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1924-1925 General Report For The Year

Board Of Visitors

To fill vacancies caused by the expiration of the terms of four members of the Board on July 1, 1924, the Governor appointed Hon. J. B. Watkins to succeed himself, and Hon. A. T. Eskridge, Hon. James P. Woods, and Mr. T. Judson Wright in place of Dr. Meade Ferguson, Mr. R. Carter Beverley, and Mr. Robert B. Watts, all for the four-year term extending to July 1, 1928.

Changes In Staff

Deaths: Charles G. Burr, State Club Agent, Extension Division; Arthur F. Treakle, Professor of Poultry Husbandry, Poultry Husbandman, Extension Division.

Leaves Of Absence: Hallie L. Hughes, State Agent for Girls' Clubs, Extension Division, winter and spring 1925; S. A. Wingard, Associate Plant Pathologist, Experiment Station, 1924-5; W. S. Hough, Assistant Entomologist, Experiment Station (Crop Pest Commission), 1924-5.

Resignations And Expiration Of Terms: T. P. Campbell, Dean of the College; F. E. Williford, Commandant of Cadets; G. S. Ralston, Field Horticulturist, Experiment Station, Horticulturist, Extension Division, Professor of Pomology; H. F. Holtzclaw, Professor of Economics, Dean of Students, Dean of the School of Business Administration; C. E. Seitz, Agricultural Engineer, Experiment Station; A. B. Massey, Associate Plant Pathologist and Bacteriologist, Experiment Station; T. M. Chase, Associate Professor of Military Science and Tactics; L. A. Stearns, Assistant Entomologist, Experiment Station (Crop Pest Commission); W. G. Harris, Associate Chemist, Experiment Station; N. D. Gillett, Assistant Professor of Military Science; C. L. Hahn, Assistant Professor of Military Science; J. W. Bowyer, Assistant Professor of English; R. C. Day, Assistant Professor of Physical Education; G. A. Jackson, Assistant Agronomist, Extension Division; L. P. Emmerich, Assistant Dairy Husbandman, Extension Division; H. Fralin, Cheese Specialist, Extension Division; C. Schoenthaler, Instructor in Military Science; J. F. Ryman, Instructor in Physics; J. R. Abbitt, Instructor in Mathematics; W. T. Ackerman, Assistant Agricultural Engineer, Extension Division, Assistant Professor of Agricultural Engineering; O. H. Woolford, Instructor in Engineering Drawing; J. G. Wallace, Instructor in Physical Education.

Promotions: J. E. Williams, Dean of the College; T. W. Knote, Professor of Business Administration; A. L. Dean, Associate Professor of Poultry Husbandry; F. A. Motz, Horticulturist, Extension Division, Associate Professor of Pomology; B. C. Cubbage, Associate Professor of Physical Education; C. T. Cornman, Acting Assistant Poultry Husbandman, Extension Division, Assistant Professor of Poultry Husbandry; J. B. Jones, Assistant Professor of Experimental Engineering; J. A. Waller, Assistant Agricultural Engineer, Extension Division; M. J. Markuson, Assistant Agricultural Engineer, Extension Division, Assistant Professor of Agricultural Engineering; W. T. Ackerman, Assistant Professor of Agricultural Engineering.

Appointments: W. R. Nichols, Commandant of Cadets; R. A. Runnells, Associate Animal Pathologist, Experiment Station; Martha D. Dinwiddie, Associate Professor of Home Economics; R. C. Macon, Associate Professor of Military Science; H. C. Groseclose, Assistant Professor of Agricultural Education; W. C. Mallalieu, Assistant Professor of History and Economics; H. G. Iddings, Assistant Dairy Husbandman, Extension Division; J. J. Twitty, Assistant Professor of Military Science; A. R. MacMillan, Assistant Professor of Military Science; H. L. Klug, Assistant Professor of Industrial Education; L. Cagle, Assistant Entomologist, Experiment Station (Crop Pest Commission); E. W. Lawson, Sheep Specialist, Extension Division; Helen Ricks, Acting State Agent for Girls' Clubs, Extension Division; G. Elcan, Assistant State Club Agent, Extension Division; D. C. Heitshu, Instructor in Agricultural Engineering; H. C. Ahalt, Instructor in Mathematics; A. V. Morris, Instructor in Mathematics; F. S. Glassett, Instructor in Mathematics; C. W. Hoilman, Instructor in Electrical Engineering; S. A. Nock, Instructor in English; A. B. Clarke, Instructor in English; M. B. Blair, Instructor in Physical Education; W. C. Michael, Instructor in Graphics; H. G. Cutright, Instructor in Economics; P. Seidler, Instructor in Poultry Husbandry; J. B. Cole, Assistant Agricultural Engineer, Extension Division; Mary C. McBryde, Assistant Specialist in Landscape Design, Extension Division; S. R. Bailey, Assistant Agronomist, Extension Division; E. J. Albert, Instructor in Poultry Husbandry; J. F. Eheart, Assistant Chemist, Experiment Station; G. H. Carey, Assistant Dairy Husbandman, Extension Division.

Dean Of The College

As stated in the last annual report, an effort was made to find a man suitable for the position combining the duties heretofore outlined for the dean of the college with those more recently outlined for a dean of men, or dean of students. Fortunately, we have been able to find just such a man in Dr. J. E. Williams. He assumed the office of dean of the college on August 1, 1924, and is now carrying the combined duties to which reference has been made.


