1925-1926 General Report For The Year
To the Honorable, The Board of Visitors of the Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and Polytechnic Institute:
I have the honor to submit the following general report of the institution for the year which began July 1, 1925, and ended June 30, 1926:
Changes In Staff
Deaths: J. Bolton McBryde, Professor of Chemistry; J. R. Parrott, Professor of Mechanic Arts, Director of the Shops; J. H. Taft, Assistant Treasurer; W. J. Groth, Instructor in Military Tactics.
Leaves Of Absence: Hallie L. Hughes, State Agent for Girls’ Clubs, Agricultural Extension Division, 1925-26; C. C. Taylor, Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics, Specialist in Marketing, Agricultural Extension Division, 1925-26; Helen Woodruff, Assistant Librarian, January-February, 1926; Anna P. Cunningham, Assistant Librarian, January-June, 1926; L. L. Lancaster, Assistant Librarian, 1925-26.
Resignations And Expiration Of Terms: E. A. Smyth, Jr., Professor of Biology; D. S. Lancaster, Professor of Agricultural Education, State Supervisor of Agricultural Education; B. H. Van Oot, Professor of Industrial Education, State Supervisor of Industrial Education; Lula V. Walker, Specialist in Home Economics, Agricultural Extension Division, Associate Professor of Foods; F. R. Lyons, Associate Professor of Military Science and Tactics, Assistant Commandant of Cadets; W. S. Newman, Associate Professor of Agricultural Education; A. G. Smith, Assistant Professor of Vegetable Gardening, Specialist in Vegetable Gardening, Agricultural Extension Division; W. P. Hayes, Assistant Professor of Military Science and Tactics, Assistant Commandant of Cadets; H. H. Davis, Assistant Professor of Military Science and Tactics, Assistant Commandant of Cadets; Grover Kinzy, Coordinator for the United States Veterans’ Bureau; C. H. Raynor, Assistant Professor of Physics; C. T. Cornman, Assistant Professor of Poultry Husbandry; M. J. Markuson, Assistant Agricultural Engineer, Agricultural Extension Division, Assistant Professor of Agricultural Engineering; W. C. Mallalieu, Assistant Professor of History and Economics; H. L. Klug, Assistant Professor of Industrial Education; M. J. Bresnahan, Instructor in Military Tactics; F. P. Pitts, Instructor in Military Tactics; T. E. Starnes, Instructor in Poultry Husbandry; L. P. Emmerich, Assistant Dairy Husbandman, Agricultural Extension Division; C. B. Price, Instructor in Poultry Husbandry; S. A. Nock, Instructor in English; A. B. Clarke, Instructor in English; W. C. Michael, Instructor in Graphics; Paul Seidler, Instructor in Poultry Husbandry; S. R. Bailey, Assistant Agronomist, Agricultural Extension Division; Mary Hiss, Librarian; Ruth Reynolds, Acting Assistant Librarian; Lucy Patton, Acting Assistant Librarian.
Promotions: J. J. Vernon, Agricultural Economist, Agricultural Experiment Station; E. C. Magill, Professor of Agricultural Education; H. S. Stahl, Professor of Botany; J. R. Castleman, Associate Professor of Engineering Drawing; H. C. Groseclose, Itinerant Teacher Trainer in Agricultural Education; J. J. Twitty, Associate Professor of Military Science and Tactics; W. S. Hough, Associate Entomologist, Agricultural Experiment Station; A. L. Dean, Poultry Husbandman, Agricultural Extension Division; C. T. Cornman, Assistant Poultry Husbandman, Agricultural Extension Division; L. B. Dietrich, Assistant Professor of Horticulture, Specialist in Vegetable Gardening, Agricultural Extension Division; T. W. Hatcher, Assistant Professor of Mathematics; H. G. Pickett, Acting Assistant Professor of Chemistry; D. C. Heitshu, Assistant Professor of Agricultural Engineering; H. C. Ahalt, Assistant Professor of Mathematics; F. S. Glassett, Assistant Professor of Mathematics; A. V. Morris, Assistant Professor of Mathematics; H. G. Cutright, Assistant Professor of Business Administration; C. W. Hoilman, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering; M. B. Blair, Assistant Professor of Physical Education.
Appointments: Ellen A. Reynolds, Home Economist, Agricultural Experiment Station; W. E. Garnett, Rural Sociologist, Agricultural Experiment Station, Professor of Rural Sociology; J. W. O’Byrne, Farm Forestry Specialist, Agricultural Extension Division; W. M. Chapin, Associate Professor of Military Science and Tactics, Assistant Commandant of Cadets; Clarence Pickard, Acting Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics, Acting Specialist in Marketing, Agricultural Extension Division; J. B. Fogleman, Assistant Treasurer; R. M. Brown, Librarian; E. J. Maloney, Assistant Professor of Military Science and Tactics, Assistant Commandant of Cadets; T. R. Aaron, Assistant Professor of Military Science and Tactics, Assistant Commandant of Cadets; A. N. Tanner, Jr., Assistant Professor of Military Science and Tactics, Assistant Commandant of Cadets; Mary B. McGowan, Specialist in Home Economics, Agricultural Extension Division, Assistant Professor of Foods; C. H. Jenkins, Assistant Professor of History and Economics; H. W. Sanders, Assistant Professor of Agricultural Education; R. D. Walston, Assistant Professor of Industrial Education; E. L. Langsford, Assistant Agricultural Economist, Agricultural Experiment Station; J. F. Ryman, Instructor in Physics; Mary C. McBryde, Instructor in Design; G. H. Carey, Jr., Assistant Dairy Husbandman, Agricultural Extension Division; J. E. Caldwell, Instructor in Military Tactics; L. M. O’Brien, Instructor in Military Tactics; L. J. Bray, Instructor in English; N. P. Lawrence, Instructor in English; W. G. Tompkins, Instructor in Engineering Drawing; F. P. Pitts, Instructor in Chemistry; G. A. Van Lear, Instructor in Physics; Marshall Hedrick, Instructor in Economics; J. A. Brame, Instructor in Business Administration; R. A. Smith, Instructor in English; W. G. Nunn, Instructor in Agricultural Engineering, Assistant Agricultural Engineer, Agricultural Experiment Station; C. J. Coon, Instructor in Animal Pathology; L. K. Parker, Assistant Agricultural Engineer, Agricultural Extension Division; R. H. Chestnutt, Instructor in Agricultural Engineering; T. C. Maurer, Assistant Agronomist, Agricultural Extension Division; M. S. Kipps, Assistant Agronomist, Agricultural Experiment Station; L. H. Ferguson, Instructor in Military Tactics; Esther Derring, Assistant Librarian; Helen Woodruff, Acting Assistant Librarian; Mary G. Stark, Acting Assistant Librarian; Lucy L. Lancaster, Assistant Librarian; Ruth Reynolds, Acting Assistant Librarian; Lucy Patton, Acting Assistant Librarian.
Losses By Death
The year has been an exceedingly unfortunate one in losses by death. Professor J. Bolton McBryde, who died July 2, 1925, and Professor John R. Parrott, who died September 7, 1925, were among the members of the faculty with the longest records for faithful and efficient service. They were heads of important departments and their loss has been keenly felt. Mr. J. Hop Taft, who died October 22, 19215, for a considerable period of years had been the efficient assistant treasurer of the college and its affiliated interests, and his services have been greatly missed. Mr. W. J. Groth, who was one of the non-commissioned officers of the United States army assigned to this institution, had served here efficiently for several years.
During the year two students were lost by death, both of them being members of the freshman class. Cadet John Robins Lewis, of The Plains, died of erysipelas on November 20, 1925; and Cadet Nelson H. Lewis, of Richmond, died of pneumonia with complications on March 21, 1926.
Other Losses To The Staff
Greatly to the regret of all, Professor E. A. Smyth, Jr., the senior member of the college faculty, found it advisable to resign before the opening of the session. Dr. Smyth was head of the biology department for many years and at one time served as dean of the general faculty. It was decided to divide the work in biology, combining the botany with plant pathology and the zoology with animal pathology.
Because of their work with the state department of education, with headquarters at Richmond, it was necessary for Professors D. S. Lancaster and B. H. Van Oot to leave our faculty. The former was head of the work in agricultural education and the latter was head of the work in industrial education, both under the SmithHughes law for vocational education. Their advice and general direction of the work in these departments will be continued inasmuch as they are the state supervisors in their respective fields.
Summer Activities
The summer of 1925 was an unusually busy one on the campus. The summer quarter was attended. by the usual number of students, and the work was quite satisfactory. The conference of agricultural high school teachers, which was held during the last week in July, was attended by eighty-seven men, mostly graduates of this college. The annual short course for the boys and girls of the agricultural clubs was given during the first week in August and attended by 800 young people. The annual state farmers’ institute was held early in August and well attended. A short course for electric metermen was conducted August 18-21 by our electrical engineering department as a part of our work in engineering extension. This new project gives promise of meeting a real demand. On August 19 the first field day for poultrymen was held here. Several other meetings were held on the campus during the summer months.
Numerous building activities, some of a rather extensive type, and the addition of much equipment for teaching departments, are to be noted for the summer of 1925. These are being continued in the summer of 1926.
The Session Of 1925-26
The college year now closing has been by far the most satisfactory year of my administration. The general attitude of the students and their conduct have been extraordinarily good. This has been due to the officials directly in charge, namely, the dean of the college and the commandant of cadets, and to the leaders among the students who have been of an unusually fine type this year. We have also been greatly aided by some of the alumni and younger members of the teaching staff.
All departments of the college have made good progress during the year. The students are undoubtedly taking their classwork more seriously, largely as a result of the improved general attitude, the better conduct, the regulations as to state scholarships, and the minimum standard of scholarship required for attendance.
The session opened on Wednesday, September 16, 1925. On the preceding day all of the new students were registered and the entire registration of 1,048 students was completed by the end of the first day of the session. The registration on the corresponding day last year was 981. The registration was conducted in the smoothest way, with the utmost promptness, and at 8 A. M. on the second day of the session classes were met according to the daily schedule. Members of the faculty who have been here many years are high in their praise of the system now in operation, whereby the loss of about a week which was customary a few years ago has been eliminated. On the second day of the session classes were being regularly met and military duties were being performed as if the college had been in session a month.
We opened with a number in excess of that of last year at the corresponding date, despite the fact that we took such steps as seemed proper to limit the enrolment. Additional entrance requirements were imposed in the hope that the number could be restricted to a reasonable capacity of our plant, but still there was an increase.
The dean of the college believes that if we could have provided the proper dormitory accommodations the number of new students would have been from two to four hundred more than came, particularly if our loan funds could have been increased to meet the financial needs of a large number of country boys. There seems little doubt that we could have double the number of entering students if we had the dormitory accommodations for them.
The large number of students naturally meant a repetition of the crowded conditions of the preceding two years. Our cadets had to room four in a room, in numerous cases, in our barracks, despite the fact that we tried to get third and fourth year students to go out in town to room. We have had more rooming off the campus than ever before, but it is simply impossible to secure sufficient rooms in the community at prices which the students can afford to pay, if they can be secured at all.
Student Enrolment
A total of 1,205 students were registered during the session, which is practically the same as for the preceding year. Of these 190 were registered in agricultural curricula, 623 in engineering curricula, 238 in business administration curricula, 75 in applied science curricula, and the remainder in unclassified and special courses. The summer quarter of 1925 registered 226 students. Of the regular session enrolment, 1,099, or 91.2%, came from Virginia cities and counties, and the remaining 106 were from 20 states and four foreign countries. Only seven Virginia counties were not represented.
In connection with the student enrolment the matter for chief concern is the comparatively small number of students taking agricultural courses. Of the total regular enrolment only 16.9% may be credited to agriculture. For a six-year period the agricultural enrolment for the four-year college curricula has been: 1920-21,130; 1921-22, 164; 1922-23, 187; 1923-24, 213; 1924-25, 210; 1925-26, 190. During the same six-year period the number enrolled in engineering has increased from 455 to 623, in business administration from 29 to 238, and in applied science from 27 to 75. The number of freshmen in agriculture this year is 60 as compared with 53 last year.
With only 16.9% of the students taking agricultural courses the cost of giving this instruction is approximately 34% of the total cost of resident instruction, while the 55.3% enrolled in engineering cost only about 31%, and the remaining 27.8% in business administration and applied science courses cost only about 35%. This calculation of cost is necessarily only an approximation, but it is sufficient to indicate the relative cost of giving the three types of instruction. If we take merely the salaries of the instructors, we find that the cost of the agricultural teaching is approximately twice that in engineering, 3-1/3 times that in business administration, and 2-3/4 that in applied science.
There are but three ways to lower the per capita cost for agricultural instruction, namely, (1) to reduce the number of teachers and the number of courses offered; (2) to increase the number of students taking agricultural courses; and (3) to increase the charges to students in agricultural courses. The first of these would mean a lowering of efficiency and a narrowing of our activities, while the demand is constantly for an expansion of these activities, therefore to my mind it should not be done except as a last resort. We are now making an effort to eliminate some of the assistants in our agricultural departments, but their salaries are so small that the actual amount saved thereby is but a trifle. The second is undoubtedly the best way to reduce the per capita cost, and one which our agricultural faculty ardently desires to follow. The third is quite undesirable, because to raise the charges to students would operate to make it more difficult to increase the enrolment, particularly if the charges in the agricultural division are raised beyond those of the other divisions.
This is considered to be such a serious situation that our agricultural faculty has gone to work in earnest to improve the situation by increasing the number of students entering for agricultural courses for the coming session.
