professors and other employes who may care to have his services. The only man suitable for this position is one who, in addition to being a well-prepared physician, is strong on the preventive side—we need one who will seek to ward off sickness rather than one who will merely seek to cure sickness after it comes, important tho that be. It is further recommended that the present college physician be retained at his present salary as consulting physician, with the understanding that the two will work in cooperation, with the health officer in control of the situation. The health officer should have authority as to sanitation over everything on the campus, and over everybody who comes on the campus, and he should be responsible to the president alone. It is believed that he can be given authority over the surrounding community as local health officer, so as to afford still better protection. His decision as to quarantine and other such measures for health protection should be absolute, and it is believed that full legal authority can be secured for this. [This plan was approved by the Board.]

Floating Debts

As shown in my last report, the floating debts which have existed for several years were materially reduced, but the following remain:

Balance due on four Professors' Houses$11,894.00
Black Farm Property17,176.07
Balance due on Field House3,750.00
Balance due on Extension Residence4,224.09
Balance due on Barlow Residence2,500.00

It is expected that the last three items can be paid in full during the current year. We must wait for state appropriations for the other two items, and in the meantime continue to pay interest.

While there are circumstances justifying the creation of floating debts, yet it is a handicap on an administration to have to meet such debts not of its own creation. It will, therefore, be our policy to seek to clear up debts, to strengthen weak places, and to stop leaks in operation, before further expansion is considered. Unfortunately the enthusiasm for expansion often obscures the cost of the expansion, and sound finance is as essential for an educational institution as for any business enterprise.

Controlling Expenditures

One good feature of the new budget system under which we are working according to the state law, is that it requires constant watching of the expenditures in the various departments to prevent exceeding the amounts allotted. Unfortunately, some of our departments in the past seem to have had a way of going ahead with expenditures regardless of the revenue they had a right to expect, and the result has been that deficits in one department have had to be made up with funds properly belonging to another department. Under such a haphazard system there was no certainty as to how the finances of the institution would stand at the end of the year. Moreover, there was no incentive to the head of a department to conduct his department economically, since if he did not come out safely his deficit would be made up anyhow, and if he did come out ahead his savings would be used to make up the shortcomings of some other department. It seems that repeatedly the same departments had shortages.

Under the new budget system it is purposed to allocate all of the anticipated revenue from every source among the various functional activities of the institution, and then to hold the chiefs of the various divisions strictly responsible for keeping their expenditures within the amounts set aside for the various items. It seems absolutely necessary that firm control be maintained over the finances of the institution. It has been customary for the treasurer to send notices to the heads of departments from time to time as to how their accounts stood; but it seems that somewhat more positive measures are needed. To this end, an official notice was sent from the president's office to all heads of departments, stating in explicit terms that until further notice the president would assume the duties of comptroller of the finances, and that no financial obligations would be recognized by the college unless definitely authorized beforehand by the president. As soon as certain readjustments can be made in the business methods of the institution, in order to put the budget system on a proper basis, this work can be handled almost entirely in the business office; but even then the president should have a control sheet constantly before him, showing the standing of the different departments at the end of each month, or oftener.

Service Departments

This institution is unique in the large number of departments maintained primarily for college purposes and at the same time serving the college community and the public at large as commercial enterprises. The position which has been taken by the present executive is that it is not justifiable to maintain these semi-commercial departments either at the expense of the state or of the students, and that so far as the commercial phases of the work are concerned the revenue must be made to at least equal the cost. It is not considered the business of a state educational institution to seek profit in its transactions with the public, and still less so with its employes, but it is only right and proper that the cost of service rendered should be fully covered by the charges made for such service, even in the case of our own employes. An investigation has been in progress, therefore, thruout the past six months, to determine just what the cost of supplying each of these various types of service is, and to compare the amount charged with the cost. While the study has not been completed for all departments, certain very definite conclusions have been reached concerning some departments.


Deficits have been continually shown in the animal and dairy husbandry department. It appeared that such deficits were caused to a large extent because the proper revenue was not being received for the product. Prices being so much lower than those received for such a product elsewhere, the creamery was authorized to increase the price charged, beginning early in January.


It has been customary for the college laundry to maintain three different bases for charging for its work, namely (1) a flat rate to students, (2) an itemized list of prices to employes of the college, and (3) an itemized list of prices to the general public. The prices charged employes have been about one-half the charge to outsiders. After the new laundry manager had been in charge several months, he was asked to make a careful estimate of the actual cost of laundering the various articles on the itemized lists. The cost list was compared, item by item, with the charge lists, and it was found that on numerous items employes of the institution were charged less than the actual cost of doing the work. The price-list was revised so that employes would pay in practically every case only the actual cost of laundering the article, not counting in depreciation on equipment, insurance against loss or damage, and certain other overhead costs. The price-list to the public was compared with the cost-list and also with the lists of commercial laundries elsewhere and it was found that most of the prices were fair, but some changes were made where the price was obviously too low.