This has been a most unusual and difficult year with the staff, by reason of the death of two professors, the resignation of two professors, and the prolonged sickness of a number of others. The physical condition of several members of our faculty has been the source of considerable anxiety. It has been necessary to employ substitutes in only two cases, and these only partially.

These conditions have put an unusual teaching load on many of our faculty, but they have done their work cheerfully in the desire to help their colleagues and save expense to the college. A recent study by the United States Bureau of Education shows that the teaching load of our faculty is considerably heavier than that of the average for all of the state institutions of the country. In addition to their teaching a large number of them carry duties of considerable importance to the college, which take a larger amount of time and energy, and which save the institution considerable expense. Some are rendering professional service to other institutions, and much help is given in various departments through correspondence with individuals making enquiries. This is a voluntary service assumed without remuneration, and is of course outside of the agricultural extension division.

It is believed that, taking into consideration the resources, our institution will compare quite favorably with others in research, publication, and other extra-classroom activities—yet our faculty salary scale is still low as compared to other institutions even in our own state, as shown by the study just completed by the United States Bureau of Education.

Deaths In The Faculty

It is my sad duty to inform the Board of:

1. The death by accident, in Petersburg, Virginia, September 13, of Professor Charles G. Burr, State Agent in Agricultural Extension Service. He had been a member of the extension division staff for many years, he was a most valuable and efficient worker, and he was greatly liked by all who knew him. He will be sorely missed and his place is a difficult one to fill.

2. The death in Blacksburg on September 18, of Professor Arthur F. Treakle, head of the department of poultry husbandry in the division of resident instruction and also in the extension division. He had been in this position for seven years, he was an enthusiastic and dependable worker, he was of a genial nature, and favorably known to the poultry interests of the state, for whom he did valuable service.


The college year has been in some respects more satisfactory than last year. The enrolment of students, however, has been even greater, and problems of overcrowding have in no way decreased. There has been more sickness than usual this year. It may not be said with certainty just how much of this sickness has been the result of the overcrowded conditions in the cadet barracks, but such conditions are not conducive to good health, nor for that matter to good conduct and satisfactory study.

The session opened Wednesday, September 17, 1924. On the preceding day practically all of the new students were registered, and the entire registration of about 1,000 students was completed by the end of the opening day, so that classes were organized and started to work on the second day of the session. On the third day of the session an assembly of the cadet corps was held, at which the president outlined to the students certain important policies of the college. This address was printed for distribution to students, their parents, and others. It is especially regretted that the only auditorium of the college is not large enough to hold the entire student-body and the faculty at one time, and it is necessary to limit the attendance upon the assembly to cadets. In this way from 150 to 200 students do not get whatever benefit may be derived from the meeting together of the student-body and the faculty, indeed the faculty are unable to find seats in the hall when all of the cadets are present. The commandant and the dean of the college also spoke to the cadets at the first assembly. On the following night a reception was given to the new students.

In our dormitories we have 297 rooms. These rooms are intended for two students each, and in some cases they are too small for even two students. The normal capacity of the dormitories is, therefore, 594. At the beginning of the session there were more than 900 crowded into these buildings, and after unusual effort to relieve the situation there were still 800 rooming there. The new students in most cases roomed with four in a room and the sophomores and juniors, with the exception of a few junior cadet officers, roomed three in a room. There were about 170 students living outside of the barracks, a number of them in their own homes.

In accordance with the action of the Board, we have been quite liberal in permitting students to room off of the campus, indeed we have encouraged this as far as it seemed desirable. The fact is, however, that most of the students do not wish to leave the barracks, and the new plan has not brought the relief from crowding which we had hoped it would bring. It is not easy to secure suitable rooms in town at prices within the reach of the majority of our students. In the barracks we lodge them at a total cost of $44 for the session, which covers lights, heat, and janitor's service. We have charged no rent for rooms and the crude furniture with which they are equipped. In the town they must pay $18 or $20 a month for a furnished room with lights and heat, two students occupying the room. The cost is thus about double the cost of rooming in the barracks. Moreover, the students do not want to give up their R. O. T. C. pay. It is possible that we might arrange to excuse a portion of the R. O. T. C. students from living in barracks, but we must have the cadet officers there to maintain the corps organization.

Also as a result of the large enrolment some of the instructional departments have been overcrowded. Laboratory space is inadequate in a number of cases, and in one or two instances it has been necessary to employ additional assistants. The enrolment of new students in the business administration curricula has greatly exceeded our estimate and an additional instructor was employed there.

The dean of the college believes that we could easily have 2,000 students here in the next two or three years if we could provide lodging and classroom space for that number. Under present conditions we do not feel that we should admit as many as we now have. Wherever it seemed advisable we have directed applicants to other colleges, and we have advised some of our former students who returned here to change to other colleges. We have refused admission to a large number of former students whose records were not up to the average, students who would have been admitted in past years without question, and who would be admitted now to almost any other college that has room for them. While we cannot state the definite number, we believe that undoubtedly a considerable number of new students have been deterred from entering this college because of our crowded conditions.

The new commandant and the new dean of the college have gone about their work with enthusiasm, and there is every reason to believe that these two offices are being administered in a most satisfactory manner. The change in the military policy has apparently produced already a different attitude among the students, and while we should doubtless go much further than we have gone, there is ample evidence that the steps already taken are justified by the results.

