Extracurricular Activities
Cadets are encouraged to participate in all levels of collegiate organizational activities. Membership in the organizations listed below is limited to cadets. Eligible cadets are encouraged to seek membership in these organizations nd in the fraternities, sororities, clubs, societies, and student government offices that are open to the entire student body. Cadets must have an overall QCA of 2.0 or better to pledge any organization. It should be remembered that these activities are supplemental to the primary academic emphasis of student life before membership in any one of them is considered.
Description Of The Activities
Special Training Squadron
Special Training Squadron was originally organized in the fall of 1971 to supplement the normal activities of the VTCC with an extensive specialized training program geared towards preparing cadets for summer camp, field training, and airborne school. Membership is based primarily on QCA and interest in physical proficiency. Cadets applying for membership must be in good academic standing. All third quarter freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors are eligible for membership in STS.
Arnold Air Society
The Arnold Air Society was first formed under the name of Arnold Society of Air Cadets at Langley Air Force Base. In May 1950, the name was changed to the Arnold Air Society. The Virginia Tech Squadron was formed in January 1949 and named the A-2 Squadron to signify that it was the second squadron to be formed in the nation. In May I 968 the name was changed to the Robert E .. Femoyer Squadron in honor of Second Lieutenant Robert E. Femoyer, a Congressional Medal of Honor recipient in World War II and a member of VPI's Class of 1944. The society is composed of senior,junior, sophomore, and third quarter freshmen cadets. Third quarter freshmen must have a 2.25 or better average. Its purpose is to recognize AFROTC students who have distinguished themselves by academic and military achievements, and to further the ideals of the United States Air Force. At VPI & SU, the Arnold Air Society is particularly significant in that it contributes to the overall effectiveness of the Corps. This is a leadership organization and most of the outstanding leaders in Air Force ROTC are among its members. The incoming freshmen might set this as one of their highest goals while at Tech.
Association of the United States Army
The Association of the United States Army (AUSA) is a national organization composed of officers and soldiers of the Regular and Reserve components of the Army; leaders in government, industry, science, and education; and interested civilians. The VPI & SU Company, which was formed in 1958, is composed of those Corps Only and Army ROTC cadets who show a sincere and lasting interest in supporting the role of the U.S. Army and in military training. The purposes of the AUSA are to contribute its full resources and capabilities to advance military skills, to acquire information about the place of the Army in the defense of the nation, and to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and information among its membership. Membership is open to Spring quarter freshmen, sophomore, junior, and senior cadets enrolled in Army ROTC or holding Corps Only status. Winter quarter freshmen holding a QCA of 2.50 ma:y be considered for membership.
Conrad Cavalry
The Conrad Cavalry was organized at Virginia Tech in January 1972 and has since become one of the few military cavalry units in the United States. The purpose of the unit is to represent the Corps of Cadets in parades and horse shows across the state by competing on the individual level and by performing together as a military drill team. The Conrad Cavalry also participates in the Corps functions on campus. The unit was named in honor of Thomas Nelson Conrad, an expert horseman, who served in the Civil War as a spy and cavalry officer under the command of J. E. B. Stuart. Conrad also served as the third president of Virginia Tech from 1882 to 1886. The Conrad Cavalry accepts new members from the Corps of Cadets spring quarter freshmen class through the spring quarter junior class. Cavalry standards for military bearing, leadership, and all traits of character are high.
The Gregory Guard
The Gregory Guard, Honorary Military Society, was formed from Company E-15 of the National Society of Pershing Rifles. The relations of the VPI Pershing Rifles and the National Society of Pershing Rifles were terminated in April 1963. The unit is named in honor of Sergeant Earle D. Gregory, VPI Class of 1923. Gregory was a native of Chase City, VA and was the first Virginian to be awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor. To be considered for membership in the Gregory Guard, a cadet must have a Corps class standing of freshmen or sophomore and must have completed at least two , and not more than five quarters as a member of the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets. Prospective candidates for membership must exhibit outstanding leadership ability, academic achievement, and an interest in the betterment of the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets. The Gregory Guard represents Virginia Tech and the Corps of Cadets by performing precision rifle drill at football games, parades, drill meets, and social functions throughout the state. The Gregory Guard strives to encourage, preserve, and develop the highest ideals of the military profession and to provide appropriate recognition of a high degree of military ability among the members of the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets.
Ranger Company
The Ranger Company was organized in January 1966 as a part of the AUSA Company. In May of that year it became an independent organization and its charter was accepted by the Student Activities Committee. The Company is one of the most active military societies on campus. Membership is based on QCA, military bearing, leadership, mental attitude, interest in military sevi_ce, and physical proficiency. The Ranger Company operates a year-round trammg program modeled after that of the U.S. Army Ranger School. Ranger cadets receive extensive training in hand-to-hand combat, rappelling, survival, patrolling tactics, small arms weaponry, and other appropriate topics. Physical fitness is one of the important aspects of the company's overall training program. The black beret has become the distinctive trademark of the VPI Ranger Company. All spring quarter freshmen, sophomore, junior, and senior cadets are eligible for membership in Ranger Company, regardless of ROTC affiliation.
Sash and Sabre Society
The Sash and Sabre Society was established at Virginia Polytechnic Institute in 1962, after being approved by the Student Activities Committee on October 30, 1961. The society is for senior, junior, and third quarter sophomore "Cadet Only .. cadets who have displayed interest in service in the armed forces; have demonstrated leadership ability while a member of the Corps of Cadets; have an accumulated demerit average of "B" or higher; are not on academic, military, or conduct probation. The society was established for the purpose of stimulating interest in service in the Armed Forces-·of the United States; to provide an orgartization to unite, under common interest, outstanding "Cadet Only .. students; to prepare those cadets as educated men and women to take an active part in today's society; to provide for those men and women an incentive that will be beneficial to the University, Corps of Cadets, and themselves; and to provide social and cultural functions for the Corps of Cadets within the limitations established by authorities of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
Scabbard and Blade
L Co., 7th Regiment, the VPI detachment of the National Society of Scabbard and Blade, was organized in 1938, for the purpose of honoring cadet officers who have shown outstanding leadership qualities and who foster and uphold the values of the Corps of Cadets. It is open to Army, Air Force, and Navy Cadets in leadership positions who maintain adequate academic standings. Scabbard and Blade is primarily an honorary military society, but it also functions as a service organization in an attempt to better the school and to further the interests of the Corps of Cadets. Scabbard and Blade also sponsors Military Weekend. The weekend includes the Corps Variety Show, an informal Military Brawl, a formal Military Ball, and the selection of a Military Ball Queen. All these events are organized and run by members f Scabbard and Blade, and the weekend is considered the social highpoint of the cadet school year.
Society of American Military Engineers
The VPI Post of the Society of American MilitaJ-y-Engineers was established on 20 November 1937 and is the oldest honorary military society at Tech. To·e main purpose of this organization is to develop relations of helpful interest between the engineering profession in civilian life and that in the military service. Field trips and engineering projects on campus are some of its activities. The S.A.M.E. is an international organization composed of both student members and practicing engineers, in and out of the military service. The VPI Post accepts members only from engineering-related curricula.
Angel Flight (Membership open to all University students)
Angel Flight is an auxiliary organization sponsored by the Arnold Air Society. The Robert E. Femoyer Squadron of Angel Flight was founded on the Virginia Tech campus on November 27, 1968. The Squadron has two objectives. The first is to promote interest in the U.S. Air Force and Air Force ROTC. The second is to serve the University and its surrounding community. Membership is open to all spring semester freshmen, sophomore, junior, and senior female Virginia Tech students, in good academic standing.