1930-1931 Introduction
The annual reports of the president from the beginning of the present college administration in 1919 through June, 1930, have been published in previous bulletins, This issue covers the year July 1, 1930, through June 30, 1931. Included here are individual reports from the principal divisions of the college and certain administrative officials in addition to the president.
This year has brought a considerable increase in the enrolment of students, in the number of graduates, in the budget appropriations for operation, in the physical plant facilities, and in various special activities. The finances of the institution have been kept in excellent condition by means of a scrupulously balanced budget. There are many important needs remaining unmet, but we are proceeding on the policy that it is better to wait until funds are available than to incur debt in supplying these needs.
During the year three major building projects have been completed -- the dairy husbandry building, the mechanical laboratory, and the non-military dormitory (partially completed and occupied two years ago). Important connections to the central heating system were made. Numerous smaller projects have been finished, together with some remodelling and much repairing. An outstanding and most urgent need is an auditorium, preferably combined with a social service building. This great need cannot be too strongly emphasized, for it strikes at the most vital phases of student life on the campus.
In the report of the president himself especial attention is directed to the sections concerning student grades and service to our forestry interests.
The reports from the various divisions and administrative officials well merit careful consideration. Inasmuch as the activities referred to in the report of the dean of engineering are of much value in the development of Virginia, and comparatively little is known by the general public about such activities of this college, it is hoped that this section will receive special interest.
Julian A, Burruss, President.
General Report of the President
Reports of
The Dean of the College
The Dean of Agriculture
The Dean of Engineering
The Chairman of the Summer Quarter
The Committee on Graduate Programs and Degrees
The Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station
The Director of the Engineering Experiment Station
The Director of the Agricultural Extension Division
The Director of the Engineering Extension Division
The Librarian
The Adviser to Women Students
The Health Officer
The Secretary of the Young Men’s Christian Association
Statistical Tables
Statistics of Enrolment and Graduation
Summary of Treasurer’s Reports