Fees Charged Students
I was asked by the Board to make a study of the fees charged to students at the various colleges of the state, with a view to considering the advisability of increasing our charges. I made a rather comprehensive study of this matter, and presented the results in the accompanying tables.
Table I shows the college fees (not living expenses) charged by the thirteen colleges for men in Virginia. From this table it is noted that this college is decidedly low in its total charges -- the lowest on the list. It is to be remembered, however, that only five of these are state-supported institutions, and the non-state-supported institutions must charge tuition, which runs up their fees. In the case of the University of Virginia, I have taken the fees for students pursuing engineering courses, in order that the comparison may be more significant _ students in academic courses do not pay tuition there. In every case the figures are for residents of Virginia.
Table I -- Fees Charged by Virginia Colleges for Men
(1) Institution | (2) Tuition | (3) Registra- tion | (4) Library | (5) Labora- tory | (6) Physical Training | (7) Main- tenance | (8) Total |
Med. Col. of Va. | $250 | $5 | …… | $15 | $5 | …… | $275 |
W. & L. Univ. | 225 | 10 | * | 20 | * | …… | 255 |
Univ. of Richmond | 125 | 35 | …… | 15 | …… | …… | 175 |
Univ. of Va. | 120 | …… | * | 35 | …… | $50 | 205 |
Roanoke College | 160 | …… | * | 10 | * | …… | 170 |
Hampden-Sidney Col. | 50 | …… | …… | 25 | 5 | 50 | 130 |
Lynchburg Col. | 90 | 16 | * | 20 | …… | 10 | 136 |
Wm. & Mary Col. | …… | 15 | $3 | 15 | …… | 60 | 93 |
Randolph-Mac. Col. | 75 | …… | * | 15 | …… | 50 | 140 |
V. M. I. | …… | 35 | 4 | …… | …… | 15 | 54 |
Emory & Henry Col. | 75 | 15 | 12 | 15 | …… | 33 | 150 |
Bridgewater Col. | 120 | 5 | …… | 20 | …… | …… | 145 |
V. P. I. | …… | 15 | 3 | 12 | 6 | 15 | 51 |
* Included in Tuition, Registration or Maintenance fees.
From the figures of table I, it seems that our registration fee is about right, our library fee is low, our laboratory fee is low, and our maintenance fee is about right unless it is desired to increase for meeting the general expenses of operation to a greater extent from this source.
The figures in table II, which are taken from a report of the United States bureau of education and have not been verified by checking with catalogs, indicate that in the dozen land-grant colleges nearest us five have a lower total than this college, while seven charge considerably more.
Table II -- Fees Charged by Land-Grant Colleges in Neighboring States
(1) Institution | (2) Tuition R’sid’ts | (3) Tuition Non-res. | (4) Regstn. | (5) Library | (6) Labr’y | (7) Phy. Tr. | (8) Total Res’d’t | (9) Medical |
Alabama | 0 | $50 | $65 | …… | …… | …… | $65 | …… |
Delaware | 0 | 100 | 50 | …… | 30 | …… | 80 | …… |
Georgia (Tech.) | $100 | 175 | 10 | …… | …… | …… | 110 | …… |
Kentucky | 0 | 10 | 39 | …… | …… | …… | 39 | $1 |
Maryland | 0 | 125 | 85 | …… | …… | …… | 85 | …… |
Mississippi | 0 | 80 | 12 | $5 | 5 | $2-1/2 | 24-1/2 | 8-1/2 |
New Jersey | 200 | 200 | 55 | …… | …… | …… | 255 | …… |
N. Carolina | 0 | 0 | 45 | …… | …… | …… | 45 | …… |
Ohio | 0 | 105 | 55 | …… | ? | 3 | 58 | …… |
Pennsylvania | 0 | 150 | 100 | 5 | 20 | 8 | 133 | 2 |
Tennessee | 0 | 80 | 5 | 4 | 16 | …… | 25 | 5 |
West Virginia | 0 | 100 | 25 | …… | …… | …… | 25 | 5 |
V. P. I. | 0 | 90 | 30 | 3 | 12 | 6 | 51 | 12 |
The University of Virginia charges non-Virginians a tuition fee of $160 in engineering courses; the V. M. I. charges $200 tuition to non-Virginians; William and Mary and the V. P. I. charge $90. The other Virginia institutions make no distinction.
Alabama, Maryland, and West Virginia charge $10 graduation fee; Georgia, Ohio, and Tennessee charge $15; Pennsylvania charges $4; and V. P. I. charges $3.
Alabama, Maryland, and New Jersey collect $15 as a fee for athletics and student activities; Pennsylvania collects $15.50; Kentucky and Mississippi collect $11; West Virginia collects $10; Ohio collects $3; and V. P. I. has no such fee, altho the student organizations have urged it.
As regards the library fee, it is to be stated that our library budget this year calls for the expenditure of $9,650, while the estimated income from fees is only $3,800. This includes very little for additional books, which are badly needed every year to meet ever-changing demands. It is hardly advisable, I think, to attempt to make the library entirely self-supporting, but increasing the fee to $6 a year as authorized will probably increase the revenue to approximately $6,800, thus meeting 70% of the cost rather than only about 40% as at present. I am inclined to think that the improved service which the library is now rendering justifies this increase. At any rate the library should receive much better support, especially in the way of providing for additional books, than it is now receiving.
Table III presents a detailed study of the cost to the college of laboratory work for students in the various curricula. This is compiled from estimates made by the heads of the various departments conducting laboratory work. Except in perhaps a few cases no account is, taken of the use of equipment, merely the supplies consumed in the using being considered. It would be perfectly proper to add something for the use of equipment, particularly that of the more expensive type, in which case the amounts would be considerably increased in some cases.
Table III -- Laboratory Costs Per Student
Curriculum | Freshman | Sophomore | Junior | Senior | Total | Average |
Agric’l Education | $15½ | $16 | $15 | $12 | $58½ | $14.6 |
Agric’l Engineering | 15½ | 17 | 10 | 8 | 50½ | 12.6 |
Agronomy | 15 | 16 | 11 | 9 | 51 | 12.8 |
Animal Husbandry | 15½ | 20 | 18 | 14 | 67½ | 16.9 |
Dairy Husbandry | 15½ | 20 | 20 | 25 | 80½ | 20.1 |
Horticulture | 15 | 15 | 11 | 11 | 52 | 13.0 |
Home Economics | 14½ | 16 | 28 | 10 | 68½ | 17.1 |
Chemical Eng’g | 15½ | 20 | 12½ | 10 | 58 | 14.5 |
Civil Engineering | 15½ | 13 | 5 | 5 | 38½ | 9.6 |
Electrical Eng’g | 15½ | 16 | 10 | 6 | 47½ | 11.9 |
Mechanical Eng’g | 15 ½ | 16 | 5 | 7 | 43½ | 10.9 |
Mining Engineering | 15½ | 19 | 10 | 5 | 49½ | 12.4 |
Agric’l Economics | 16 | 8 | 8½ | 1 | 33½ | 8.4 |
Business Adminis. | 0 | 11 | 9 | 5 | 25 | 6.3 |
Commercial Eng’g | 15½ | 10 | 9 | 0 | 34½ | 8.6 |
Secr’l Wk. & Tchg. | 0 | 11 | 15 | 10 | 36 | 9 |
Pre-Law (2 yrs.) | 4 | 11 | …… | …… | 15 | 7.5 |
Biology | 8 | 18 | 13 | 15 | 54 | 13.5 |
Chemistry | 8 | 17 | 11 | 9 | 45 | 11.3 |
Geology | 8 | 16 | 10 | 11 | 45 | 11.3 |
Metallurgy | 8 | 16 | 12 | 9 | 45 | 11.3 |
Pre-Medical (2 yrs.) | 8 | 18 | …… | …… | 26 | 13 |
Pre-Pharmacy (2 yrs.) | 8 | 24 | …… | …… | 32 | 16 |
Pre-Dental (2 yrs.) | 8 | 18 | …… | …… | 26 | 13 |
Average for All | $11½ | $16 | $12 | $9 | …… | $12.3 |
There has been some complaint as to the laboratory charge for students registered in certain years of certain curricula when no laboratory work has been actually scheduled for them during a particular quarter or session. Whether this should be taken into consideration and a student charged a stated fee for each laboratory class he enters, or whether we should continue our flat fee regardless of whether a student is taking any laboratory classes or much or little such work, is a question which we have never felt that we could satisfactorily answer. It does seem to me, however, that we might recognize the great differences in the cost to the college for laboratory work in the different divisions, as shown by the table.
A Regiment of More Than a Thousand

It looks like, if we add a little for the use of equipment, it would be entirely fair to charge a laboratory fee of $18 for agricultural students, $15 for engineering and applied science students, and $12 for business administration students. This would mean an estimated income from this source of $16,146 a year instead of the present $13,068, a gain of approximately $3,000.
As for the physical training fee which originated as a voluntarily imposed student assessment, it may be said that with the very much better facilities for this department of instruction, and the greater benefits which the student may derive in the way of opportunities for physical development, it seems to me we are justified in raising this fee to $9 instead of $6 a year.
Increasing our library fee to $6 and our physical training fee to $9, if we should increase our laboratory fee to $12-$18, the total here would be increased from $51 a year to $57-$63 a year, according to the curriculum being taken.
Authority has been given to increase our tuition for students not holding state scholarships from $90 to $120 a year, after the coming year.
Table IV gives information as to certain fees other than the regular college fees required of all students. The athletic and student activities fees are usually charged at the request of the students themselves, as they relate to their own activities, the college being merely used as a collecting and enforcing agency. The graduation fee applies only to those who graduate. The contingent fee is usually returnable less the amount assessed for damage to college property, or loss of college equipment.
Table IV-Required Fees for Student Activities and Graduation
(1) Institution | (2) Athletics | (3) Other St. Actvs. | (4) Graduation | (5) Contingent |
Medical Col. of Va. | …… | …… | $30 | $20 |
W. & L. Univ. | * | * | * | 5 |
Univ. of Richmond | $15 | $10 | 5 | 5 |
Roanoke College | * | …… | 5 | 5 |
Hampden-Sidney Col. | 12 | 15 | 5 | 5 |
Lynchburg Col. | …… | 10 | 10 | 5 |
Wm. & Mary Col. | 13½ | 13½ | 7½ | 3 |
Randolph-Mac. Col. | 15 | 10 | …… | 2½ |
V. M. I. | 10 | …… | 10 | …… |
Emory & Henry Col. | 7½ | 10½ | 7½ | 5 |
Bridgewater Col. | …… | 10 | 7½ | 4 |
V. P. I. | …… | …… | 3½ | 7 |
* Included in general college fees.
Several times I have discussed with the Board the question of charging an athletic or student activities fee. We have been requested every year for several years to do this, the various student organizations desiring it very much. We have not yet seen our way clear to recommend it, because the student organizations have not seemed willing to meet the conditions which were suggested as a basis for the college enforcing the collection of such a fee.
As authorized, the graduation fee will be increased at once to $5.00.
Our contingent fee appears to be higher than at the other Virginia colleges, and perhaps we should reduce it to $5.00, but I do not recommend that this be done for the coming year.
Living Expenses Of Students
The living expenses of students, so far as collections made by the college are concerned, fall into four items, namely, room (including heat, light, and janitor), board, laundry, and medical or infirmary care. These items at Virginia colleges for men are set forth in table V.
Table V -- Living Expenses at Virginia Colleges for Men
(1) Institution | (2) Room | (3) Board | (4) Laundry | (5) Medcl. | (6) Total Liv.Exp. | (7) Total Fees | (8) Total All |
Med. Col. of Va | † | $315 | $30? | ? | $345 | $275 | $620 |
W. & L. Univ | $72 | 225 | 20 | ♦ | 317 | 255 | 572 |
Univ. of Richmond | 60 | 225 | 30 | $5 | 320 | 175 | 495 |
Univ. of Virginia . | 65 | 250 | 35 | ♦ | 350 | 205 | 555 |
Roanoke College | 56 | 225 | 27 | ♦ | 308 | 170 | 478 |
Hampden-Sid. Col. | 80 | 207 | 25 | 15 | 327 | 130 | 457 |
Lynchburg Col. | 72 | 198 | 18 | 5½ | 293½ | 136 | 429½ |
Wm. & Mary Col. | † | 306 | 27 | ♦ | 333 | 93 | 426 |
Randolph-Mac. Col | 50 | 200 | 30 | 5 | 285 | 140 | 425 |
V. M. I. | 60 | 250 | 30 | 12 | 352 | 54 | 406 |
Emory & Henry Col. | 60 | 171 | 18 | 4½ | 253½ | 150 | 403½ |
Bridgewater Col | † | 192 | 15 | 5 | 212 | 145 | 357 |
V. P. I. | 45 | 195 | 19 | 12 | 271 | 51 | 322 |
† Included in Board.
♦ Included in College Fees.
From the table it is seen that the living expenses at this college are less than they are at any institution in Virginia with the exception of Bridgewater and Emory and Henry. Our charge for room is the lowest on the list; our charge for board is the lowest with the exception of Bridgewater and Emory and Henry; and our charge for laundry is lowest with the exception of Bridgewater, Emory and Henry, and Lynchburg.
When the new dormitories are provided under the Noell act, it will be necessary to charge occupants of rooms therein at least $54 a session to comply with the law. As authorized we will raise the room charge at once to $55 a year.