For reasons stated in my letter to the members of the Board, it did not seem advisable to ask the Board to meet in special session prior to the opening of the year to consider matters connected with student life. At the August meeting a good deal was accomplished in this direction, and it is well enough to wait awhile and see the results of the changed policy already adopted. Of course everyone must recognize that we have merely made a beginning toward the solution of our problem.

The discipline during the year has been more satisfactory than for several years; but it is far from what it should be. In the last quarter of the session there is always a spirit of unrest and a tendency to lawless behavior, and this year has been no exception. The whole situation is a serious and perplexing problem, and one that a college should not be called upon to face. The officers in charge of the discipline are the most competent we have had since my connection with the college, and it is not probable that we can improve on them. The fault is in the system and not in those who administer it. This institution is attempting to do what no other institution in the United States is attempting. It seems that we are attempting an impossible task.

Especially by reason of the regulations requiring a minimum standard of scholarship, for attendance and for enjoying state scholarship privileges, the classwork of the students has shown general improvement this session. The Board will recall that this was predicted some months ago when we discussed these regulations. The beneficial effect of these standards is fully evident to all of us who are familiar with the records of students. We dropped a number of students for poor classwork, but the number of unsatisfactory reports was appreciably smaller than usual.

We were unfortunate in losing two of our students during the year. On October 3, 1924, Robert H. McCarroll, Jr., of Richmond, a sophomore, died very suddenly in the barracks after returning from a run of about a mile and a half. It should be stated that this run was not a part of the athletics of the college, but was taken by the young man of his own accord, during his free time. On June 4, 1925, W. Clyde Hudgins, of Laban, Mathews County, was drowned while swimming in New River near Pepper's Ferry. During his free time, he had gone with several student friends to the river without any knowledge of the college authorities. His companions made efforts to save him, but in vain. The body was recovered during the night.

Contingent Deposit

The contingent deposit required of students at time of registration is at present $7.00. At one time it was $10.00, and it was reduced in the hope that it would be an incentive to the students to be less destructive of the property of the college. The good result hoped for has apparently not been secured, at least in the case of the sophomore class. Last year there were refunds from these deposits to parents varying from one cent to over $5.00 in amount, and totaling $1,409.75 plus the amount paid to the federal government on account of veterans' bureau trainees. However, not only could refunds not be made to members of the sophomore class, because of their destruction of college property at commencement, but it was necessary to collect from members of the class who returned this session an additional amount in the effort to make up a loss of approximately $1,500 over and above the deposits made last year. When sophomores of last year failed to return this year there was no effective means of making these collections.

In view of the circumstances just stated the business office recommends that the deposit be increased to $12.00 for sophomores. There is naturally some objection to this, particularly where one class is singled out for its application. Yet the college cannot afford to suffer this annual loss, and we have used moral suasion and preventive measures as far as we knew how in the past without success, altho we may have lessened the evil some.

The Board directed that hereafter the college will not be responsible for trespasses and depredations of students on private property and for damages resulting therefrom, since the same is done without the knowledge, consent, or approval of the college authorities, but on the contrary against the general advice, and over the general protest of the college authorities. The Board called attention to the fact that the remedy for such acts of trespass, depredation, and damage is against the student, or students, responsible for the same, and that criminal or civil action should be taken against the guilty parties by the aggrieved parties.

Student Activities Fee

As has been the case for several years the students interested in the promotion of certain organizations in the college have again raised the question of establishing a student activities fee, to be collected by the college from all students. This is done in many colleges, and there are numerous advantages of such a system. Up to this time we have taken no definite action concerning the matter. It is true that a vast majority of the students join the organizations in question anyhow and pay these fees, yet there is obviously a difference when they do this voluntarily rather than at the demand of the college. Nevertheless, there are certain evils which no doubt might be corrected if the fee were collected by the college. It has always seemed that the amount set by the organizations, a total of $20 a year from each student, is too large to be accepted by us as a required college fee. The main objection, however, is that it would be unwise for the college to undertake to collect such a fee unless it also assumes full responsibility for the handling of all funds, does all of the accounting for the organizations concerned, and controls all of the expenditures of these organizations, whether the funds expended are derived entirely from the fees collected by the college or from any other source whatsoever. Unless a plan covering this method of handling student organization finances is worked out and accepted by the organizations, it does not seem wise to recommend it.

Cadet Uniform

The Board last summer approved a recommendation that the gray coatee be not permitted for use in any connection at the college. Certain students have recently requested that this action be rescinded. My views have not changed. The reasons given for my recommendation were: (1) the wearing of the regulation cadet uniform improves the appearance of the students; (2) respect for the regulation uniform is promoted by eliminating all use of other forms of military dress and regalia; (3) the United States Army has discontinued the use of a special dress uniform such as was formerly worn on formal occasions; (4) parents are saved the additional expense of providing a coatee used only at dances, and the expenses of the cadet dances are already unreasonably high. It was decided to permit the use of this to continue for the present.

The senior class filed a request for the privilege of wearing a white duck uniform on dress occasions other than required military formations. The price of this uniform is understood to be eight dollars. It is not proposed that this be made compulsory, but merely allowed as a voluntary variation from the regular cadet uniform on non-official occasions when desired by the individual members of the senior class. The commandant of cadets recommended that the request be granted as one of the special privileges allowed to seniors. This appeared desirable and permission was granted.