The amount paid out by the laundry to cover claims for loss and damage has been entirely too large. It was decided that no claim would be recognized unless immediately reported and substantiated, and never for more than ten times the charge for laundering the article in the case of wearing apparel or twenty times in case of household goods.

The laundry manager checked over the special-rate employes' list and found a number of patrons enjoying the low rates who were not employed by the college. These persons were culled from the special list and charged the public rates.

Dining Hall

Under the direction of the steward there has been conducted a small dining-room, which is patronized by about twenty-five employes and students excused from military duties. The amount of board charged has been $22.50 per month. The steward was asked to keep a careful record of the costs. From this it appears that board is being furnished at a loss of about one dollar per patron per month. It appears justifiable to raise the rate for board to $25.00 per month. In view of the increased cost the charge for board in the large dining-room for cadets should probably be increased for next session.

Coal Mine

There is considerable doubt as to the economy of working the coal mine. It is, however, probably a valuable asset inasmuch as it protects us against suffering a shortage of coal. Our employes are supplied with coal at a much lower price than they can obtain it for from dealers; but it is not economical to use it at the power-plant, and the amount so used should be reduced as rapidly as it is possible to increase the amount of Pocahontas coal obtainable. Last fall the price was increased to cover the increased cost of mining and hauling, and it was ordered that no coal should be sold except for use in the homes of employes. Further investigation must be made as to the financial phases of this operation, particularly in view of the uncertainty of coal market conditions at present.


In connection with the maintenance of buildings and grounds, are employed carpenters, painters, plumbers, electricians, and other workmen. It has been customary to permit these workmen to do repair work, and in some cases new installation work, for the general public as well as for college employes. An executive order was issued sometime ago prohibiting any work by college workmen on other than college property, and prohibiting the ordering of building supplies thru the college except for use on college property. An exception was made in the case of professors who are entitled to be furnished houses by the college, but for whom no houses are available, it being permitted that college workmen make repairs to houses occupied by such professors where the repairs are to be paid for by the professors themselves. It is also necessary to make an exception as to electric installations inasmuch as there is no concern in the town doing an electrical business. There is considerable doubt as to whether the college is justified in doing any repair or installation work except on its own property; and in any event such outside work must not be allowed to delay or interfere in any way with the work required to be done on college property. Also we should be very sure that the revenue for such outside work fully covers the cost together with a reasonable profit to cover overhead expense.

Water Supply

On August 18, 1911, an agreement was made between the college and the town of Blacksburg whereby the former agreed to supply the latter water at a rate of 7c per 1,000 gallons as measured by a meter. The agreement provides that "The Institute shall only be required to supply water from the surplus over and above that required for its own use, and if at any time the said water supply should not be more than sufficient to supply the needs of the Institute . . . then during such period of short supply . . . the Institute shall not be required to furnish water to the town." It would be far better to supply additional storage facilities than to cut off any consumer who is dependent upon this source of supply, but since no appropriation was provided for increasing the storage of water, the matter of the necessary amount should be carefully investigated as a basis for action by the college for its own protection.

It costs the college about 8-2/3 cents per 1,000 gallons to furnish water. This estimate is based on as reliable data as we can secure, and it seems to be conservative and to include only such factors as should properly be included in estimating the cost. It will be noted that this amount is 1-2/3 cents per thousand gallons greater than the amount which is now being paid by the town of Blacksburg for water furnished by the college. Under the circumstances, it seems justifiable to recommend an increase in the charge for water supplied to the town to 9c per 1,000 gallons.

It became necessary during the past year to install a new chlorinating plant at a cost of $250.00, one-half of this cost to be paid by the town of Blacksburg.

The reservoir wall needs raising at least a foot in order to prevent surface drainage and foreign matter from entering over the sides of the concrete basin. A mistake was made in laying a terra-cotta pipe to conduct the water from the spring to the reservoir. This pipe should be iron, with joints well calked, to prevent foreign matter from entering the water, as is liable to happen because of the boring of animals. No provision was made in the budget for the next two years for such work as this, which may amount to $500.00. This is certainly a place where we cannot afford to take chances.