In our dining-hall we are allowed by the Governor’s budget only 45 cents per capita daily for food, and last year we ran on 43.9 cents, while the University cost was 48.3 cents, the William and Mary cost was 63 cents, and the V. M. I. cost was 69.3 cents. These figures are obtained from the statement issued from the state budget office. Altho our cost of food is much lower than the other institutions, and our charge is also less, I believe that the fare here will compare quite favorably with that served at the other institutions. We have managed during the past six years to come out at the end of the year without any deficit. However, in this connection I should direct attention to the statement which by direction of the Board I made to the appropriation committees of the last General Assembly. In this it was shown that we are required under the present budget to make a profit of $6,900 a year out of our students in the dining-hall alone, or about 5% on expenditures. I have discussed this problem at length with the Board, and I have suggested that we might be forced to increase the charge for board to meet the conditions imposed by the budget. Yet, despite this, I am not disposed at this time to recommend any increase in the charge for board.
Our laundry is managed economically and is keeping within its income, so I see no reason for increasing the laundry charge at this time, altho it is comparatively low, as seen from the table.
Our hospital budget calls for the expenditure of $14,725 during the current year, with an estimated income from fees paid by students of $12,000. An increase of $3 a year in this fee would put the hospital on a self-supporting basis and probably enable us to render an improved service. As our medical fee seems to be somewhat higher than that of the other institutions in Virginia for which we have figures, I am not disposed to recommend an increase at the present time.
It will be seen from the table that adding the total college fees to the total collected by the college for living expenses, our charges to students are considerably lower than those of any other college for men in Virginia. If we make all the slight increases suggested in this report, the total will still be appreciably lower than any other college on the list.
Total Cost Of Attendance
A study of the cost of attendance, including clothing, incidentals, and all expenses outside of as well as included in the amounts collected by the college, based on data furnished by the students themselves (440 keeping such records for a year), shows the following:
Table VI -- Total Cost of Attendance
Class Group | Minimum | Maximum | Average | No. Under Av. | No. Over Av. |
Freshman | $465 | $903 | $628 | 126 | 93 |
Sophomore | 388 | 800 | 555 | 73 | 54 |
Junior | 434 | 968 | 597 | 46 | 35 |
Senior | 410 | 894 | 614 | 10 | 8 |
ALL | $388 | $968 | $601 | 255 | 190 |
War Department Rating
It is gratifying that the rating given this institution this year as a “distinguished college” by the United States war department was 90.6%, as compared with 79.6% last year. While we do not have the percentages for every year, we are sure that this year’s rating is the highest we have received.
Gifts Of Equipment
It is gratifying to report the gift of a collection of minerals received from Mrs. August Meyer, of Richmond, the gift of approximately $10,000 worth of equipment for our electrical laboratory from an anonymous donor, and the gift of a considerable amount of electrical equipment presented by the Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company. Other gifts of equipment and a number of books for the library have been received recently.
Dairy Records
Some very creditable records have been made recently by members of our dairy herds. One Guernsey cow made both a state and a world record. Information concerning the latter has been published in the newspapers of the state.
Provisions For Crop Pest Work
In accordance with an act passed by the last General Assembly, I met with the president of the state board of agriculture on May 7 and we agreed on a basis for the division of the funds for the current appropriation year. This agreement was approved by the Governor. It provides that the unexpended balance of the appropriation for the year ending February 28, 1927, remaining on hand July 1, 1926, shall be divided one-third to the state board of agriculture and two-thirds to the agricultural experiment station. It is presumed that the balance remaining on July 1, 1926, will be two-thirds of the total appropriation to the crop pest commission for the current budget year, namely, $12,836.67, or approximately that amount. The agricultural experiment station, therefore, is basing its budget for carrying on its part of the work of the crop pest commission on the assumption that it will receive approximately $8,557.76 this year. This division of the appropriation to the crop pest commission holds only until the end of the current appropriation year, February 28, 1927, and the division for the second year of the biennium will be decided upon some time prior to March 1, 1927.
The state board of agriculture desires that Professor Schoene continue in charge of the inspection and regulatory work from July 1, 1926, to January 1, 1927, and he is willing to do this. Accordingly, arrangements have been made for this part of the work of the crop pest commission to be under his direction, the expenses of same to be borne by the state board of agriculture out of its one-third of the balance remaining on hand July 1, 1926.
Certain of the employes of the crop pest commission will be taken over by the agricultural experiment station, as indicated in the salary list already presented. The other one or two men will doubtless be taken over by the state department of agriculture for the regulatory work.
World War Memorial Hall
The world war memorial hall is now practically completed, but for what appear to the committee to be good reasons it has been decided to postpone the formal dedication of the building until October 23, 1926, when the new stadium will also be dedicated and a big home-coming of alumni arranged. This magnificent addition to our physical plant has been provided by our alumni and a few other friends of the college. To date approximately $300,000 has been expended upon this building. The subscriptions are due over a period of years, hence it has been necessary for funds to be advanced in order to keep the contractors paid up to date. The chief burden of this loan of funds has been borne by Mr. Lawrence Priddy, who has worked unceasingly from the beginning to raise funds for this project, and who has to date advanced $65,000; by Mr. Arthur J. Grymes, who has advanced $35,000; and by Mr. Walter M. Priddy, who has advanced $26,250. Five other alumni have together advanced $30,000. This loyalty of our alumni should receive our hearty commendation.
Purchase Of Land
In fulfilment of the directions of the Board the 66.66 acres of land lying across the Price’s Fork road and adjoining the property of the college, were purchased from W. B. and F. A. Slusser, for a price of $13,332.00. Cash payment of $3,332.00 was made upon delivery of the deed on September 19, and three notes were given for the balance, each for $3,333.33, payable one, two, and three years from date. This land is intended for use as pasturage for the department of animal husbandry.
The college farm is now operating, on lease for five years from January 1, 1924, approximately 132 acres of land belonging to the Dr. J. M. McBryde estate, lying across the Price’s Fork road and adjoining our property. By the terms of the lease the college is to be given preference if the owners desire to sell this land within or at the termination of the lease. The lease does not include the residence and the small tract immediately surrounding same, but does include the barn. We have been informed by the heirs that they would like to sell the residence and desired us to release them from any obligation as regards that portion of the property if we do not desire to purchase the house. Since there is but remote possibility that we could ever use this house in any way to justify the cost of same, it was decided to release the owners from any obligation to the college on account of it.
The Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station
On July 1, 1925, the station began to receive additional support from the federal government under the Purnell act. This increase in funds made it possible to expand the research work in agricultural economics dealing with the business side of farm life, and at the same time to inaugurate programs of research in home economics and rural sociology. Thorough investigations of problems bearing on the business and social aspects of rural life in Virginia give promise of fruitful results. Persons well equipped for research on these problems were added to the staff.
New research projects inaugurated this year include: the attitudes of rural people toward organizational policies and problems; the economics of beef cattle production; practices in renting farms; food expenditures and dietary standards of rural families; the relationship of rural housing to health; and the dairy enterprise in the Shenandoah valley.
The station is now working on more than a hundred projects, which represent the most important farming problems in Virginia. These research projects lie in the fields of farm crops, soils, fertilizers, orchard fruits, dairy husbandry, animal husbandry, agricultural chemistry, agricultural engineering, poultry diseases, insect pests, and diseases of plants.
The station work made satisfactory progress during the year and the force of workers was strengthened in several instances. A number of projects were brought to a conclusion, as shown by the titles of the bulletins published during the year, as follows: Causes of profit or loss on Virginia tobacco farms; Experiments with suncured tobacco and other crops grown in rotation with it; Dried apple pomace compared with dried beet pulp and with corn silage in feeding dairy cows for milk production; Honeysuckle eradication in Virginia apple orchards; Apple disease studies in northern Virginia; Pastures for hogs reduce the cost of producing pork in eastern Virginia; Experiments with alfalfa in eastern Virginia; Codling moth investigations in Virginia; Renting farms in Virginia.
The Agricultural Extension Division
During the year the county farm and home demonstration agents in Virginia worked out definite extension programs in 1,532 communities. They had the assistance of 3,031 local leaders in developing and putting these programs into operation. The county agents carried on extension work with both adults and juniors, and in order to reach the most people they worked thru organized clubs wherever possible. More than 15,000 boys and girls, and 11,500 men and women, were enrolled in 1,870 clubs. In addition to the instruction given thru organized clubs, farm agents made 67,856 visits to 25,383 different farms, and home agents made 20,864 visits to 9,956 different homes. These agents wrote 86,309 individual letters, and received 33,152 telephone calls and 42,104 office calls, relating to extension work. They held or attended 11,709 extension meetings, with a total estimated attendance of 299,959 people.
The outstanding developments were the promotion of intensive dairying, poultry, lamb improvement, and home improvement campaigns. As a result of the dairy extension work three new cowtesting associations were organized, making a total of eighteen such associations now in active operation in the state. The associations are the best known means of promoting efficiency on dairy farms, and records have been kept with 9,563 cows during the year. In addition to the work of that organization, the county agents carried on 306 feeding demonstrations and assisted farmers in obtaining 206 pure-bred dairy bulls and 320 pure-bred females. A number of “milk-for-health” campaigns were put on, which added materially in increasing the consumption of dairy products.
Poultry development is increasing by leaps and bounds, and Virginia is now the leading poultry state in the southeast. The flock improvement contests, culling, and poultry certification have done much to bring this about. During the year extension agents showed 2,315 poultry raisers how to cull. Flocks on these farms contained 133,828 birds. Over twenty per cent. of these birds were found to be poor layers and were sold out of the flocks.
The outstanding piece of livestock development during the year was the progress made in improving the lamb crop. Emphasis in this campaign has been given to better breeding, parasite control, docking, and castration. A total of 313 farmers were assisted in procuring pure-bred rams during the year. The stomach worm treatment was given to 50,000 ewes, and 65,000 lambs were put on the market as improved lambs.
Some form of home improvement work with women or girls, or both, was carried on in every county in which home demonstration agents were employed. In eight counties eighty-two girls were enrolled in definite room improvement contests. The work in kitchen improvement was continued and four new counties were added, with 132 women enrolled. Four counties were selected in which detailed landscape plans were prepared for fifteen type homes. During the year 526 farm women and twenty-four farm girls were enrolled in the yard beautification work.
Among bulletins published in addition to the annual report, are: Breeders’ directory of pure-bred livestock; Twenty lessons in corn production; Breakfasts and suppers; Harvesting, handling, storing, and culling sweet potatoes; 4-H club song book; spray calendar for apples; Use of explosives on the farm; Copper carbonate treatment for wheat smut; and a Five-year program for each of six counties.
The Engineering Experiment Station
A bulletin on the design of gear trains, of which Professor Rasche is the author, was issued during the year. The result claimed for this research is the simplification of gear-train design. Some progress was made on the project, the thermal and electrical conductivities of substances at high temperature, by Dr. Robeson and Professor Haynes. After considerable experimentation a new method of procedure had to be adopted.
The Engineering Extension Division
During the year the following bulletins were published by the engineering extension division: Elementary principles of radio; Sewerage; The construction of radio receiving sets, part I; The construction of radio receiving sets, part II. Approximately three thousand of each of these bulletins were distributed throughout Virginia.
Advice on engineering problems was given by correspondence to a large number of persons, and in three cases special trips were made by members of our engineering faculty. Where trips were made the expenses were borne entirely by the parties benefitted. One student carried on a correspondence course in reinforced concrete. A short course was given to electric metermen.
Heating Of Patton Engineering Hall
In planning the new Patton engineering hall, of which the basement floor has been completed, no provision was made for an individual heating plant because of the policy to connect all of the buildings on the main campus with the central heating-plant. Until funds could be found for making the connection it was proposed to install stoves. The occupancy of the building having been unexpectedly delayed, the installation of stoves has been postponed, in the hope that before the building is actually occupied some way may be found to install the permanent heating equipment and connection to the central heating-plant. This requires a concrete conduit, connecting with the present system near barrack No. 3, and the installation of steam mains and returns for the ultimate building of four stories, as well as the radiation on the basement floor.
It has been planned to connect the administration building to the central heating-system at the same time the foregoing installation is made, as this may be done conveniently by connecting with the mains at a point near the new building, and this work can probably be more cheaply done along with the other than as a separate project.
Hoping that the Governor would provide an item in his budget for this work, and recognizing the urgency of completing it at the earliest possible date, so that the new building may be used without resorting to the unsatisfactory and needlessly expensive method of heating temporarily with stoves, I asked our heating engineers, Messrs. Wiley and Wilson, to prepare the plans and specifications, advertise for bids, and make all arrangements for same to be considered by the Board.
When the bids were invited it was distinctly stated that the right would be reserved to reject all bids. This was done, among other reasons, in order that we might abandon the whole project if we could not find the necessary funds. It was not, of course, known at that time whether the Governor would recommend an appropriation for this or not. The Governor’s budget did not contain such an item. This budget did, however, recommend appropriations for one or two other items which, while needed, are not so urgent as this heating item, and I feel confident that we can get the necessary amount from another item, or items.
I was authorized to award contract for the installation of heating equipment in the new engineering building, with connections for this building and the administration building to the central heating-system, as soon as funds were available for the same. It is gratifying to report that we were able to set aside $13,532 out of the balance remaining on hand at the close of the year ended February 28, 1926, to cover this project. Accordingly, contracts were signed for the work and it is now in progress.