Rating Of War Department

Official notice has been received from the War Department that this institution has been again designated as a "distinguished college." This is the highest rating given for colleges maintaining military departments.

Special Short Courses

There has been an insistent demand on the part of certain of our agricultural interests for short courses to be given during the winter. Such courses were offered with diminishing success during a period of years, and were abandoned two years ago. The reasons for this were that our institution had become overcrowded with regular students, our professors were carrying as large a load as could be reasonably expected of them, and above all there were no rooms available for lodging such special students. We have repeatedly explained this situation to farmers' organizations, and also to the Governor and legislative committees in connection with the budget of requests for appropriations. To give these short courses properly requires a small appropriation specifically set apart for operating expenses, and it requires the provision of additional building space especially for dormitory accommodations. We can feed a large number of additional students, but we cannot find lodging space for them. Moreover, in some of our laboratories there is not sufficient space and equipment to carry the extra groups of students even for the short periods they are here.

This matter came to a head with the creamerymen the past summer, and a special committee was appointed to work on the problem. It was finally decided to put on during the winter a short course in creamery practise. We found it possible to make some slight additions to the equipment in this department to take care of this work, and we ventured to take a small group of students. The committee of the creamerymen's organization decided to support a request to the next General Assembly to appropriate funds for the erection of a dairy manufactures building and for the operating expenses of the short courses.

Other agricultural groups are asking that similar needs of theirs be met, and it is believed that in some cases this will result in getting their backing for requests to be presented to the Governor for the General Assembly next year.

Poultry Husbandry

One of the greatest needs of our agricultural college has been an adequate poultry plant. What we have was secured thru the Veterans' Bureau and cost the state practically nothing. It is altogether inadequate. We have a special appropriation of $4,500 for poultry structures in the second year of the current biennium. Plans are now in process for these buildings, but even with them the need will be far from met.

We have recently secured the active interest of the strongest poultrymen's organization in Virginia, a branch of a strong national organization, and an able committee recently visited the college with a view to ascertaining what they could do to help us develop this department. They have agreed to support a request for a suitable appropriation from the next General Assembly, and have also promised to assist us from other sources.

Much to our surprise and gratification, at the recent annual meeting of the State Farmers' Union, this organization went on record as favoring an appropriation of $25,000 from state funds for developing the work in poultry husbandry at this college. Our first information that this had been done came from the newspapers, as we had in no way urged such action.

Cooperation With Division Of Markets

The State Division of Markets is charged under the state law with the authority for, and with the duty of, accrediting flocks of poultry which meet certain standards. Since that division is without laboratory facilities it requested that the college carry on certain laboratory tests of poultry required in this certification plan. This appeared to be a desirable extension of our activities, and it is our policy to cooperate with other departments of the state as far as practicable. While it will be necessary for the college to advance a small amount to get the work started, it is proposed that it be maintained on a purely self-supporting basis, and such expenditure as is made by the college will be repaid later out of the receipts, the Bureau of Markets agreeing to pay so much a test for all tests made.

In approving this plan of cooperation, and authorizing the employment of an animal pathologist to conduct the work, the Board made its position clear by stating that "this institution is hereby prepared to make poultry tests whenever the invitations for such service come here from a recognized agency or organization, it being understood that no responsibility be assumed by this institution save in making tests and reports."

Forestry Extension Work

The last Congress passed an act known as the Clark-McNary forestry act, which provided that certain federal funds should be appropriated to the several states for extension work in forestry. The terms of the act did not make it clear whether the said funds were to be administered by the state forestry division or some other agency, and immediately a contest ensued between the state forestry departments of the country and the extension service of the various agricultural colleges. The matter was left to the Secretary of Agriculture to decide, and he rendered his decision in favor of the established agricultural extension service. Provision in the act was made for only thirty states, and notice was given that those states which could work out a satisfactory plan of cooperation with the state forestry department would be given preference in the selection. After negotiations with the state forester of Virginia, it was decided to propose a plan of cooperation between his office and our extension division. This being reported to the federal authorities we had the good fortune to be selected as one of the thirty states to benefit from the Clark-McNary act.

Under this arrangement the Clark-McNary funds provide $1,500 and the state department of forestry provides $1,300, making a salary of $2,800 for the employment of a farm forestry specialist; and our extension division provides $1,200 for expenses of this specialist. His headquarters are at this college, and he is under the administrative supervision and direction of our director of extension work. On the subject-matter side he is responsible to the state forester.

State Bankers' Association

The agricultural committee of the State Bankers' Association, together with a representative of the national organization, visited the college last fall and went over at length with us their plan of cooperation in the carrying out of the five-year program for the development of agriculture in Virginia. These men are much interested in our success and can be counted as valuable friends of the college.

State Chamber Of Commerce

The State Chamber of Commerce, recently organized, is doing a splendid, broad, and promising work for the general development of the state; and this college has become a member of it. One of the five parts of its five-year program is for the developing of our agricultural resources, and another is for the development of our industrial resources, for both of which this institution is striving. The other points in the program have this relation to us, that if they are even partially successful the revenues of the state should be considerably increased and thus additional funds be made available for our work.

