Instruction, Degrees, and Commencements
Teaching and learning represent a major segment of Virginia Tech’s mission and involve the university’s academic colleges and schools, its world-class faculty, and its high-achieving students. As of May 2010, the university was offering approximately 210 graduate and undergraduate degrees through its eight colleges—Agriculture & Life Sciences, Architecture & Urban Studies, Engineering, Liberal Arts & Human Sciences, Natural Resources, Pamplin Business, Science, and Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine—and Graduate School, more than any other university in Virginia.
Academic Colleges and Schools
Academic Deans
The Graduate School
Graduate Centers
Special Programs
University Libraries
Graduates and Degrees
All Degrees, 1892-1941
All Degrees, 1942-1976
All Degrees, 1977-2016
Total Degrees by Type
Bachelor Degrees
Posthumous Degrees 2007
Commencement Speakers
Graduate Commencement
National Capital Region Commencement Speakers
Honorary Degrees
University Miscellany