Heating Of War Memorial Hall
It has been understood from the beginning that the world war memorial hall, being erected with funds contributed by the alumni and a few other friends of the college, would be connected with the central heating-system; and no provision for heating otherwise was made in planning the building. It was in my mind that we might secure a special appropriation of $24,000 to cover the net loss on the field house, which was destroyed by fire in November, 1923, and use this to pay for this heating connection. At the session of the General Assembly in 1924 I had a bill introduced for this purpose, but it failed to secure the necessary constitutional majority in the House of Delegates after having passed the Senate. This bill was reintroduced in the 1926 session and passed the Senate unanimously, but in view of the fact that the measures providing additional revenue failed of passage this bill was not pushed in the House of Delegates. Our friends there advised that we wait another two years and ask for this amount in the Governor’s budget, and there seems to be a good chance that the appropriation will be secured in this way.
But in the meantime the building must be heated, because it is to be used at the opening of next session, in September. I proposed to the heating engineers that a temporary heating plant be established at the building, but after carefully computing the cost of installation and operation it was conclusively shown that it would be more economical to borrow the necessary money, at 6% interest if necessary, and make the permanent connection to the central heating-system at this time. This is far preferable from every standpoint. I am glad to say that I have been able to provide in the budget for this year for the borrowing of the necessary amount, estimated to be $20,000, from the general funds of the college. This amount under the proposed plan should be paid back to the general funds of the college when the $24,000 to which reference has been made is received as an appropriation from the state. This amount should amply cover principal and interest if the appropriation be secured in two years, as it is confidently believed it will be.
The Board authorized us to proceed on this basis, and a committee was appointed to receive bids and award contract for the work. In May the committee awarded the contract.
Sewage Disposal System
There is available this year a state appropriation of $45,000 for a sewage disposal system. The town of Blacksburg issued bonds for a like amount, making a total of $90,000 available for the purpose. The question as to the best plan to be followed in providing a suitable disposal of the sewage of the college and the town has been under consideration for more than a year, and has developed into such a perplexing problem that it is difficult to determine the best solution. When the matter first came to be studied three possible solutions were suggested, namely, (1) to run a sewer line to New River and dump the raw sewage into that stream; (2) to run a sewer line thru the Smithfield and Heth properties and construct a disposal plant on the Woolwine property; (3) to construct a disposal plant on our own property, as far removed from the main campus as possible, and pump the sewage to it. For obvious reasons the first of these plans was preferred by everyone.
A survey was made for a line to New River, and estimates were prepared under the direction of our professor of civil engineering. These estimates showed that the cost of this plan would be not less than $104,000 and probably considerably more than this. Since only $90,000 is available and the town is bonded to its legal limit, to say nothing of the difficulty of securing additional appropriations from the state, this plan was abandoned as impossible.
Since the project is a joint one between the college and the town, it seemed advisable to call in outside engineers for advice, the selection being made jointly by the representatives of the two parties to the project. Ruark and Keefer, of Baltimore, were consulted. It appeared that they could not suggest any plan other than the three possible plans suggested by our college engineers, and they seemed inclined to the second plan. After careful consideration by the committees from the town and college, it was decided to employ an engineering firm to make the necessary survey and prepare plans and specifications for a sewage disposal plant in accordance with the second plan. The town and college committees finally agreed to employ the J. B. McCrary Engineering Corporation, of Atlanta, for this purpose. This firm proceeded with the work, and as a result submitted estimates showing a total cost of between $147,000 and $161,000.
In preparing their plans and specifications the McCrary corporation had the helpful advice of Mr. Richard Messer, engineer of the state board of health, who has given considerable time and study to our problem. Their plans, therefore, are made to cover all of the requirements set up by the state department of health as to the prevention of stream pollution by the effluent from the disposal plant. It will be seen that the estimated cost of the second plan is practically the same as the estimated cost for the first plan, and of course the first plan is far preferable from the standpoint of cost of operation. Apparently both of these plans are impossible for us.
It seems, therefore, advisable to give further consideration to the desirability of the third plan. The recent purchase of the Slusser land may assist in this connection, as this offers a new possibility for location. This plan has the advantage of being on our own property entirely, thus eliminating cost and difficulty in securing a right-of-way thru various properties, and of being more conveniently located for operation. There are, of course, obvious disadvantages in the necessity for operating pumps and in disposing of the effluent. Our department of civil engineering is now studying the plan in a preliminary way, and will be able to present some data with estimates soon.
So far as we can see there is no fourth solution of this problem, except to run a sewer line as far as the money will permit, in the direction of New River, and then dump the raw sewage into Stroubles Creek at that point. This probably would cause suits to be brought against the college for polluting the stream, and we could probably not get the support of the state department of health in defending such suits, so that this plan seems out of the question.
It is my judgment that the only way to proceed with this problem is to assemble all of the data we can secure for each of the three proposed plans, and then tabulate these data under three heads, by items, including cost of connecting line, right-of-way costs, cost of constructing disposal plant, upkeep and operating costs. We can then compare in detail the cost of each plan, and see how the totals compare. This should give a better basis for decision as to what plan should be adopted. In furtherance of this plan of procedure, I suggested that the Board appoint a committee of its members to meet with the representatives of the town of Blacksburg, the faculty committee which has had this matter under consideration, and Mr. Messer of the state department of health; and in such a conference study the assembled data, try to reach a conclusion as to what had best be done, and then take action if it seemed advisable. This was authorized by the Board. In April, acting upon the recommendation of this committee, the Board employed Mr. S. B. Williamson as engineer for this project.
The Salary Budget
I have several times referred to the unfortunate situation of the salary budget for the current biennium, due to the misunderstanding that arose in the minds of the Governor and his budget advisers as to the salaries paid at this college and the house rent arrangement which the Board authorized last summer. Everything that I could do was done to correct this, and the Governor made an investigation for himself and found that our salaries were in no sense excessive, and he also expressed himself in writing that he favored our house-rent plan. But it was too late to remedy the situation in the busy days of the General Assembly, with the appropriation committees determined to grant no increases over the recommendations in the Governor’s budget. It is too long and too sad a story to tempt repetition, so suffice it to say that we fell short approximately $16,000 a year as a result.
I have sought some way of reducing our salary budget to come within the limits of the Governor’s budget, on which the appropriations were based, and I have succeeded in doing this in several ways. We have cut off some of the assistants in the instructional departments, and we have readjusted the apportionment of salaries of men jointly employed for resident instruction and extension or experiment station work so as to reduce the amount paid for the teaching part. However, the only way I can suggest to meet the major portion of this shortage is to go back to the old plan of giving houses free of rent. Of course, houses that are occupied by others than professors will be paid for, and the revenue credited to the repair account as at present. Also, adjustments will be made to provide that occupants of houses which are small and worth less than the maximum of $600 a year now charged for the best houses, shall be allowed the appropriate difference in salary. The chief trouble is that the revenue for the buildings and grounds department reported in the estimates to the Governor will fall short the amount now derived from the rental of a majority of these houses.
The following table exhibits the situation:
Table VII -- The Salary Budget
Department or Division | Current Pay-rolls | Governor’s Allowance | Shortage | Our Working Budget |
Administration | $26,375 | $25,000 | $1,375 | $25,000 |
Agriculture | 58,885 | 54,000 | 4,885 | 52,000 |
Engineering | 54,400 | 51,000 | 3,400 | 50,500 |
Academic-Science | 90,517 | 85,000 | 5,517 | 87,000 |
Military | 7,650 | 6,650 | 1,000 | 7,000 |
Totals | $237,827 | $221,650 | $16,177 | $221,500 |
From the table it will be seen that we are proposing to come within the total amount allowed in the Governor’s budget. The salary list for the years beginning July 1, 1926, and September 1, 1926, the dates of beginning of the usual terms of 12 months and 9 months’ employes respectively, have been made up on this basis.
In the attempt to inform everyone concerned of the policies of the institution as to appointments to the staff, tenure, and salaries, an executive bulletin was issued July 31, 1925. This is included as an appendix to this report.
Rental Of College Residences
Last year the Board approved a plan for assigning rental values to college houses. We proceeded to appoint a commission consisting of Mr. Alex Black and Dr. F. W. Eheart, of Blacksburg, and Mr. W. L. Pierce, of Christiansburg. This commission made an inspection of the thirty-one residences, set values on the houses, and stated what they considered to be a fair rental for each. The latter was determined on the basis of location within the town limits of Blacksburg, and owned by a private party.
Presented herewith is a list of these houses with the values set by the commission, the rental assigned by the commission, the percentage which the rental is of the value of the house in each case, and the revised rentals recommended by me. Some of the houses need considerable repairs, and when these are made the rental should be advanced accordingly.
Table VIII -- Value and Rental of College Residences
House (Occupant) | Comm. Value | Comm. Rent | Comm. % | Our Rent |
1. Owens | $5,000 | $540 | 10.8 | $540 |
2. Gudheim | 5,000 | 540 | 10.8 | 540 |
3. Lee | 4,500 | 480 | 10.7 | 480 |
4. Parrott | 9,500 | 780 | 8.2 | 780 |
5. Stahl | 7,000 | 600 | 8.6 | 600 |
6. Commandant | 7,500 | 660 | 8.9 | 600 (8.0%) |
7. Ellis | 7,500 | 540 | 7.2 | 540 |
8. Johnson | 9,500 | 810 | 8.5 | 780 (8.2%) |
9. Rasche | 9,250 | 750 | 8.1 | 750 |
10. Newman | 8,500 | 720 | 8.5 | 690 (8.1%) |
11. McBryde | 8,000 | 660 | 8.3 | 660 |
12. Burkhart | 9,750 | 780 | 8.0 | 780 |
13. Holden | 13,000 | 900 | 6.9 | 900 |
14. Williams | 8,000 | 660 | 8.3 | 660 |
15. Pritchard | 9,000 | 780 | 8.7 | 750 (8.3%) |
16. Barlow | 8,000 | 720 | 9.0 | 720 |
17. Watson | 9,000 | 720 | 8.0 | 720 |
18. Smyth | 8,500 | 660 | 7.8 | 660 |
19. Fromme | 6,500 | 480 | 7.4 | 480 |
20. Saunders | 5,000 | 420 | 8.4 | 420 |
21. Brumfield | 12,000 | 900 | 7.5 | 900 |
22. Hunt | 8,000 | 720 | 9.0 | 660 (8.3%) |
23. Holdaway | 5,200 | 420 | 8.1 | 420 |
24. Begg | 8,500 | 720 | 8.5 | 720 |
25. Van Oot | 5,000 | 540 | 10.8 | 540 |
26. Smith | 6,500 | 600 | 9.2 | 600 |
27. Minter | 4,750 | 420 | 8.8 | 420 |
28. Campbell | 11,500 | 840 | 7.3 | 840 |
29. Hutcheson | 8,000 | 720 | 9.0 | 720 |
30. Robeson | 8,500 | 720 | 8.5 | 720 |
31. Harrison | 7,750 | 660 | 8.5 | 660 |
In view of the fact that it was possible to increase the salaries only $300 on account of the rental factor, and the time to September 1, 1925, was too short to permit an occupant to change his living arrangements for the coming year, it seemed but fair that no rental for the year should be placed at more than $600 (the original allowance for rent was $300 plus the additional $300 allowed in the new salary schedule); so that the net compensation of a professor was not reduced.
Vacations, Holidays, Office Hours, Records, Etc.
The question of what vacations and holidays to allow the members of our various staffs and employes of all sorts has been a perplexing one, and the same is true of the office hours to be required. Practice has varied greatly in the different divisions and departments of the institution, leading to a feeling of unfairness in some cases, and perhaps resulting in lack of efficiency and economy in a few cases. In order to put the entire institution on a uniform basis in these respects I worked out a system of regulations, in effect from June 1, 1926. The recent act of the General Assembly requiring the registration of employes absent from duty has also been provided for in these regulations. A copy of the executive bulletin covering these regulations is included as an appendix to this report, for the information of the Board.
The Biennial Budget Of Requests
Presented herewith is a summary and analysis of the biennial budget of requests for 1926-28, as approved by the Board and submitted to the Governor. It is arranged in such manner that the items and amounts may be readily compared with the requests made for the years 1924-26, the appropriations received in response to these requests, the income from other sources, and the expenditures during 1924-26. Following this analysis is a list of special items included in the budget of requests. Aside from these special items the budget is made up of the usual items of operation. The list of special items is made in such manner that the items and amounts may be readily compared with the similar items of the 1924-26 budget and the amounts appropriated for same. For convenience the amounts appropriated for 1926-28 are added.
From the totals it will be noted that the net requests proposed for 1926-28 were $68,701 less than the requests made for 1924-26. Wherever possible the amounts appropriated by the last General Assembly were deducted from the items requested and the remainder only repeated in this budget. It was obviously impossible to do this in every case because of recurring expenses and increased demands in many cases. An effort was made to reduce the various items where possible.
Attention was called to the fact that there are certain departments of a commercial character where the amount requested was the same or less than the amount of estimated revenue produced by the department. It is very important in such a department that the amount requested be allowed in full, otherwise it cannot be expected that the estimate of revenue will be fulfilled. Despite the effort made in this direction, however, the budget as passed has caused an embarrassing situation to develop. This affects three of the revenue producing departments and involves an important question of policy. The Board will recall that this was discussed at the meeting held during the session of the General Assembly, after it had been discussed by me before the Governor and the budget advisory board. This is referred to in a later paragraph.