Improvement Of Extension Agents

During the year a plan was suggested by the agricultural extension division for the professional training of our extension workers while in service. This plan includes four suggested means, namely, (1) a reading course, (2) an intensive short course, (3) short leaves of absence for intensive study, and (4) leaves of absence for graduate study.

There seemed to be no difficulty as to the first of these, and the director was authorized to proceed to put it into practise as he thinks best. The same is true of the second, and arrangements were made to give the home demonstration agents an intensive short course in home economics at the college. Other short courses can be more or less readily arranged to meet these needs.

There seemed to be no great difficulty about the third part of the plan. This was being virtually done, and no doubt it could be established as a definite opportunity without any fear of cost or interference with the efficient operation of the division.

The fourth part of the plan was the only one which seemed to present any difficulty. That was complicated by the relationship which the extension division bears to the resident instruction division and the experiment station. This arrangement should be made for members of the staffs of all three divisions of the institution. The custom is growing to grant sabbatical leaves (every seventh year) of a full year with full pay to college professors for study, travel, etc., and it would undoubtedly be an incentive to better service on the part of our workers in all divisions if it could be done here. In lieu of a complete plan of that sort, the plan suggested seemed eminently desirable. Graduate students at this institution are charged no college fees and all fellowships are open to extension workers as well as to others. The Board approved the proposed plan in all parts.

New Salary Schedule

Some of our professors have duties requiring them to be here twelve, or at least eleven, months in the year, while others who receive the same compensation are on duty only nine months and are free to accept work in the summer quarter here or elsewhere at additional compensation, or other employment, adding sometimes a third or a fourth to their regular yearly salary. All of the members of the staffs of our agricultural experiment station and agricultural extension division are on the twelve months' basis, but their salaries follow the same schedule as the teachers employed for only nine months. This situation had been discussed with the Board several times, and it was understood that the Board wanted a definite plan to meet the situation. The matter was discussed at length with Directors Drinkard and Hutcheson, and it was decided to recommend a new schedule of salaries, making due allowance for the unequal employment period. This schedule is based on two additional months' salary, at the same rate being paid to those who are on duty thruout the year, with one month allowed for vacation when it is possible for it to be taken without interference with the work. In other words, a member of the staff employed for twelve months would be paid the salary of the one employed for nine months plus two-ninths of the same.

The salaries of members of the faculty, regardless of whether they are employed for nine or twelve months, ranged for the different ranks between the following amounts:

Assistant Professorfrom $1,800 to $2,400
Associate Professorfrom   2,100 to   2,500
Professorfrom   2,900 to   3,600


These amounts represent cash salary, no perquisites allowed, and rentals paid out of the cash amount when college houses are occupied.

The new schedule of salaries includes the addition of $200 a year to all full professors' salaries to provide for the proposed increase in house rentals; and adds approximately two-ninths for the twelve-months' employment salaries. It ranges as follows:

 For Nine MonthsFor Twelve Months
Assistant Professorfrom $2,000 to $2,400from $2,400 to $2,900
Associate Professorfrom   2,500 to   2,900from   3,000 to   3,500
Professorfrom   3,000 to   3,900from   3,600 to   4,500


Ordinarily a member of the faculty is started at the minimum amount for the rank to which he is appointed, credit being given for service at other institutions. Heretofore, salaries have been automatically increased by $100 a year until the maximum for the grade is reached. We are now making a study to determine a better plan for increasing the salaries than the mere time of service basis. We are inclined to a basis which gives credit for advanced preparation and for degrees secured while in our employment, for productive work in the particular field of the individual, and for unusual qualifications and service of an extraordinary character and value to the institution. Such a basis as this would not mean necessarily an increase of $100 each year, but would recognize merit in each individual case.

At present the funds of the experiment station and extension division do not permit of putting into effect in full and at once the proposed schedule; but it is thought wise to go as far as possible and later, as the funds become available, move on up the scale until after awhile the full schedule may be in operation. For the coming year the station can go to $3,900 as a maximum for full professors, and the extension division can go to $3,600. Based on length of service there is perhaps no need for the extension division to go beyond $3,600 to put the full schedule into operation. The resident instruction division of the college can go to the maximum of $3,800 for full professors on nine months' employment for the coming year with the amounts already provided in the budget. It cannot, however, go to $4,500 for those on twelve months' employment, but probably can go to $4,100.

The proposed salary schedule being adopted, all three divisions of the institution were authorized to go as far toward putting it into operation for the coming year as their budgets permit. The experiment station and the extension division calculated their pay-rolls for the year beginning July 1, 1925, on the basis indicated, and these revised pay-rolls were submitted to the Board with the annual budgets of these two divisions. The salary changes for the resident faculty should go into effect September 1 rather than July 1, except in the cases of members employed jointly by the resident instruction division and one of the other divisions, and of a few members who need to be employed for twelve months by the resident instruction division alone.

Rental Of College Houses

During the past two years the attention of the Board has been called several times to the inequitable situation produced by the rental of houses of greatly different sizes and values to professors for a uniform yearly charge of $300. A plan to remove this inequity was submitted as follows:

1. Get a commission of three citizens of the community, men who are familiar with real estate and rental values and men in whose fairness and good judgment the professors have confidence, to appraise the value of all college-owned houses as to yearly rental.

2. On the basis of the commission's list determine the relative amounts to be charged for the various houses, the maximum amount to be no greater than the maximum salary paid a professor less $3,300.

