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Total Degrees by Type

1875-2009–The table below lists the total number of degrees from the first graduating class of 1875 through the graduating class of 2008. Graduates who received more than one degree are counted once for each degree.

Graduates (non-degree, 3-year program, 1875-1891) 166
Associate’s degrees (1989-2009) 848
Bachelor’s degrees (1883-2009) 180,404
Master’s degrees (1892-2009) 47,624
Graduate/professional degrees (1893-1941) 267
Doctor of philosophy (1942-2009) 9,783
Doctor of education (1973-2009) 1,755
Doctor of veterinary medicine degrees (1984-2009) 2,109
Total undergraduate degrees (1883-2009) 181,252
Total graduate degrees (1892-2009) 61,538
Total degrees (1883-2009) 242,790