Class Reunions
Such records as we have of reunions are mostly in the memories of those attending, except for the fiftieth anniversary in 1952. Where group photographs are available they are reproduced in the back pages.
Clarence Cook has loaned pictures of a group of eleven at the twentieth anniversary reunion May 30, 1922, and a group of eighteen taken on June 9, 1930. These are reproduced in the back pages.
Stuart Spiller has a 8mm movie film taken at Commencement in June, 1940, showing the group and individual close-ups, but these pictures are too small for reproduction here. The following class members are in the group:
Bland Beverley, Jim Bolton, *Thompson Brown, Clarence Cook, *Frank Dewey, *Carl Dunklee, Chap. French, *Channing Harrison, Paul Jones, *Billy McAnge, Purcell McCue, Custis (Tuck) Seagle, *Frank (Zeke) Spiller, Stuart (Reddy) Spiller, *Frazier (Weeze) Tams, Purviance Tams, Dick Turner.
* Deceased.
The fiftieth anniversary reunion in October, 1952 at V.P.I. was a most enjoyable and successful occasion, which was largely due to efforts of alumni secretary, Henry Redd, and assistant secretary, Mark Oliver, and their office staff, ably assisted by members of the faculty and their wives. They really “Rolled out the red carpet” for us.
Twenty-one class members, ten wives and one daughter attended. We were quartered very comfortably in the Hillcrest Dormitory and were served delicious meals in the dormitory restaurant. In the absence of Class President McCormick, Class Vice-President Purviance Tams presided at our gatherings.
On the afternoon of our arrival we were welcomed at an “open house” at the home of Henry and Mrs. Redd. Then the next morning we were accorded the honor of reviewing the cadet regiment as guests of General Devine, Commandant of Cadets. At the general alumni luncheon in the Mess Hall, we were escorted by the ladies to reserved seats. In the afternoon we attended the V.P.I.-George Washington football game, excellent seats having been reserved for us in a group. Following the game we were guests of President and Mrs. Walter Newman at their home in “The Grove”.
Henry Wysor’s daughter, Elizabeth Wysor, prominent concert and opera singer, entertained us with songs at the dormitory.
A picture of the group is shown in the back pages.