3. Increase the salaries of professors of full rank uniformly, beginning September 1, 1925, by $300 a year, which makes the maximum $3,900.

4. Put into effect September 1, 1925, the new rental schedule, with rents running from $600 a year down, based relatively on the values set by the commission.

The result of such a plan is no hardship on any professor, as the increase in salary fully covers the increase in rent and in most cases exceeds it. This may mean getting too low a rent for some of the houses, and it is desirable to raise the maximum to the real rental value, and the others proportionately, as soon as we can afford to pay salaries in excess of the maximum here stated. Believing that such a plan would be fair to all and bring justice to those who are now discriminated against, the Board approved such procedure, the plan to be worked out and ready for consideration before September 1.

Requests From Employes

A petition was received from fifty-four employes of the shops, the buildings and grounds, the plumbing, the electric service, the laundry, and the tailor-shop departments, that an eight-hour day be allowed with the present ten-hour day pay continued. This matter has come up in past years, but it has not seemed advisable to grant such a request. If allowed to one department it must almost necessarily follow that other departments will become discontented unless it is allowed to them, and to extend it to the farm especially would be practically impossible. The Board took this view of the matter and the petition was denied.

The College Farm

The freeze of May 27, 1920, did great damage to the farm crops. Professor Hutcheson estimates that the loss will be from $3,000 to $4,000. This means a shortage in receipts from the farm, so that it will hardly pay expenses this budget year.

For four years the college has held a lease with option to purchase, on certain land owned by Mr. A. W. Miller, and adjoining the college farm. Mr. Miller asked what we purposed doing about this option, and that if we did not expect to purchase the larger tract east of the railway, we release same to him. We need additional farm land, particularly land for grazing, badly; but we hold the opinion that either the McBryde land which we are now leasing or a portion of the Smithfield land would be more desirable for our purposes than the Miller land. Seeing no reason for holding back Mr. Miller longer, we told him to dispose of his property as he saw fit.

A proposition for the sale of 66 acres of grazing land adjoining the college property was made by W. B. Slusser and brother. In view of the possibilities in several directions for the purchase of farming and grazing land, a committee composed of Dean Price, Professor T. B. Hutcheson, and Professor Hunt was asked to study the situation. This committee strongly recommended the purchase of the Slusser tract.

Items will be included in the biennial budget of requests to provide for the purchase of additional land for both farming and grazing. The Board authorized a total of $45,000 to be asked for this purpose.


The insurance on the buildings and contents has been recently increased by $160,400 as follows:

Buildingsfrom$ 847,000 to$ 980,150
Contentsfrom310,100 to342,350
Totalfrom$1,157,100 to$1,322,500

Since none of our insurance policies covered losses to students occupying rooms in the cadet barracks, the Board authorized a special policy to be taken for this purpose. This insures the property of the students for not in excess of $100 each. The premium is paid from the contingent fee and costs the students about thirty cents each for the year.


A recent survey of the financial status of the college shows that we are in a healthful condition, keeping within our means, and without any fear of a deficit. We have in operation a system of budget control which takes into account not only expenditures already made but also obligations incurred and prospective disbursements, so that we have a guide as to further authorizations for expenditures. In this way we are carefully avoiding going into debt. Presented herewith is a balance sheet showing in condensed form the financial condition of the college for the year ended February 28, 1925.

The attention of the Board was called some months ago to a large number of old debts owing to the college in its various departments for service rendered to outsiders and also to college employes. Since the institution in all its departments was put on a cash basis a year ago, there has been, of course, no increase in these past-due accounts; and a special and persistent effort has been made to close all of the old accounts. This effort has been quite successful, and it now appears that probably less than $200 will be actually lost.

Consolidated Balance Sheet

As at February 29, 1925

(Exclusive of Extension Division and Experiment Stations)

I. Current:
 Cash in hands of Treasurer $83,795
 Rotary Funds:
  Petty Cash$500
  Student Loans19,268
  Workmen's Compensation12,031
 Accounts Receivable:
  General Departmental1,829
  U. S. Veterans' Bureau11,845
 Supplies Inventory 41,656
II. Endowment:
 From Land Grant Act of Congress, 1862  344,312
III. Funded Debt:
 Sinking Funds in hands of Treasurer:
  Buildings and Equipment 40,233
  Water Works (fully paid) 6
IV. Physical Plant:
 Land (656 acres at $350 average) 229,600
  Less Depreciation Reserve, 10%180,778
 Central Heat Distribution System65,000
  Less Depreciation Reserve, 3%1,950
 Electric Service Distribution System25,000
  Less Depreciation Reserve, 10%2,500
 Water Supply System22,000
  Less Depreciation Reserve, 10%2,200
 Sewerage System20,000
  Less Depreciation Reserve, 20%4,000
 Departmental Equipment608,192
  Less Depreciation Reserve, 5%30,410
 Livestock 44,500
I. Current:
 Working Balance $1,365
 Reserve for Rotary Funds 31,799
 Reserve for Accounts Payable, etc. 78,107
 Reserve for Federal Income Advanced 17,997
 Reserve for Supplies 41,656
II. Endowment:
 Reserve for Land Grant Fund  344,312
III. Funded Debt:
 Buildings and Equipment Bonds, 1900  100,000
IV. Physical Plant:
 Balance due on Black Farm Property 17,176
 Balance due on Professors' Houses 11,894
 Equity of the town in Sewage Plant3,000
 Unencumbered Investment in Physical Plant 2,508,403