Table IX -- Analysis of Budget of Requests for 1926-28 Compared With Biennial Budget of Requests, Appropriations, Expenditures, and Income for 1924-26
(1) Function | (2) Request 1924-26 | (3) Estimat’d Income 1924-26 | (4) Appropr’n Received 1924-26 | (5) Income 1924-26 | (6) Expend’s 1924-26 | (7) Request 1926-28 | (8) Estimat’d Income 1926-28 |
Administra’n | $107,190 | $29,000 | $87,740 | $36,380 | $106,774 | $114,330 | $33,000 |
Agriculture | 232,527 | 6,480 | 101,372 | 12,398 | 133,865 | 255,530 | 9,200 |
S. H. Agric. | 28,000 | 12,700 | 23,100 | 19,507 | 26,579 | 34,460 | 19,700 |
Engineering | 241,499 | 5,760 | 106,150 | 8,726 | 118,229 | 221,530 | 6,800 |
S. H. Ind. Ed. | 24,795 | 8,000 | 15,530 | 9,308 | 9,799 | 12,000 | 6,000 |
Mech. Arts | 104,520 | 23,640 | 71,390 | 35,211 | 75,722 | 81,850 | 28,000 |
Printing | 46,844 | 42,000 | 42,144 | 68,934 | 58,796 | 62,750 | 62,750 |
Acad.-Sci. | 254,409 | 19,040 | 152,960 | 26,818 | 190,923 | 277,000 | 23,000 |
Military | 23,460 | 1,200 | 14,625 | 1,691 | 17,404 | 23,750 | 1,000 |
Summer Qr. | 38,000 | 26,000 | 40,000 | 22,944 | 35,498 | 40,000 | 26,000 |
Library | 26,710 | 4,800 | 15,310 | 6,628 | 21,936 | 30,320 | 5,700 |
Hospital | 46,195 | 16,800 | 23,770 | 20,623 | 27,292 | 46,040 | 18,700 |
Dining Hall | 246,600 | 244,200 | 236,950 | 305,483 | 292,961 | 292,350 | 292,350 |
Tailorshop | 89,500 | 88,000 | 88,000 | 110,865 | 101,418 | 100,650 | 100,650 |
Laundry | 32,800 | 32,600 | 32,600 | 45,376 | 34,473 | 36,600 | 36,600 |
Farm | 48,600 | 10,000 | 18,230 | 22,897 | 21,904 | 49,280 | 15,000 |
Dairy Husb. | 41,442 | 12,000 | 30,200 | 24,985 | 48,397 | 46,750 | 18,000 |
Anim. Husb. | 61,030 | 0 | 23,160 | 4,679 | 27,632 | 49,100 | 2,500 |
Creamery | 48,015 | 43,020 | 43,020 | 76,173 | 71,603 | 70,000 | 70,000 |
Coal Mine | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4,058 | 61 | 0 | 0 |
Ht. & Pow. Plt. | 345,400 | 66,500 | 94,261 | 84,398 | 84,681 | 322,250 | 75,000 |
Elec. Service | 50,218 | 41,500 | 43,018 | 54,996 | 43,303 | 52,350 | 51,000 |
Plbg., Sew., Wat. | 107,498 | 4,800 | 65,500 | 11,825 | 73,926 | 58,975 | 8,500 |
Bldgs. & Grds. | 868,200 | 57,900 | 79,800 | 94,535 | 167,984 | 956,430 | 76,000 |
Sinking Funds | 14,100 | 0 | 14,100 | 0 | 14,100 | 14,100 | 0 |
Student Loans | 10,000 | 4,000 | 8,000 | 0 | 4,000 | 6,000 | 0 |
Vet. Bureau | 0 | 0 | 0 | 41,141 | 27,441 | 0 | 0 |
Contingent | 0 | 0 | 0 | 13,924 | 13,698 | 13,000 | 13,000 |
(Fed’l Appro.) | …… | 108,000 | …… | 107,984 | …… | …… | 107,984 |
Total | 3,137,602 | 907,940 | 1,470,930 | 1,272,487 | 1,850,399 | 3,267,395 | 1,106,434 |
Less Income | 907,940 | 907,940 | 1,106,434 | ||||
Net Requested | 2,229,662 | …… | …… | …… | …… | 2,160,961 | |
State Appro. | …… | …… | 562,990 | 562,990 | …… | …… | …… |
Bal. 3/1/24 | …… | …… | …… | 55,819 | …… | …… | …… |
Fed. App. Res | …… | …… | …… | …… | 17,997 | …… | …… |
Unalloc. Bal. | …… | …… | …… | …… | 22,900 | …… | …… |
1,891,296 | 1,891,296 | ||||||
(A) | (B) | (C) | (D) | (E) | (A) | (B) |
The Income in columns 3, 5, and 8 is tabulated to show the revenues derived from sources other than the State appropriations.
The Income in column 5 is made up of actual revenues in 1924-25 plus estimated revenues for 1925-26.
Table X -- Special Items Included in Budget Totals
Function and Object | Requested 1924-26 | Received 1924-26 | Requested 1926-28 | Received 1926-28 | |
Agriculture: | |||||
Remodelling Agricultural Hall | $15,000 | …… | $15,000 | …… | |
Agricultural Departments Building | 75,000 | …… | 75,000 | …… | |
Agricultural Departments Equipment | 22,017 | $4,250 | 12,600 | $5,000 | |
Fruit Products Laboratory | 10,000 | …… | 10,000 | …… | |
Agric. Engineering Laboratories | …… | …… | 25,000 | …… | |
Poultry Husbandry Buildings | 4,500 | 4,500 | 14,000 | …… | |
Veterinary Hospital. | 15,000 | …… | 20,000 | …… | |
Creamery: | |||||
Dairy and Creamery Building | 35,000 | …… | 100,000 | …… | |
Ice Cream Manufacturing Equipment | 2,415 | …… | 3,400 | 3,400 | |
Farm: | |||||
General Betterments, Fences, etc | 11,000 | 3,000 | 7,000 | 3,050 | |
Additional Farming Land | 20,000 | …… | 40,000 | ||
Dairy Husbandry: | |||||
Improvements to East Wing of Barn | …… | …… | 1,250 | 1,200 | |
Manure Carriers, Mangers, etc | …… | …… | 1,100 | 1,000 | |
Two Silos | 1,000 | …… | 2,000 | …… | |
Concreting Alleyways & Barnyard | …… | …… | 1,600 | 1,600 | |
Pens and Yards for Bulls | …… | …… | 2,000 | …… | |
Remodelling West Wing of Barn | 4,000 | …… | 9,000 | …… | |
Animal Husbandry: | |||||
Additional Livestock | 13,500 | 2,000 | 4,000 | …… | |
Horse Barn | 2,500 | …… | 2,500 | …… | |
Additional Grazing Land | 5,000 | …… | 15,000 | …… | |
Engineering: | |||||
Remodelling Academ. Bldg. No. 1 | 15,000 | …… | 10,000 | 10,000 | |
Equipment for Eng’g Departments | 70,038 | 8,000 | 59,500 | 8,000 | |
Engineering Laboratory Building | 20,000 | …… | 20,000 | …… | |
Mechanic Arts: | |||||
Equipment for Shops | 15,120 | 100 | 5,300 | 3,000 | |
Heating System and Connections | 10,000 | …… | 10,000 | …… | |
Printing: | |||||
Press and other Equipment | 5,100 | 5,000 | 8,300 | 8,300 | |
Academic-Science: | |||||
Completing Basement Academ. Bldg. No. 2 | 10,000 | …… | 2,500 | 2,500 | |
Equipment for Departments | 21,530 | 2,400 | 17,400 | 4,000 | |
Library: | |||||
Additional Books | 4,000 | 2,000 | 6,000 | 2,600 | |
Steel Shelving and Cases | 7,000 | …… | 7,000 | …… | |
Completing Heating Tunnel & Conn. | 7,500 | …… | 7,500 | …… | |
Hospital: | |||||
Addition to Building (if no new Bldg.) | 20,000 | …… | 20,000 | …… | |
New Hospital Building | 50,000 | …… | 50,000 | …… | |
Dining Hall: | |||||
Tile Floor in. Main. Dining Room | …… | …… | 3,500 | …… | |
Dining Hall Furniture | 4,000 | …… | 4,000 | 4,000 | |
Additional Cold Storage | 2,000 | …… | 2,000 | 2,000 | |
Curbing and Concreting around Bldg. | …… | …… | 2,500 | …… | |
Heat & Power Plant: | |||||
Additional Boiler | 24,500 | 12,250 | 12,250 | 12,250 | |
Stoker & Other Boiler Equipment | 2,000 | …… | 2,000 | …… | |
Water Softening Equipment | 12,500 | …… | 12,500 | …… | |
Hot Water System | 7,500 | …… | 7,500 | …… | |
Coal Bin, Excavation & Concrete Floor | 2,500 | …… | 2,500 | …… | |
Power Plant Building | 45,000 | …… | 50,000 | …… | |
Heating Extension to New Gymnasium | …… | …… | 17,500 | …… | |
Extensions to Other Buildings, etc | 131,800 | …… | 111,300 | …… | |
Electric Service: | |||||
Campus Lighting, Underground Cables, &c | 10,100 | 4,000 | 8,000 | …… | |
Plumbing, Sewerage & Water: | |||||
Ford Truck for Workmen | …… | …… | 625 | 600 | |
Replacement & Exten’n of Sewer Lines | 12,850 | …… | 12;850 | 5,000 | |
Reservoir 300,000 gals. | 10,000 | …… | 10,000 | …… | |
Extension of Water Mains | 8,000 | …… | 10,200 | …… | |
Buildings & Grounds: | |||||
General Repairs to Buildings | 31,000 | 20,000 | 30,000 | 20,000 | |
Special Repairs to Dormitories | 30,000 | …… | 30,000 | …… | |
Cement Work and Drainage in Dorm. Quad. | …… | …… | 3,000 | …… | |
Rebuilding Roads & Walks | 10,000 | …… | 10,000 | …… | |
Building Road to New Gymnasium | …… | …… | 4,800 | 4,800 | |
Piping Creek near New Gymnasium | …… | …… | 5,000 | …… | |
Grading & Sodding near New Gymnasium | …… | …… | 8,000 | …… | |
Trees, Shrubs, Vines, & Planting | 1,000 | …… | 1,000 | 200 | |
Two Trucks as Replacements | …… | …… | 5,250 | 5,250 | |
Barracks Furniture | 4,000 | 2,000 | 2,000 | 1,000 | |
Cottage at Storage Yard | …… | …… | 2,000 | …… | |
New Dormitories | 180,000 | …… | 250,000 | …… | |
Building for Classrooms & Labs | 200,000 | …… | 250,000 | …… | |
Enlargement of Parade Ground | 25,000 | …… | 25,000 | …… | |
Floating Debts: | |||||
Black Farm Property | 18,000 | …… | 18,000 | …… | |
Balance on Professors’ Houses | 12,000 | …… | 25,000 | …… |

The Governor’s Budget and Appropriations
The biennial budget recommended by the Governor and followed by the General Assembly’ in appropriating contained the following amounts:
Table XI -- Biennial Appropriations
1926-27 | 1927-28 | ||
College | -- For Operation | $255,265 | $272,115 |
-- For Capital Outlays | 6,700 | 54,200 | |
Total | $261,965 | $326,315 | |
Extension Division | 188,000 | 188,000 | |
Agricultural Experiment Station | 63,000 | 63,000 | |
Three County Experiment Stations | 10,000 | 10,000 |
Compared with the state appropriations for 1924-26 these are as follows:
Table XII -- Comparison of Appropriations
1924-26 | 1926-28 | Increase or De- crease | ||
College | -- For Operation | $ 471,765 | $ 527,380 | $55,615 |
-- For Capital Outlays | 91,225 | 60,900 | 30,325 (Decr.) | |
Total | $562,990 | $588,280 | $25,290 | |
Extension Division | 376,000 | 376,000 | 0 | |
Agricultural Experiment Station | 125,800 | 126,000 | 200 | |
Three County Experiment Stations | 19,330 | 20,000 | 670 | |
Total | $1,084,120 | $1,110,280 | $26,160 |
The increase for the college for operation and capital outlay during the coming biennium is only about 4½%; while for all the state educational institutions this increase is, according to the statement in the Governor’s budget, “slightly less than 10%.” This institution has not been increased as much as have the other institutions because of a decreased amount for capital outlay, for the amount for operation has been increased nearly 12%. I understand that the amount would have been greater but for the fact that we based our estimates on an enrolment of 950 students, which is about 150 less than during the current year. The reduction in our number was because of our acute dormitory situation.
It is to be regretted that the Governor’s budget did not provide a number of items which are considered very important. We are grateful, however, that the Governor calls the attention of the General Assembly to these items in the following comment printed in the recommended budget:
“The need for many of the items for which no appropriation has been recommended is so urgent as to practically constitute an emergency, and it is hoped that the General Assembly will find it possible to provide an increased appropriation for the improvement and rehabilitation of the institution. It is desired to call especial attention to the request of the college authorities for appropriations of $25,000 for an agricultural engineering laboratory, $20,000 for an addition to the hospital building, $9,000 for repairs and betterments to farm buildings, $9,000 for remodelling the west wing of the barn, $146,300 for rehabilitation and extension of the heating system, $10,000 for a 300,000-gallon reservoir, $10,200 for extension of water mains, $3,500 for tile floor and $2,500 for other improvements to the dining-hall, and $30,000 for special repairs to barracks.
“These are believed to be the most urgent of the special needs of this institution, but many other improvements are badly needed which could not be provided for in this budget. Among these may be mentioned the requests of the institution for appropriations of $20,000 for a water softening and heating system, $18,000 for indebtedness due on real estate, $25,000 for indebtedness due on professors’ houses, $250,000 for the construction of dormitories, $250,000 for classrooms and scientific laboratories, $40,000 for purchasing additional farming land, $15,000 for the purchase of grazing land; $2,500 for the construction of a barn for horses, $2,000 for the construction of silos, and $25,000 for enlarging the parade ground and recreational field. It is earnestly recommended that the General Assembly make every effort to provide, so far as the state resources will permit, the appropriations requested for these improvements.”