When the present executive came into office he was told that the sewage disposal plant had not been cleaned for several years, whereas it should be cleaned regularly at least once a year and given some attention at briefer intervals. Conditions were becoming so bad as to cause complaints from nearby residents. A faculty committee composed of a civil engineer, a chemist, and a bacteriologist, made a careful inspection and advised that the bad results of the neglect the plant had suffered could be removed only by a complete removal of the many tons of rock contained in it, the careful washing of this rock, and then replacing it in the pits. Moreover, it was discovered that the size of the rock was not what it should be to give satisfactory service. It is, therefore, necessary to screen the rock before replacing it, and to supply a considerable amount of new rock of the proper size.

The cost will probably he about $2,500. No provision was made in the budget for such an expense; but it is a matter that cannot be postponed, so directions were given to begin the work, and it has been underway for about two months.

Since this extra expense has come upon us because of a mistake in installing the plant, and because of more recent neglect in properly caring for it, an effort was made to place the responsibility for it. It seems that the specifications called for larger rock than that which was put into the plant; but that the superintendent who installed the plant insisted upon using such rock as he had on hand, against the advice of the engineers. It is also claimed that the attention of the college authorities was called several times to the need of the plant for a proper cleaning, but no regard was given to the matter.

The town will pay a proportionate share of the cost of this work.

Electric Plant

The college electric plant furnishes all of the current for the college and town. At present the rates charged by the college for electric current are as follows:

For Light—0 to 50 k. w.8 cents
 50 to 75 k. w.7 cents
 75 to 100 k. w.6 cents
 100 k. w. and over5 cents
For Electric Power4 cents per k.w.h.

In order to ascertain whether our rates for electric service are fair, and at the same time sufficiently high to protect the college against any loss, information from several small towns in the state was secured. While it does not appear that it costs the college more to furnish current than is charged, yet our rates are less than those of other places. The rate for electric current was established many years ago, and in the meantime the cost of labor, fuel, and materials has immensely advanced.

The college has been supplying current to the town for all of its street lights free of charge. There are now 45 street lamps, which burn all night. The present system of wiring in the streets is not satisfactory, and an appropriation of $1,200 was included in the budget for the purpose of providing a series system. However, before this amount is expended it seems advisable for the Board to reach some conclusion as to whether or not the present policy should be continued.

Because of the necessity for raising wages and also because the cost of fuel and other supplies has advanced, the power-plant is facing a shortage. It is necessary to increase the revenue, and the operation concerned should be the source rather than some other department. There are two ways in which the revenue may be increased, namely (1) to cease supplying free current to the town for street lighting purposes and demand a fair return for this service, and (2) to increase the rates for current supplied on a commercial basis. There is no disposition to urge this, but some provision must be made for meeting the impending deficit.

Careful consideration has been given to the advisability of connecting with the lines of the Appalachian Power Co., in order that our current might be secured from that firm instead of being generated by us, our present plant to be retained for emergency purposes. This company was requested to submit a definite proposal, which it did. Professor Ellis, who has supervision of our power plant, was asked to calculate the cost of producing electric current. He submitted his calculations on two bases, reaching the conclusion that the cost was from 2.15 to 2.54 cents per k.w.h. After the proposal from the Appalachian Power Company was received, Professor Ellis was asked to calculate what current from that source would cost us, taking into consideration interest on the outlay necessary to make the connection with the company's lines and depreciation on this equipment. He reported that the power company's current would cost us 2.48 cents per k.w.h.

If we continue to generate the current we need, it will be necessary to install new engines. The recent General Assembly appropriated $25,000 for this purpose. This will not be enough to do what ought to be done, but it will relieve the situation sufficiently for the next two years, and we shall probably wish to include an item in the next budget for further improvements at the power-house. If we connect with the Appalachian Power Company's lines we shall have to expend at least $17,500 for the work and equipment to make the connection to Blacksburg. If we use this current entirely it will mean that steam from our boilers will be needed only for heating during the winter season. The advantage of using steam for the dual purpose of furnishing power and heat will be lost to us; but we will gain the advantage of being able to shut down our plant in the warm season. We will rid ourselves of the burden of supplying current to the town; but we will lose the benefit of our electric plant for instructional purposes. We will place ourselves in the hands of the power company as to the fixing of rates; and it may be noted that at present Christiansburg, which gets its current from this concern, is paying more for current than we are charging in Blacksburg for our product; and it seems that the service is no better and no more reliable than ours.