The Physical Plant

A large amount of work has been done on the physical plant, or is in progress during the summer. Aside from the usual items of general repair work may be mentioned the following:

An addition, practically doubling the space, has been completed at the administration building. The dining hall has been completely painted inside, and tile floors have been laid in the cold storage chambers. The mechanic arts building roof has been extensively repaired with a special appropriation made for the purpose. The commandant's residence has been connected to the central heating plant. The hospital has been connected with the central heating plant, thus bringing a much-needed improvement for which no appropriation was made by the state. Lavatories have been installed in every bedroom in barrack No.3. This completes the lavatory installation, so that now every bed-room in the barracks has its own lavatory. A special appropriation was made for this by the state.

To accommodate the greatly increased number of freshmen taking chemistry, an additional chemical laboratory has been fitted up in the room in science hall formerly used as a lecture-room for the department of geology. At the same time additional lockers in considerable number have been added to the old chemical laboratory for freshmen. As soon as the new building is ready, and the electrical engineering equipment can be removed thereto, the rooms now occupied by same will be turned over to the department of geology, after being thoroly renovated and fitted up for this department. Then the entire space occupied by the geology will be transferred to the chemistry. The new laboratory equipment is being manufactured in our own shops, and the cost is being borne out of funds not appropriated by the state.

Two large boilers have been transferred from the main power plant to the agricultural group heating-plant, and a new boiler has been added to the former, together with improved mechanical equipment. It is interesting to note that with this new boiler and equipment, including mechanical stoker, a considerable saving in fuel can be accomplished. We pay from $2.00 to $3.00 per ton for run of mine coal at the mine. With the new equipment we can burn efficiently slack coal that costs from 80 cents to 95 cents a ton. It should be a measure of economy to instal such equipment in connection with other boilers at the power-plant, as it is figured that the saving in fuel the first year would practically pay for such an installation.

The situation as to the sewer system improvements is not altogether encouraging. A representative of the Town Council and a representative of the college have been making an effort to secure rights-of-way thru the various properties between here and New River, but they have met with considerable difficulty. The whole situation is somewhat puzzling, but we hope to find a feasible plan in time to complete the work during this calendar year.

In academic building No. 2 four additional classrooms have been developed. These bright and comfortable rooms are large enough for our usual class groups and will be a welcome addition. This completes the development of this attic, where we have provided seven classrooms and four offices at a total cost of less than $4,500, using space that was absolutely worthless. This work was done without any appropriation from the state.

The western half of the front portion of the mechanic arts building is being completed this summer at a cost of $7,500. The lofty rooms are being divided so as to make two stories, with a stairway in the corridor. This will give us three additional classrooms and an office upstairs, and it will finish for use two large classrooms below. This space has been practically unused since the erection of this building ten years ago and has been a constant source of reproach to us. The new construction is strictly fireproof thruout, in keeping with the remainder of this building. This work is being done with funds outside of the state appropriations.

The recently authorized new electrical laboratory, which is to be the basement of a future engineering hall, is progressing, and we hope to have it completed early in the fall. This will be a handsome fire-proof addition to the plant. The site for the building was selected after consultation with Mr. Manning, our landscape design adviser. The building will be erected in such a manner that it may be extended up, for three stories above the basement, without changing the construction now under way. Work should be continued on this building at the earliest possible date, and every effort should be made to secure the necessary funds. An engineering building has been sadly needed for many years, and it is believed that a real start has now been made toward securing one. Unfortunately, for lack of funds, it does not now seem possible to connect this new building to the central heating plant, and we shall be compelled to install stoves for temporary heating the coming winter. This handsome addition to the plant will be made without any appropriation from the state; but it is urgently requested that the state appropriate funds to continue the work on the building above the basement.

The old building formerly used by the agricultural extension offices, and last year used by the department of business administration, history, and economics, is now being put in order for occupancy by the department of home economics for the coming year. All workers in this field, as far as possible, will have their offices there, and the classrooms and laboratories for the resident teaching in this department will be located there. Most of the equipment for the home economics laboratories has been secured. This work is being done without cost to the state.

The large residence in the grove assigned as a home for women students for the coming year, is being put into shape for the purpose and will soon be furnished. By comparatively inexpensive remodeling, six large bed-rooms, and an ample bathroom with modern fixtures, have been provided on the second floor; on the first floor the kitchen, pantry, and dining-room have been rearranged; and a large room with private bath connecting has been provided for the head of the home, with also a bedroom and toilet for the servant. This work is being done without special appropriation from the state, altho a part of the cost will be charged against the appropriation for general repairs.

The new poultry husbandry building is nearly completed. This is located in the center of the poultry plant, and it will be used for a variety of purposes. It is three stories in height, and of frame construction to correspond with the other buildings in the barns group. It was erected with a special appropriation of $4,500 made by the state, supplemented with $1,500 from our college funds. Considerable work of a minor nature has been done on the poultry plant recently, so that it is now assuming reasonably creditable proportions.

The milk-room at the main college dairy-barn has been completed and is now being used. The sheep-barn addition to the barn of the animal husbandry department has been occupied for several months. A silo for the beef-cattle barn is now being erected. The new pumps at the water-pumping plant, together with the remote control apparatus, have been in successful operation for several months.