This comment of the Governor came as the result of his personal inspection of the institution and a careful study of our budget. While it would be easy to add other needs to the Governor’s list, it is my conviction that he has used excellent judgment in selecting the items for special mention. It is especially disappointing that we could not secure appropriations for the remodelling of the west wing of the main dairy barn, a substantial extension of our central heating system, the reservoir, and the extension of water mains.
The allowance for equipment in all of the instructional departments is woefully inadequate. This is especially true of the library, where a small addition for books and periodicals would mean much. Our engineering laboratories are perhaps the most sadly in need of large additions.
Attention is called to three of the revenue producing departments, in two of which there is an important matter of policy involved, which was discussed with the Board soon after it had been discussed with the Governor and his budget advisory board. (1) The heating and power plant allowance for operation is $38,030 per annum, while the receipts of the plant from local sources amount to $37,000, thus making the cost of supplying heat and electric lights to the buildings and grounds in general only $1,030 -- the plant being thus practically self-supporting. There is probably no institution in the state where the cost is so little. In view of this excellent showing it had been hoped that a liberal appropriation would be made for the much-needed extensions of the central heating system. (2) The amount allowed for expenditure in electric light service is $21,225 a year, while the estimated receipts for current sold amount to $25,000. This means, therefore, that we are expected to make a profit in this department of $3,775 a year, or about 18% on expenditures. This appears to be rather unreasonable, and it had been hoped that we would be allowed to expend the balance for capital outlays in the department, for needed equipment to improve the lighting of grounds and buildings and for extension of lines. (3) The amount allowed for expenditures in the dining-hall department is $140,275 a year, while the estimated receipts amount, to $147,175, which means that we are required to make a profit of $6,900 on expenditures each year, or about 5%. This may mean that we will have to cut the cost of food supplied to the students or else increase the cost of board, either of which is undesirable. In the electric light department it may mean an increase in charge for current. I maintain that these departments, particularly the dining department, are not conducted for profit in an educational institution, and whatever profit there is should be put back into the department producing it so that it may be enabled to give the students better service, without increasing the cost to them.
I have called attention to the valuable additions which have recently been made, or are now being made, to our physical plant with funds other than those supplied by the state. The Governor in his inaugural address commended most highly the educational institutions of Virginia which had secured funds from other sources than state appropriations for improving their plants, and he indicated that it would be his policy to help those institutions which are thus helping themselves. In the recent budget hearing there appeared to be a disposition to reverse this policy, which would operate to penalize an institution for providing for itself improvements to its physical plant which the General Assembly had been unable to provide with state appropriations. A most important and far-reaching principle is involved here, which if violated will undoubtedly result in serious losses to the state and its institutions.
The Need For Dormitories
The Board is already familiar with the need for dormitories at the college; and the following is submitted merely to sum up in definite form the reasons we gave in urging so strongly the provision of dormitories at this time:
1. The present dormitories are greatly overcrowded.
More than 900 students must room in less than 300 rooms, so that many rooms have four and most of them have at least three students occupying them, while the size does not justify more than two being in a room. It is impossible to secure proper conditions for health, study, and conduct.
2. Blacksburg is a small community and cannot supply rooms for students off of the campus like other communities where state institutions are located.
Every other town or city in Virginia where a state institution is located is more than three times as large as Blacksburg. A community of less than a thousand people cannot be expected to aid materially in supplying living accommodations for students.
3. The present enrolment must be reduced by 300 students unless additional dormitories are provided.
A reasonable capacity for the present dormitories is 600. A maximum of 100 students may find rooms in town. There are dining-hall facilities for at least 1,000. Additional dormitories for 300 students are needed to provide suitable living accommodations for the present number of boarding students. It seems out of the question to continue to overcrowd the present dormitories as they are now, and either additional bed-rooms should be provided or 300 of the present students dropped.
4. From 250 to 400 applicants must be refused admission each year unless additional dormitories are provided.
Under the present overcrowded conditions in the dormitories it is, of course, out of the question to increase the enrolment of students. In a small community where practically all living accommodations must be provided by the college itself the enrolment of the college must be restricted to the capacity of its dormitories, regardless of the number of students it can accommodate in its class-rooms.
5. In the last fifteen years the enrolment at this college has increased two and two-thirds times, while there has been no increase in the number of bed-rooms for students.
In this fifteen-year period the state has appropriated approximately $750,000 to other colleges for dormitories alone, nearly one-half of which was appropriated to one institution, while nothing has been provided for V. P. I., and the need here is acute.
The necessity for additional dormitories to eliminate the distressing conditions now due to overcrowding was emphasized very strongly and continuously thruout the recent session of the General Assembly. Governor Trinkle studied the situation and strongly recommended that $250,000 be appropriated to this college for dormitories to accommodate 300 students. Revenue was not available to provide for appropriations of this sort; but what is known as the “Noell bill” was passed. This permits the institutions to issue “certificates of indebtedness” for dormitory purposes, the said certificates to be secured by the “literary fund” of the state, and the amounts with interest to be paid from the earnings of the college derived from rentals for the rooms included in the dormitories thus provided. This act is long and it seems necessary to quote only the following sections:
“The amount of the certificates of indebtedness which may be issued on behalf of the institutions herein named shall be agreed upon by the governing board of each institution and the state board of education; but the aggregate amount of certificates issued on behalf of all the institutions herein named shall not exceed the sum of one million dollars.
“The attention of the state board of education is hereby directed to the message of the Governor of Virginia to the General Assembly dated January 13, 1926, in so far as such message deals with the needs of the several institutions mentioned in this act.”
New Buildings Proposed
Under the Noell act the state board of education has approved the use of $250,000 of the securities of the literary fund for the purpose of issuing certificates of indebtedness by this college for dormitories. We have given very careful consideration to the best way of using this opportunity so as to provide dormitories for the maximum number of students. We believe that we should, if possible, provide at least 150 additional bed-rooms for students, to accommodate two students each. It appears to us that the logical and best arrangement is to have these dormitories located on the present barracks quadrangle, thus completing that quadrangle.
From every standpoint it seems desirable to convert the present science hall into a dormitory, and to erect a new dormitory building in the corresponding northwest corner, so that the entire quadrangle to the rear of the two academic buildings may be devoted to living quarters for students. It is estimated that the science hall can be converted into a dormitory including probably 70 rooms; and that the new dormitory can be made to contain approximately 90 bed-rooms. With the two buildings we should be able to provide for at least 300 students. It is proposed that the new dormitory shall be fireproof, and that the science hall shall be remodelled in such a manner as to make it practically fireproof. We believe that both of these dormitories can be provided for the amount available under the Noell act, including necessary provision for a new building to take the place of the present science hall for teaching purposes.
To replace the present science hall for the departments now occupying it, it is proposed that a stone building be erected as a unit of the plant development scheme worked out by our faculty physical plant committee with the assistance of Mr. Manning, the landscape designer. This scheme calls for a science group of three buildings to the northwest of the great oval recreation field, between the residences of Dean Pritchard and Dr. Fromme. It is intended that the largest of the three buildings in this group shall be a chemistry building, which shall be opposite the agricultural hall, as indicated on the picture of the proposed development plan. This is the building to be built now. It should be planned with reference to its future use solely for the chemistry department, and until the physics and geology departments have permanent quarters provided for them they may occupy a portion of the space in this chemistry building.
The funds for the erection of a large portion of this building can be provided by using the amount resulting from the transfer of the present science hall to dormitory use, plus funds which the college can provide out of its own revenues, as it did in the case of Patton engineering hall. It is proposed that the building be planned and constructed in such a way that it may be readily extended in the future as the needs demand and as funds are available. This building should be erected at the earliest possible date, so that the science departments may be transferred from the present building, and the latter be ready for remodelling with a view to its occupancy as a dormitory in September, 1927.
Next to additional dormitories the provision of a new science building is the most pressing need of the college. The science departments have outgrown their present quarters, and the building now occupied is unsuitably located and unadapted to modern science laboratories. This is particularly true of the department of chemistry, a rapidly growing department, and one in which it is necessary to keep up-to-date in equipment.
Development Plan For The Physical Plant
It is obvious that to properly develop a college campus and its group of buildings, there must be a well-thought-out and comprehensive plan which will cover all development over a long period of years. Several years ago our faculty committee worked out with me a scheme of development, and this was presented to the Board and approved in this preliminary and tentative form by them. From time to time we have elaborated on this crude scheme, and, since it seemed that we had gone far enough to pretty well crystallize our thought, this year we contracted with the Warren H. Manning offices, landscape designers, of Boston, to prepare a bird’s-eye view of the proposed lay-out. Mr. Warren H. Manning himself paid a number of visits to the college, on one of which he was accompanied by his artist, who spent several days here making sketches. He has now finished the bird’s-eye view and it gives me great pleasure to present this to the Board. It represents the concentrated thought of six years on my own part, together with the best thought of our faculty committee and that of a distinguished landscape expert of many years’ experience. To my mind the result is a magnificent dream for the future of this college, and if this dream be realized we shall undoubtedly have here one of the most beautiful educational plants in this section of the country. And this dream is not beyond hope of realization within a reasonable period of years, because we have already made a good start and have prospects for additional buildings in the near future. I trust that the Board will be as enthusiastic over this plan as I am. I believe that it will serve to justify the location of the buildings already started, and guide us in the placing of those to be built in the future.
Physical Plant Improvements
The completion of the attic in the second academic building has given us four additional class-rooms; and the finishing of the main portion of the front part of the McBryde building of mechanic arts has given us three additional class-rooms and two large offices. We have thus been enabled to move the department of experimental engineering to the latter building, and the department of civil engineering to the space thus vacated in the first academic building. In this way rooms have been made available in the second academic building for the departments of business administration, economics, and history; and the small building formerly housing these departments has been converted into a home economics building, with class-rooms, laboratories, and offices for the resident instruction, research, and extension workers. in this department. The poultry building has been completed and occupied; and a silo has been constructed and filled at the beef-cattle barn. The residence vacated by Dr. Smyth has been extensively repaired; and much general repair work on the various buildings has been completed. The electrical engineering laboratory is completed and equipment is being moved into the new building for its use during the summer. The war memorial hall is practically completed, and the stadium is nearly completed as far as it will be developed at the present time. The grounds in this vicinity are being drained and improved as far as funds are available for the work.
During the summer it is planned to remodel and finish the basement of academic building No. 2. New equipment for the power plant is being ordered. Several of the professors’ residences will be somewhat extensively repaired, and numerous general repairs will be made to the larger buildings. A special effort will be made to make the library comfortable for use in cold weather. It is planned to use the residence soon to be vacated by Professor Hunt as an additional dormitory for women students, and a few changes will be made to adapt it to this purpose. It is also hoped that a way may be found for enlarging the dining-room of the present women students’ dormitory.

Home Economics

Financial Condition
The institution is in excellent financial condition, as is clear from the financial statement and business statement for the year ended February 28, 1926, presented in tables XIV and XV, respectively. It will be noted from these tables that we had on hand at the close of business on February 28, 1926, not only cash enough to cover all outstanding obligations of the year then closing, but also enough to cover reserves, including one-third of the federal funds paid in advance for the months of March-June, 1926, and to leave a considerable free balance. For purposes of comparison the summary of the budget approved at the beginning of the year is shown in table XIII. Table XIV is the consolidated balance sheet as at February 28, 1926, which should be compared with that for February 28, 1925, printed on page 222 of the volume containing the report for 1924-1925.
By reason of the greatly increased revenues from sources other than state appropriations during 1924-26, it was possible to make many improvements in the physical plant, add much equipment, and increase to some extent the teaching staff, over and above the provision made for same in the appropriations allowed. Many other improvements are now under way or contracted for, and these are provided for in the reserves from the year ended February 28, 1926.
As has been repeatedly stated to the Board, the gravest problem now faced by this institution is that of providing additional buildings. This is an extremely urgent need, and it cannot be too strongly emphasized. It may be said most positively that the college is at a critical point in its development. The question which faces us is clearly: “Shall we continue to go forward; or shall we go backward?” There is no such thing as standing still -- not to go forward means to go backward, and that seems altogether unthinkable.