This is a very important matter, and whatever decision is reached will have a far-reaching effect on our future operations. In order to try to see the matter from all standpoints a committee from our faculty was asked to make still further study of the proposition and recommend what in their judgment is the best plan to follow. The committee unanimously agreed that the proposition is too expensive and should not be accepted. It is therefore advised that the proposition in its present form be rejected. Should the Appalachian Power Company be willing to modify its terms and submit a more favorable proposition, we may consider the matter further.

[The Board approved the actions and policies of the president concerning the various service departments as set forth in the foregoing paragraphs. Board in the private dining-room was increased to $30.00 a month; and the charge to cadets for board was increased to $25.00 a month for next session.

The President was requested to confer with the town authorities with a view to raising the charge for water to fifteen cents per 1,000 gallons, which was done, the town authorities agreeing to the increase. The charges for electric current, except for employes of the college, were raised to:

For Light—0 to 50 k. w.10 cents
 50 to 100 k. w.8 cents
 100 k. w. and over6 cents
For Power5 cents per k.w.h.

The question of charging the town for current for street lights was left to the president, and upon further investigation no change was made.]

Fire Protection

Hand extinguishers have been placed in all small houses and in suitable places in the larger buildings where needed. As soon as funds are available it is recommended that a small chemical fire engine be added to the present fire-fighting equipment, and that a similar engine be installed near the agricultural group of buildings. Two such engines may be secured for $385.00. It is also recommended that new fire-hose be provided in place of the old hose, now practically useless, in the barns. [These recommendations were approved.]

We have three houses, the aggregate value of which is probably $40,000, which have no water-supply near enough for use in case of fire. These houses, namely the president's residence, the extension director's residence, and the house occupied by Dr. Chrisman, are too far from the nearest fire hydrant to be reached by the hose in our present equipment. For proper protection the water-main should be extended from a point near the college barns to a point near the president's residence. This is a distance of 1,500 feet, and at the present price of 4 inch cast-iron pipe the cost of laying such a line and placing these fire hydrants would probably be about $2,300. There are no funds in sight for such work; but it is recommended that the work be done as soon as it is possible to finance it.

In view of the fact that since the present insurance schedule was made up a number of buildings have been assigned for purposes other than those printed on the schedule, equipment has been transferred from one to another, new equipment has been installed, and values of both buildings and contents have greatly changed in some instances, and also because some of our property is not included on the schedule, it is desirable that the whole matter of fire insurance be worked over and a new schedule made up. This is now being done with the cooperation of the insurance agents. It will, no doubt, be found necessary to increase considerably the amount of insurance carried in order to give our property a fair amount of protection under present valuation conditions.

Purchase Of The Houston Farm

Happily, the General Assembly appropriated $26,100 for the purchase of the Houston farm, which for several years has been under lease with option to purchase. The option sets a price of $150 per acre, and the land would easily sell today for double that amount. A survey shows that the acreage is 174.88 acres, consequently the amount to be paid for it is $26,232. Rent was paid up to April 1st and the owners notified that purchase would be immediately closed. The transfer has thus been effected, and the college has come into possession of a most valuable piece of property, exceedingly essential to the welfare of our agricultural interests.

Other Farm Land

In addition to providing for the purchase of the Houston land, there was included in the budget an item of $4,000 for a possible purchase of some land from Mr. Warren Miller this year, and an item of $5,000 for a possible purchase next year of a tract of ten acres now being rented for farm purposes from Mr. H. L. Shelor. There is doubt as to the expediency of making these purchases at this time, since there are most urgent needs in other directions for these funds. The college can no doubt continue to rent such parts of these properties as it may need, and there is some doubt as to needing them at all.

A proposition has recently come from Mr. Miller offering to rent a considerable amount of land to the college, with option to purchase. The rental of Mr. Miller's farm would cost us $1,500 per annum for 75 acres. No item is contained in the budget for rent. If, however, this land could be farmed by the college at a profit after paying this rental, there would be no apparent reason to decline the proposition because of the budget. As to the purchase of the 25 acres of land west of the railroad and adjoining our spring lot, which Mr. Miller appears to make a prerequisite to the rental proposition, it should be said that it would be very desirable for the college to own this tract, not only for the possible protection of the water-supply which it might give, but also because of its convenience and adaptability for farming purposes. To purchase this property would require perhaps $8,000, and only $4,000 was appropriated for buying Miller land, and in another place it is recommended that even this amount be used for another more pressing need, namely, to meet emergencies existing at the college hospital. It is recommended that the matter be given serious consideration as this may be the last opportunity to acquire the property.

[The Miller tract for which the appropriation was made was purchased, and the other tract was leased with option to purchase. The Shelor tract was not purchased because the owner declined to sell for the amount provided.]


