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Chapter 7 -- Service Organization

Service Organization

1. Resident Instruction.
Trains young men and young women for gainful occupations needed in Virginia, and for useful public service and intelligent citizenship.

Four-Year Courses in
Agriculture—Agricultural Engineering, Agronomy (Farm Management), Animal Husbandry, Dairy Husbandry, Horticulture, Agricultural Education.
Engineering—Chemical, Civil, Commercial, Electrical, Mechanical, Mining, Industrial Education.
Applied Science—Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Metallurgy.

Graduate Courses in
All of the above lines.

Two-Year Courses in
Practical Agriculture, Home Demonstration, Pre-Medical Education.

Short Unit Courses in
Agriculture, Printing (Linotype).

Summer Courses in
Vocational Agriculture, Trades and Industries, Certain College Subjects, and Certain Entrance Unit Subjects.

2. Experimentation and Research.
Answers by carefully planned experiments the fundamental problems in farm management and practise [sic], under local conditions.

Agricultural Experiment Station
Investigation as to crops, soils, fertilizers, feeds, feeding, plant and animal breeding, orcharding, dairying, diseases of plants and animals, insect pests, etc. Bulletins mailed free to farmers.

Eight County Experiment Stations
Local farm problems studied.

Leased and Co-operating Orchards
Local experiments in orcharding in the fruit-growing sections.

Crop Pest Commission
Control of insect pests and plant diseases. Bulletins mailed free.

Virginia Truck Experiment Station
Not under college control, but closely affiliated for helpful co-operation. Truck experiments and local problems of Eastern Virginia studied. Bulletins mailed free.

3. Extension Service.

Carries the College and Experiment Station to the farm and home, furnishes practical information of immediate application.

Extension Division
County Agent work in Agriculture and Home Economics. Boys' and Girls' Clubs. Farmers' organizations. Farmers' Institutes and other meetings, lectures, and demonstrations. Plans for farm engineering, etc. Exhibits at fairs. Bulletins mailed free. Advice to farmers, farmers' wives, boys and girls, by correspondence and visits by specialists, on technical phases of farming and household work. All service free.