Table XIII -- Summary of Budget for the Year March 1, 1925-February 28, 1926
(1) Function | (2) Accts. Rec. Mch./1/25 | (3) Estd. Recs. 1925-26 | (4) Total Available 1925-26 | (5) Resvd. & Accts. Pay. Mch./1/25 | (6) New Allo- cations 1925-26 | (7) Total Est’d Expdt’rs. 1925-26 |
Administration | …… | $18,000 | $18,000 | $4,726 | $51,940 | $56,666 |
Agriculture | …… | 6,000 | 6,000 | 12,094 | 65,881 | 77,975 |
S. H. Agric. | …… | 9,850 | 9,850 | 8 | 13,925 | 13,933 |
Engineering | …… | 4,200 | 4,200 | 1,440 | 62,160 | 63,600 |
S. H. Trades | …… | 3,000 | 3,000 | 4 | 4,500 | 4,504 |
Mechanic Arts | $116 | 17,000 | 17,116 | 8,237 | 34,064 | 42,301 |
Printing | 63 | 33,000 | 33,063 | 491 | 27,704 | 28,195 |
Acad.-Science | …… | 13,000 | 13,000 | 10,200 | 92,200 | 102,400 |
Military | …… | 600 | 600 | 28 | 8,850 | 8,878 |
Summer Qr. | …… | 12,000 | 12,000 | …… | 18,625 | 18,625 |
Library | …… | 3,200 | 3,200 | 1,579 | 7,735 | 9,314 |
Hospital | …… | 10,000 | 10,000 | 3,701 | 11,675 | 15,376 |
Dining Hall | …… | 150,000 | 150,000 | 2,000 | 145,150 | 147,150 |
Tailor Shop | …… | 55,000 | 55,000 | 3,706 | 49,950 | 53,656 |
Laundry | …… | 22,000 | 22,000 | 7 | 17,225 | 17,232 |
Farm | 140 | 11,000 | 11,140 | 1,504 | 10,840 | 12,344 |
Dairy Husb. | 68 | 12,000 | 12,068 | 6,741 | 22,900 | 29,641 |
Anim. Husb. | …… | 2,200 | 2,200 | 3,374 | 10,850 | 14,224 |
Creamery | 796 | 37,000 | 37,796 | 16 | 34,900 | 34,916 |
Coal Mine | 57 | 0 | 57 | …… | …… | …… |
Heat & Pow. Plt. | …… | 42,000 | 42,000 | 2,741 | 33,378 | 36,119 |
Elec. Service | …… | 27,000 | 27,000 | 1,223 | 21,525 | 22,748 |
Plbg., Sew., Water | 389 | 5,000 | 5,389 | 52 | 56,500 | 56,552 |
Bldgs. & Grounds | 200 | 48,000 | 48,200 | 14,234 | 80,040 | 94,274 |
Sinking Funds | …… | …… | …… | …… | 7,050 | 7,050 |
Student Loans | …… | …… | …… | …… | 2,000 | 2,000 |
U. S. Vet. Bureau | 11,845 | 5,000 | 16,845 | 1 | 5,000 | 5,001 |
Contingent | …… | 6,875 | 6,875 | …… | 6,875 | 6,875 |
College Depts | $13,674 | $552,925 | $566,599 | $78,107 | $903,442 | $981,549 |
Bal. 3/1/25 | …… | …… | 83,795 | …… | …… | …… |
Federal Appro. | …… | …… | 53,992 | 17,997 | …… | 17,997 |
State Appro. | …… | …… | 318,060 | …… | …… | …… |
Bal. Unallocated | …… | …… | …… | …… | …… | 22,900 |
…… | …… | $1,022,446 (D) | …… | …… | $1,022,446 (D) |
The Receipts (column 3) are estimated on the basis of the net revenue produced in 1924-25.
Column 4 is. the sum of columns 2 and 3.
Column 5 includes accounts of 1924-25 remaining unpaid, contracts and orders placed but not filled, and other obligations chargeable against the Gross Balance of $83,795 on March 1, 1925.
Column 6 shows the totals of the various functions in the new budget.
Column 7 is the sum of columns 5 and 6. The amounts set out for expenditure total less than the estimated revenue by $40,897, which is a 4% reserve on the total budget. In addition to the reserve to cover the Federal appropriation ($17,997) paid in advance, there is an ample unallocated margin of $22,900 which protects against loss in revenue and unexpected increase in expenditure.
Table XIV -- Financial Statement for the Year March 1, 1925-February 28, 1926
(1) Function | (2) Total Receipts 1925-26 | (3) Accounts Receivable Mch./1/26 | (4) Total Revenue 1925-26 | (5) Disburse- ments 1925-26 | (6) Resvd. & Accts. Pay. Mch./1/26 | (7) Total Expdt’rs. 1925-26 |
Administration | $21,811 | …… | $21,811 | $55,172 | $344 | $55,516 |
Agriculture | 10,927 | …… | 10,927 | 76,956 | 354 | 77,310 |
S. H. Agric | 7,361 | …… | 7,361 | 13,200 | 163 | 13,363 |
Engineering | 5,626 | …… | 5,626 | 60,424 | 3,275 | 63,699 |
S. H. Trades | 1,842 | …… | 1,842 | 2,499 | 45 | 2,544 |
Mech. Arts | 20,243 | $123 | 20,366 | 39,968 | 1,256 | 41,224 |
Printing | 30,391 | 17 | 30,408 | 25,375 | 3,048 | 28,423 |
Academ.-Science | 15,277 | …… | 15,277 | 97,491 | 2,078 | 99,569 |
Military | 1,503 | …… | 1,503 | 10,779 | 34 | 10,813 |
Summer Quar. | 10,300 | …… | 10,300 | 17,751 | 60 | 17,811 |
Library | 3,810 | …… | 3,810 | 9,389 | 956 | 10,345 |
Hospital | 12,000 | …… | 12,000 | 14,182 | 1,225 | 15,407 |
Dining Hall | 172,117 | …… | 172,117 | 153,987 | 1,943 | 155,930 |
Tailor Shop | 51,843 | …… | 51,843 | 49,676 | 7,562 | 57,238 |
Laundry | 23,815 | …… | 23,815 | 16,416 | 4 | 16,420 |
Farm | 10,399 | …… | 10,399 | 9,939 | 52 | 9,991 |
Dairy Husb | 14,700 | …… | 14,700 | 26,420 | 1,679 | 28,099 |
Anim. Husb | 4,103 | …… | 4,103 | 18,691 | 1,005 | 19,696 |
Creamery | 34,517 | 330 | 34,847 | 34,071 | 365 | 34,436 |
Heat & Power Plt. | 39,361 | …… | 39,361 | 38;086 | 13; 532 | 51,618 |
Elec. Service | 33,996 | 7 | 34,003 | . 22 . 457 | 1,052 | 23,509 |
Plbg., Sew., Wat. | 7,769 | 1,475 | 9,244 | 14,651 | 40,915 | 55,566 |
Bldgs. & Grds | 59,521 | …… | 59,521 | 115,830 | 3,294 | 119,124 |
Sinking Funds | …… | …… | …… | 7,050 | …… | 7,050 |
Student Loans | …… | …… | …… | 2,000 | …… | 2,000 |
Veterans Bureau; | 24,013 | 596 | 24,609 | 15,132 | 5 | 15,137 |
Contingent | 7,358 | …… | 7,358 | 9,257 | …… | 9,257 |
College Depts | $624,603 | $2,548 | $627,151 | $956,849 | $84,246 | $1,041,095 |
Balance 3/1/25 | 83,795 | …… | 83,795 | …… | …… | …… |
Federal Appro. | 53,992 | …… | 53,992 | …… | 17,997 | 17,997 |
State Appros. | 318,060 | …… | 318,060 | …… | …… | …… |
Gross Bal. 3/1/26 | …… | 123,601 | …… | 123,601 | …… | …… |
Free Bal. 3/1/26 | …… | …… | …… | …… | 23,906 | 23,906 |
$1,080,450 (A) | $126,149 (B) | $1,082,998 (C) | $1,080,450 (A) | $126,149 (B) | $1,082,998 (C) |
A. Total Receipts (column 2) exceeded Total Disbursements (column 5) by $123,601. the Gross Balance on March 1. 1926.
B. Accounts Receivable and Balance on Hand March 1. 1926 (column 3) exceeded Accounts Payable and Reserves (column 6) by $23,906, the Free Balance on March 1, 1926. Included in the Reserves is $17,997 to protect Federal appropriations paid in advance for the months of March-June, 1926.
C. The Total Disbursements. Accounts Payable and Reserves. for 1925-26 (column 7) was less than the Total Revenue (column 4) by $23,906, which is the unencumbered balance on hand March 1, 1926.
Table XV -- Business Statement for the Year March 1, 1925-February 28, 1926
(1) Function | (2) Accounts Receivable Mch./1/25 | (3) Total Receipts 1925-26 | (4) Accounts Receivable Mch./1/26 | (5) Net Rev. Produced 1925-26 | (6) Supplies Inventory Mch./1/25 | (7) Supplies Inventory Mch./1/26 |
Administration | …… | $21,811 | …… | $21,811 | …… | …… |
Agriculture | …… | 10,927 | …… | 10,927 | …… | $180 |
S. H. Agric | …… | 7,361 | …… | 7,361 | …… | …… |
Engineering | …… | 5,626 | …… | 5,626 | …… | …… |
S. H. Trades | …… | 1,842 | …… | 1,842 | …… | …… |
Mechanic Arts | $116 | 20,243 | $123 | 20,250 | $8,180 | 7,636 |
Printing | 63 | 30,391 | 17 | 30,345 | 2,685 | 2,351 |
Acad.-Science | …… | 15,277 | …… | 15,277 | …… | …… |
Military | …… | 1,503 | …… | 1,503 | …… | …… |
Summer Quar. | …… | 10,300 | …… | 10,300 | …… | …… |
Library | …… | 3,810 | …… | 3,810 | …… | …… |
Hospital | …… | 12,000 | …… | 12,000 | …… | …… |
Dining Hall | …… | 172,117 | …… | 172,117 | 5,008 | 6,981 |
Tailor Shop | …… | 51,843 | …… | 51,843 | 12,538 | 13,363 |
Laundry | …… | 23,815 | …… | 23,815 | 885 | …… |
Farm | 140 | 10,399 | …… | 10,259 | 3,775 | 2,210 |
Dairy Husb. | 68 | 14,700 | …… | 14,632 | 2,150 | 934 |
Anim. Husb. | …… | 4,103 | …… | 4,103 | 500 | 375 |
Creamery | 796 | 34,517 | 330 | 34,051 | 66 | …… |
Heat & Pow. Plt. | …… | 39,361 | …… | 39,361 | 1,435 | 1,968 |
Elec. Serv | …… | 33,996 | 7 | 34,003 | 2,246 | 2,507 |
Plbg., Sew., Wat. | 389 | 7,769 | 1,475 | 8,855 | 565 | 595 |
Bldgs. & Grds | 200 | 59,521 | …… | 59,321 | 1,623 | 2,396 |
U. S. Vet. Bureau | 11,845 | 24,013 | 596 | 12,764 | …… | …… |
Contingent | …… | 7,358 | …… | 7,358 | …… | …… |
Total | $13,617 | $624,603 | $2,548 | $613,534 | $41,656 | $41,496 |
The Net Revenue Produced in 1925-26 (column 5) is the Total Receipts (column 3) less the Accounts Receivable at the beginning of the year (column 2) plus the Accounts Receivable at the end of the year (column 4).
The Inventory (columns 6 and 7) includes only supplies on hand for early consumption and nothing of a permanent nature, thus being essentially the same as cash on hand for operation.
Table XVI -- Consolidated Balance Sheet
As at February 28, 1926
(Exclusive of Agricultural Experiment Stations and Agricultural Extension Division)
ASSETS | |||||
I. Current: | |||||
Cash in hands of Treasurer | $123,601 | ||||
Rotary Funds: | |||||
Petty Cash | $500 | ||||
Student Loans | 21,454 | ||||
Workmen's Compensation | 15,154 | 37,108 | |||
Accounts Receivable: | |||||
General Departmental | 1,952 | ||||
U. S. Veterans' Bureau | 596 | 2,548 | |||
Supplies Inventory | 41,496 | $204,753 | |||
II. Endowment: | |||||
From Land Grant Act of Congress, 1862 | 344,312 | ||||
III. Funded Debt: | |||||
Buildings and Equipment Sinking Funds | 44,604 | ||||
IV. Physical Plant: | |||||
Land (722 acres at $350 average) | 252,700 | ||||
Buildings | 2,210,000 | ||||
Less Depreciation Reserve, 10% | 221,000 | 1,989,000 | |||
Central Heat Distribution System | 66,000 | ||||
Less Depreciation Reserve, 3% | 1,980 | 64,020 | |||
Electric Service Distribution System | 24,000 | ||||
Less Depreciation Reserve, 10% | 2,400 | 21,600 | |||
Water Supply System | 20,000 | ||||
Less Depreciation Reserve, 10% | 2,000 | 18,000 | |||
Sewerage System | 16,000 | ||||
Less Depreciation Reserve, 20% | 4,000 | 12,000 | |||
Departmental Equipment | 610,000 | ||||
Less Depreciation Reserve, 5% | 30,500 | 579,500 | |||
Livestock | 51,000 | 2,987,820 | |||
$3,581,489 | |||||
I. Current: | |||||
Working Balance | $23,906 | ||||
Reserve for Rotary Funds | 37,108 | ||||
Reserve for Accounts Payable, etc. | 84,246 | ||||
Reserve for Federal Income Advanced | 17,997 | ||||
Reserve for Supplies | 41,496 | $204,753 | |||
II. Endowment: | |||||
Reserve for Land Grant Fund | 344,312 | ||||
III. Funded Debt: | |||||
Buildings and Equipment Bonds, 1900 | 100,000 | ||||
IV. Physical Plant: | |||||
Balance due on Black Farm | 17,176 | ||||
Balance due on Slusser Land | 10,000 | ||||
Balance due on Professors' Houses | 11,894 | ||||
Equity of Town in Sewage Disposal Plant | 2,400 | ||||
Unencumbered Investment in Physical Plant | $2,890,954 | 2,932,424 | |||
$3,581,489 | |||||
The Working Budget For 1926-27
In tables XVII, XVIII, and XIX are presented the working budget for the year which began March 1, 1926, as approved by the Board. This budget was formulated on a conservative basis, as is indicated by the fact that the estimated revenues for the year were put at an amount $33,934 less than the actual net revenues were in the year ended February 28, 1926; and an unallocated balance of $8,128, in addition to a reserve of $17,997 for federal funds advanced, was left to protect against shortage of revenue or excess of expenditures.