A proposal has been received from Mr. James A. Otey for the sale of certain coal under his farm land. Professor Burkhart of our department of mining engineering was requested to investigate and report, which he did in a careful manner. The proposal does not seem to be such as it would be desirable for us to accept, particularly in view of the fact that it would necessarily add a considerable amount to the floating debt of the college. However, because of the very unsatisfactory and uncertain conditions of the coal situation thruout the country at the present time, it is well for us to consider carefully any measure which may serve to protect the college against shortage of fuel or exorbitant prices for coal. [The Board declined this proposal.]

Residences For Employes

Included in the appropriations recently made is an item of $15,000 for houses for employes. At the present time we have thirteen professors entitled to houses, but whom we have been unable to supply. It is presumed that seven and perhaps eight of these would prefer commutation even tho the houses were available. This leaves at least five for whom houses are badly needed. With the amount just mentioned it is of course impossible to build more than two or possibly three houses suitable for professors. It is recommended that steps be immediately taken to erect two professors' houses, to cost not more than $6,000 each, and that the remainder of the available funds be used to build a cottage for the temporary use of a professor or permanent occupancy by some lesser official of the college. It is also recommended that at least two of the "flats" in Barrack No.4 be fitted up for professors' families if needed. [These recommendations were approved.]

Extension Apartment House

The agricultural extension division having great need for a place of residence for certain of its specialists, particularly heads of departments, and since there is to the credit of this division certain unappropriated funds, it is recommended that the consent of the Governor be sought for the use of said funds for the erection of a house to contain four apartments for the use of employes of this division.

[The Governor having granted permission, the apartment house was authorized, to be erected at a cost not exceeding $25,000.]

The Budget

Submitted herewith is a condensed statement of the appropriations made by the recent General Assembly to this institution and its affiliated interests. Only one change was made in the recommendations of the Governor, namely, the addition of $700 a year to the appropriation for the crop pest commission.

It is gratifying to note that there are substantial increases ever the appropriations for the preceding biennium. Unfortunately the amount for the agricultural experiment station was not increased, which in reality means a decrease in the available funds of the station, because of a credit balance which had been brought over into the last fiscal period. This means cutting down somewhat the activities of the station, but it is hoped to do this in such a way that its efficiency may not be materially affected. The crop pest commission is hereafter deprived of certain fees, which amount to about $2,000 a year; but allowing for this loss there is still an increase of 8.8% in the estimated revenue over the preceding biennium.

The Governor's printed budget divides and classifies the amounts allocated to the various divisions and departments of the institution by functions or services to be performed for each year of the two-year period. It is thought best that our working budget, for the current year at least, follow very closely this distribution. Moreover, in view of prospective changes in the organization of the institution, it is considered best to make up at this time a working budget for only the four months from March 1 to June 30, 1920. All departments have been instructed to proceed cautiously and to spend as little as possible during the present transition period, deferring development plans until after July 1 next.

Amounts Carried in the Budget Recommended by the Governor for the College Proper

Salaries, Wages
Trav., Transp., Com., Ptg., &c
Supplies, Materials, Fuel, Food, etc.
Rent, Ins., Int., Loans, etc.
Total for Support497,373.06491,463.06988,836.12
Buildings and Farm Lands
Total for Capital Outlay109,170.0033,580.00142,750.00
Gross Appropriations Recommended
College Revenues
Net State Appropriation Recommended281,425.00199,925.00481,350.00

Appropriations Compared with Those Received for the College Proper and Affiliated Interests in the Last Biennium

Extension Div76,19292,192168,384147,752163,612311,36484.9%
Exper. Station30,00030,00060,00030,00030,00060,0000.0%
Crop Pest Com.17,00017,00034,00018,50018,50037,0008.8%
Livestock San. Bd.12,50012,65525,15521,37021,37042,74069.9%
Exp. Stas. in Augusta, Charlotte, Henry Cos.7,5007,50015,0008,4008,30016,70011.3%
Truck Exp. Sta.17,50017,50035,00020,00020,00040,00014.3%
East. Shore Exp. Station.2,5002,5005,0002,0002,0004,00020.0%*
The College items are divided as follows:      
For Support129,108129,108258,216172,255166,345338,60031.1%
For Deficit25,000025,000000
For Outlay000109,17033,580142,750


Total Amounts Including College Revenues and Appropriations Compared to Total Amounts Available During the Last Biennium

Extension Div.153,644233,884387,528305,503337,423642,92665.9%
Exp. Station79,09486,828165,92270,00070,000140,00015.6%*

* Decrease.