By reason of the resignation of Assistant Professor A. G. Smith, on July 1, the house built by him on the college campus became the property of the college. In accordance with the agreement with him, the value of the house was appraised by three citizens, the amount being $6,500, which has been paid to Mr. Smith.

The new stadium has been practically completed with the exception of the concrete seats. Work on these is now being begun. It is not, however, expected that this stadium will he used during the coming football season. All of the work on this is being financed by the Athletic Association of the college without cost to the state.

The war memorial hall is progressing satisfactorily, altho it is about one month behind on its schedule. This magnificent structure will be a lasting credit to the institution, and a tribute to the new spirit of loyalty and helpfulness which is being developed among our alumni.

Disclaiming any intention of boasting, it is believed that we are justified in taking pride in the many improvements of a substantial character which we are now making on our campus, which with very slight exception are being accomplished without appropriations from the state. The necessary funds, except for the stadium and the war memorial hall, have been secured by thrifty business management. We are encouraged to believe that we have a real vision for the future development of our campus, and we also believe that what we are doing now is being done in the right way for the permanent upbuilding of the college.

It is well to again remind of the fact that the state has made no appropriation for increasing the building space at this institution for the last twenty years, altho the enrolment of students has multiplied two-and-a-half times in the last six years. The last building for which an appropriation was made was the mechanic arts building, ten years ago, and that was to replace a building destroyed by fire, hence it did not really increase the building facilities for the accommodation of more students. Moreover, that building was never finished, and we are now attempting to complete it. During this period all of the other state institutions have received substantial appropriations for new buildings, in most cases for dormitories and dining halls.

Biennial Budget Of Requests

The biennial budget of requests for 1926-28 has been submitted to the Board and approved. The budget is now being put into form for submission to the Governor.

Request Of The Alumni Association

At the annual meeting of the General Alumni Association, on June 8, 1925, a resolution was passed asking that the new engineering building, of which we are now erecting the basement, be named in honor of the late Col. William M. Patton, first dean of engineering at this college. The request was granted by the Board and the new building will be named "Patton Engineering Hall." It is understood that the alumni expect to erect in the main entrance lobby a suitable tablet explaining why the building is so called.

Building Needs

The attention of the Board has been called a number of times to the need for additional buildings, particularly for dormitories, which seems imperative. Until we get more dormitory rooms we cannot properly care for the present enrolment, we cannot admit many who desire to come here, and we cannot expect to hold our present relative rank among the colleges of the state. We have dining-hall, laundry, and other general facilities for several hundred more students, but the dormitory limitations stand in the way of filling our quota. It is respectfully suggested that this is one of the most important problems that could be considered by the Board. Problems of interior administration are constantly arising, but fortunately these may usually be settled by the executive officers of the institution. In this greater problem of providing additional buildings and funds for the development of the college, the governing board has something really worthy of its best attention.

For several years the president has been thinking about a plan for the development of the old brick quadrangle into a dormitory group, and the matter has been repeatedly discussed by him with the faculty committee on physical plant, with architects, and others. Our conclusion is that the most feasible plan is to:

1. Build a brick dormitory, corresponding in general architectural appearance and of practically the same dimensions as the present science hall, in the partially excavated space in the northwest corner of the barracks quadrangle. This building should furnish bed-rooms for approximately 170 students, rooming two to a room. It could probably be erected for $100,000.

2. Erect a stone building on our new development oval, of sufficient size to accommodate the departments of chemistry, physics, geology, and metallurgy, which are now housed in the science hall. Such a building should be fire-proof and of similar architecture and construction to the newer stone buildings. Eventually it is probable that such a building would be needed for the accommodation of the department of chemistry alone, and it should be constructed with this in view. It could probably be built for from $200,000 to $250,000.

3. Remodel the present science hall to convert it into a dormitory, with bed-rooms for approximately 170 students, rooming two in a room. It is probable that this remodeling could be accomplished for from $15,000 to $20,000.

4. Erect a brick dormitory to back up the present barrack No. 1 in accordance with the original plan for the barracks group, which was drawn many years ago. This should be similar in general architectural appearance to the present barrack No. 1, and should accommodate approximately 200 students, rooming two in a room. The cost of this building would probably be about $100,000.

By this plan we could provide additional accommodations for a total of 540 students, rooming two in a room. The present dormitories contain approximately 300 rooms, with a capacity of 600 students, rooming two in a room. The completed dormitory quadrangle would thus accommodate a total of 1,140 students, rooming two in a room, or in round numbers, 1,200 students. Other students, including day students and women students, might number as high as 300, bringing the total to 1,000 as a reasonable number to be properly accommodated with a plant of the size here contemplated. Of course this number will no doubt be greatly exceeded in future years, but a corresponding increase in the physical plant must be provided.

The foregoing plan would involve a capital outlay of approximately $450,000, which is certainly altogether reasonable if spread over a period of, say, five years. It is hoped that our Board will give serious consideration to this all important problem of finding ways and means for extending our physical plant to meet the ever-increasing and reasonable demands upon the college.


We feel especially grateful to the Board for meeting here two days in April to make an inspection of the physical plant, and to study the needs of the institution with reference to the biennial budget of requests for 1926-28.