Table XVII -- Summary of Budget for the Year March 1, 1926-February 28, 1927
(1) Function | (2) Accounts Receivable Mch./1/26 | (3) Estimated Receipts 1926-27 | (4) Total Available 1926-27 | (5) Reserved Accts.Pay. Mch./1/26 | (6) New Allo- cations 1926-27 | (7) Total Estd Expdt’rs. 1926-27 |
Administration | …… | $21,800 | $21,800 | $344 | $49,590 | $49,934 |
Agriculture | …… | 11,000 | 11,000 | 354 | 64,025 | 64,379 |
S. H. Agric | …… | 9,000 | 9,000 | 163 | 13,545 | 13,708 |
Engineering | …… | 5,600 | 5,600 | 3,275 | 57,425 | 60,700 |
S. H. Trades | …… | 1,200 | 1,200 | 45 | 1,725 | 1,770 |
Mechanic Arts | $123 | 20,000 | 20,123 | 1,256 | 29,825 | 31,081 |
Printing | 17 | 31,400 | 31,417 | 3,048 | 28,900 | 31,948 |
Acad.-Science | …… | 15,200 | 15,200 | 2,078 | 96,450 | 98,528 |
Military | …… | 1,200 | 1,200 | 34 | 9,750 | 9,784 |
Summer Quarter | …… | 10,500 | 10,500 | 60 | 17,950 | 18,010 |
Library | …… | 3,800 | 3,800 | 956 | 9,650 | 10,606 |
Hospital | …… | 12,000 | 12,000 | 1,225 | 13,500 | 14,725 |
Dining Hall | …… | 170,000 | 170,000 | 1,943 | 154,000 | 155,943 |
Tailor Shop | …… | 51,000 | 51,000 | 7,562 | 50,250 | 57,812 |
Laundry | …… | 23,800 | 23,800 | 4 | 18,575 | 18,579 |
Farm | …… | 11,000 | 11,000 | 52 | 11,000 | 11,052 |
Dairy Husb. | …… | 14,600 | 14,600 | 1,679 | 20,000 | 21,679 |
Animal Husb. | …… | 4,500 | 4,500 | 1,005 | 12,325 | 13,330 |
Creamery | 330 | 35,000 | 35,330 | 365 | 34,000 | 34,365 |
Heat & Pow. Plt. | …… | 41,000 | 41,000 | 13,532 | 68,850 | 82,382 |
Electric Serv | 7 | 34,000 | 34,007 | 1,052 | 21,000 | 22,052 |
Plbg., Sew., Wat. | 1,475 | 6,000 | 7,475 | 40,915 | 10,350 | 51,265 |
Bldgs, & Grds. | …… | 39,000 | 39,000 | 3,294 | 129,050 | 132,344 |
Sinking Funds | …… | …… | …… | …… | 6,000 | 6,000 |
Student Loans | …… | …… | …… | …… | 1,500 | 1,500 |
U. S. Vet. Bureau | 596 | 0 | 596 | 5 | …… | 5 |
Contingent | …… | 7,000 | 7,000 | …… | 7,000 | 7,000 |
College Depts | $2,548 | $579,600 | $582,148 | $84,246 | $936,235 | $1,020,481 |
Bal. Mch. 1, 1926 | …… | …… | 123,601 | …… | …… | …… |
Federal Approp. | …… | …… | 53,992 | 17,997 | …… | 17,997 |
State Approprs. | …… | …… | 261,965 | …… | …… | …… |
State Appr. 1927-28 | …… | …… | 24,900 | …… | …… | …… |
Bal. Unallocated | …… | …… | …… | …… | …… | 8,128 |
$1,046,606 (D) | $1,046,606 (D) |
The Receipts (column 3) are estimated on the basis of the net revenue produced in 1925-26 shown in column 5 of Table XV. They are estimated $33,934 less to give a margin of safety.
Column 4 is the sum of columns 2 and 3.
Column 5 includes accounts of 1925-26 remaining unpaid, contracts, orders, and requisitions filed but unfilled, and other obligations chargeable against the Gross Balance of $123,601 on March 1, 1926.
Column 6 shows the totals of the various functions in the new budget, the distribution by objects of expenditure being given in Table XVIII.
Column 7 is the sum of columns 5 and 6. The amounts set out for expenditure total less than the estimated revenue by $26,125. In addition to the reserve to cover the Federal appropriation paid in advance, there is an ample unallocated margin of $8,128, which protects against loss in revenue and unexpected increase in expenditure.
Table XVIII -- New Allocations for the Year March 1, 1926-February 28, 1927
(1) Function | (2) A Personal Service | (3) B Contr’l Service | (4) C Supplies D Materials | (5) E Equipm’t | (6) F Structs G Fxd.Chgs. | (7) I Interest J Imp. Cash | (8) Total Alloca- tions |
Administration | $25,000 | $10,650 | $2,625 | $1,075 | $8,775 | $1,465 | $49,590 |
Agriculture | 52,000 | 2,000 | 7,000 | 3,000 | 25 | …… | 64,025 |
S. H. Agric. | 11,320 | 1,500 | 525 | 200 | …… | …… | 13,545 |
Engineering | 50,500 | 1,700 | 950 | 4,225 | 50 | …… | 57,425 |
S. H. Trades. | 1,450 | 125 | 50 | 100 | …… | …… | 1,725 |
Mechanic Arts | 21,500 | 3,900 | 2,575 | 100 | 50 | …… | …… |
D 1,700 | …… | …… | …… | 29,825 | |||
Printing | 13,700 | 1,625 | 350 | 4,175 | 50 | …… | …… |
D 9,000 | …… | …… | …… | 28,900 | |||
Academ-Sci. | 87,000 | 3,325 | 2,550 | 3,475 | 100 | …… | 96,450 |
Military | 7,000 | 900 | 1,600 | 250 | …… | …… | 9,750 |
Summer Quar. | 12,000 | 625 | 5,075 | …… | 250 | …… | 17,950 |
Library | 6,600 | 275 | 550 | 2,200 | 25 | …… | 9,650 |
Hospital | 10,000 | 1,800 | 1,225 | 450 | 25 | …… | 13,500 |
Dining Hall | 30,000 | 7,275 | 111,250 | 3,800 | 1,675 | …… | 154,000 |
Tailor Shop | 12,500 | 500 | 35,100 | 300 | 1,850 | …… | 50,250 |
Laundry | 11,000 | 4,925 | 2,450 | …… | 200 | …… | 18,575 |
Farm | 4,800 | 2,500 | 2,475 | 250 | 975 | …… | 11,000 |
Dairy Husb. | 5,500 | 1,475 | 11,900 | 875 | 250 | …… | 20,000 |
Anim. Husb. | 3,000 | 900 | 6,675 | 1,000 | 750 | …… | 12,325 |
Creamery | 3,400 | 1,425 | 28,975 | 200 | …… | …… | 34,000 |
Htg.&Pow.Plt. | 12,000 | 2,550 | 21,600 | 32,250 | 450 | …… | 68,850 |
Electric Serv. | 4,500 | 10,525 | 3,175 | 2,750 | 50 | …… | 21,000 |
Plbg., Sew., Wat. | 4,600 | 1,675 | 3,075 | 1,000 | …… | …… | 10,350 |
Bldgs. & Grds. | 25,000 | 10,775 | 1,875 | 8,325 | F 75,000 | …… | …… |
D 8,000 | …… | 75 | …… | 129,050 | |||
Sinking Fund | …… | …… | …… | …… | …… | 5,000 | …… |
J 1,000 | 6,000 | ||||||
Student Loans | …… | …… | …… | …… | …… | J 1,500 | 1,500 |
Contingent Fd | 5,381 | 1,619 | 7,000 | ||||
$414,370 | $78,331 | $253,625 D 18,700 | $70,000 …… | F $75,000 G 17,244 | I $6,465 J 2,500 | $936,235 |
Where reference letters do not appear, the other classification included in the column is to apply.
A -- Salaries. B -- Repairs, Light, Heat, Power, Travel, Transportation, Communication, Printing; etc. C -- Food, Fuel, Laboratory, Office, and Other Supplies. D -- Building, Highway, and Other Materials. E -- Office, Laboratory, and Other Equipment, Livestock, Vehicles, etc. F -- Buildings and Other Structures. G -- Rent, Insurance, Refunds. I -- Interest. J -- Rotary Funds.
Table XIX -- Allocations to Instructional Departments for the Year 1926-27
(1) Divisions and Departments | (2) Res’v’d for Outstand- ing Accts. | (3) Approp’n for Operation | (4) Approp’n for Equipm’t | (5) Estimated Dept’l Credits | (6) Total Available | (7) Net for New Exps. 1926-27 |
Agricultural Div.: | ||||||
General (Dean) | $2 | $150 | $100 | …… | $252 | $250 |
Repairs | …… | 100 | …… | …… | 100 | 100 |
Fuel & Light | …… | 1,350 | …… | …… | 1,350 | 1,350 |
Agric. Chemistry | …… | 25 | 75 | …… | 100 | 100 |
Agric. Economics | …… | 25 | 50 | …… | 75 | 75 |
Agric. Engineering | 75 | 700 | 300 | $70 | 1,145 | 1,070 |
Agronomy | …… | 300 | 300 | …… | 600 | 600 |
Botany | 20 | 350 | 500 | 40 | 910 | 890 |
Dairy Husbandry | 28 | 355 | 75 | 10 | 468 | 440 |
Home Economics | 67 | 800 | 900 | …… | 1,767 | 1,700 |
Horticulture | 37 | 100 | 50 | …… | 187 | 150 |
Poultry Husb. | 125 | 1,300 | 350 | 3,000 | 4,775 | 4,650 |
Zoology | …… | 300 | 300 | 25 | 625 | 625 |
Total-Agriculture | $354 | $5,855 | $3,000 | $3,145 | $12,354 | $12,000 |
Engineering Div.: | ||||||
General (Dean) | $6 | $150 | $50 | …… | $206 | $200 |
Civil Eng’g. | 46 | 50 | 400 | $100 | 596 | 550 |
Elec. Eng’g. | 9 | 300 | 2,000 | …… | 2,309 | 2,300 |
Experimental Eng | 1,450 | 300 | 900 | …… | 2,650 | 1,200 |
Eng’g Exp. Sta | 1,250 | 400 | 550 | …… | 2,200 | 950 |
Eng’g Extens. Div | …… | 380 | …… | 15 | 395 | 395 |
Graphics | 360 | 300 | 125 | 425 | 1,210 | 850 |
Metallurgy | …… | 75 | 75 | 15 | 165 | 165 |
Mining Eng’g. | 2 | 25 | 50 | …… | 77 | 75 |
Power Eng’g. | 152 | 75 | 75 | 40 | 342 | 190 |
Total-Engineer’g. | $3,275 | $2,055 | $4,225 | $595 | $10,150 | $6,875 |
Academic-Sci. Div.: | ||||||
General (Dean) | …… | $150 | $50 | …… | $200 | $200 |
Repairs & Rem. | $1,175 | 2,500 | …… | …… | 3,675 | 2,500 |
Fuel | …… | 450 | …… | …… | 450 | 450 |
Bus. Adm.,Econ., His. | 395 | 50 | 500 | …… | 945 | 550 |
Chemistry | 89 | 1,000 | 1,500 | $950 | 3,539 | 3,450 |
English | …… | 50 | 100 | …… | 150 | 150 |
Foreign Langs. | 1 | 25 | 50 | …… | 76 | 75 |
Geology | 226 | 50 | 200 | …… . | 476 | 250 |
Mathematics | …… | 25 | 100 | …… | 125 | 125 |
Physical Education | …… | 75 | 175 | …… | 250 | 250 |
Physics | 192 | 300 | 800 | 250 | 1,542 | 1,350 |
Total-Acad.-Sci. | $2,078 | $4,675 | $3,475 | $1,200 | $11,428 | $9,350 |
Divisional Totals in column 2 are the corresponding divisional amounts in column 5 of Table XVII.
Divisional Totals in column 3 plus those in column 5 are the corresponding divisional amounts under Band C in Table XVIII.
Divisional Totals in column 4 are the corresponding amounts under E in Table XVIII.
Estimated Departmental Credits in column 5 are included in column 3 of Table XVII.
Column 7 is obtained by subtracting the outstanding accounts of column 2 from the total of columns 2, 3, 4, and 5 as given in column 6.
In the appendix will be found the executive bulletins to which reference has been made in the text of the report, and certain statistics and financial data gathered from the registrar’s and treasurer’s offices, respectively. If the tables included in the report and the appendix are read in connection with similar tables published in the volume of reports for the six years, 1919-20 to 1924-25, inclusive (Bulletin of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Vol. XX, No. 3x, April, 1927), a continuous statistical and financial record for the college may be had from July 1, 1919, to the end of the period covered by this report. In this connection it is to be noted that the general report covers a year which ended on June 30, while the financial data apply to a year ended February 28.
By reason of unusual circumstances the treasurer of the college has had to bear an extraordinarily heavy burden during the year, and our appreciation is due him for his faithful and efficient work. The faculty committee on physical plant has been called upon for a larger degree of service than heretofore, and this has been rendered cheerfully and well.
I desire to express my personal gratitude to the members of the Board who have given of their time and attention to the various matters brought before them, and particularly to those members who found it possible to assist in presenting our needs to the Governor and members of the General Assembly.
Undoubtedly this year has marked the adoption of far-reaching plans and policies for the development of the institution and the expansion of its service to the people of our state; and there seems to be abundant reason to hope for continued progress and prosperity.
Respectfully submitted,
June 30, 1926.