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1923-1924 General Report For The Year

Changes In Staff

On Leave: J. F. Ryman, Instructor in Physics, winter and spring, 1924.

Resignations And Expiration Of Terms: W. G. Chrisman, Professor of Veterinary Science; R. E. Hunt, Animal Husbandman, Experiment Station; J. P. Keen, Animal Husbandman, Extension Division; W. G. Wysor, Agronomist, Extension Division; G. P. Warber, Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics, Specialist in Marketing, Extension Division; J. B. Haskell, Associate Professor of Military Science and Tactics; S. Clark, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering; J. C. Skuse, Assistant Professor of Military Science and Tactics; C. B. Ross, Assistant Professor of Poultry Husbandry; F. S. Glassett, Assistant Agronomist, Experiment Station; F. A. Heacock, Assistant Professor of Engineering Drawing; R. Michel, Assistant Professor of Engineering Drawing; A. W. Fairer, Assistant Professor of Physics; H. A. Thompson, Assistant Professor of Physical Education; I. G. Gibson, Cheese Specialist, Extension Division; J. D. Clark, Acting Assistant Professor of English; W. L. Younger, Instructor in Physical Education; H. C. Turner, Instructor in Animal Husbandry; H. Ross, Instructor in Horticulture, Assistant Horticulturist, Extension Division; W. S. Anderson, Assistant Vegetable Gardening Specialist, Extension Division; Anna M. Campbell, Instructor in Education; Mary C. McBryde, Instructor in Education; C. T. Huckstep, Instructor in Vocational Drawing; J. S. Glenn, Assistant Agricultural Engineer, Extension Division; H. B. Boynton, Instructor in Agricultural Engineering, Assistant Agricultural Engineer, Extension Division; Elizabeth Woolwine, Instructor in Education; J. A. Waller, Instructor in Agricultural Engineering; C. Gregory, Instructor in Electrical Engineering and Mathematics; Frances M. Benson, Acting Librarian; Minnie Murrill, Acting Librarian.

Promotions: C. E. Seitz, Professor of Agricultural Engineering; T. K. Wolfe, Professor of Agronomy; M. C. Harrison, Professor of English; G. S. Ralston, Professor of Pomology; L. P. Edwards, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering; W. S. Newman, Associate Professor of Agricultural Education; F. B. Haynes, Assistant Professor of Physics; G. W. Patteson, Agronomist, Extension Division; J. W. Bowyer, Assistant Professor of English; C~ H. Raynor, Assistant Professor of Physics.

Appointments: H. F. Holtzclaw, Professor of Economics, Dean of Students, Dean of the School of Business Administration; I. D. Wilson, Professor of Veterinary Science; F. A. Buchanan, Associate Professor of Dairy Husbandry; J. J. Vernon, Associate Agricultural Economist, Experiment Station; T. M. Chase, Associate Professor of Military Science and Tactics; C. C. Taylor, Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics, Specialist in Marketing, Extension Division; L. I. Case, Animal Husbandman, Extension Division; R. C. Day, Assistant Professor of Physical Education; H. P. Detwiler, Assistant Professor of Military Science and Tactics; J. R. Castleman, Assistant Professor of Graphics; B. Greenshields, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering; J. A. Waller, Assistant Agricultural Engineer, Extension Division; T. W. Hatcher, Instructor in Mathematics and Experimental Engineering; W. T. Ackerman, Instructor in Agricultural Engineering, Assistant Agricultural Engineer, Extension Division; C. R. Nobles, Assistant Animal Husbandman, Experiment Station; M. J. Markuson, Assistant Agricultural Engineer, Extension Division, Instructor in Agricultural Engineering; G. A. Jackson, Assistant Agronomy Specialist, Extension Division; O. H. Woolford, Instructor in Engineering Drawing; J. G. Wallace, Instructor in Physical Education; C. T. Cornman, Instructor in Poultry Husbandry; H. G. Pickett, Acting Instructor in Chemistry; L. B. Deitrich, Instructor in Horticulture; T. E. Starnes, Instructor in Poultry Husbandry; L. P. Emmerich, Assistant Dairy Husbandman, Extension Division; R. H. Hurt, Assistant Plant Pathologist, Experiment Station; C. B. Price, Instructor in Poultry Husbandry; L. C. Beamer, Assistant Specialist in Vegetable Gardening, Extension Division; Mary Hiss, Librarian; Minnie Murrill, Acting Librarian.

Dean Of The College

The office of dean of the college has become vacant through voluntary retirement. The present dean will continue for a few weeks until his successor is appointed. It will be recalled that a year ago, in recommending the creation of the new office of dean of men, the president stated that the duties of such an official were frequently found combined with the duties of the dean of the college; but that it did not appear expedient to add such duties to those of the dean of the college then in office at this institution. It was suggested then that at some future time it might be found feasible to make such a combination of duties at this college, and hence the establishment of the additional deanship should be looked upon as an experiment. Since this experiment was not altogether successful although it is hardly possible to form a fair , and accurate judgment over so brief a period as one year, and since there is now an opportunity to appoint a new dean of the college, it has been recommended to and approved by the Board, that we seek a man suited to the combined position of dean of the college and dean of men (or dean of students). If such a man is found, we may of course abolish the office of dean of men as such.


The total enrolment at the end of President McBryde's administration in 1906-07 was 577; at the end of President Barringer's administration in 1912-13 it was 471; and at the end of President Eggleston's administration in 1918-19 it was 477, not counting the short-term S. A. T. C. groups. The enrolment for this year was 133% greater than it was five years ago; and the increase over the next preceding year was 14%. Living accommodations at the college are the same as they were in 1906-07. Attention is again called to the fact that it is out of the question to increase the enrolment under the present barracks system; and on the other hand the number should be considerably reduced if the present system is continued.

Classroom accommodations are also greatly overtaxed, and but for the fact that rooms have been developed in attics and basements it would not be possible to handle the large enrolment.

Despite the greatly overcrowded conditions the health of the students, due to constant vigilance, has been exceptionally good. There has been no death and no outbreak of disease in epidemic form.

Student activities have prospered during the year. The literary societies have experienced a healthy revival, and for the first time in many years they engaged in an intercollegiate triangular debate with the Virginia Military Institute and the North Carolina State College, winning from both of these institutions. The student weekly paper has been far better in policy and content than ever before. The cadet band has been the largest and best we have had, certainly for many years. The college won a place on the limited list of "distinguished colleges" of the War Department.

Many students have been dropped from college during the year for academic delinquency, a few have been dismissed for extremely bad conduct records, a few have been dismissed by the students for violation of the honor system, and one has been dropped for nonpayment of college charges. On the other hand, the great majority of the students have made satisfactory academic and conduct records.

Changes In Cadet Uniform

Because of weather conditions here it is practically impossible at any time during the year to use white trousers as a part of the cadet uniform. This item was eliminated, at a saving to each cadet of $6.50 for two pairs of white trousers formerly required.

Many years ago a gray coatee was a part of the regulation cadet uniform. It is no longer a part of the regulation uniform, but cadets have held on to them and passed them down thru generations of students for use at dances, etc. For a number of reasons it was decided that the wearing of this coatee be prohibited after the coming year. Such action will improve the appearance of the cadets, will promote respect for the regulation uniform, will be in the interest of hygiene, will save expense to parents, and be generally advisable.

Regulation Of Smoking

No building on the campus is fireproof, with the possible exception of the shops, and even that has a lot of inflammable material. Smoking by instructors, students, and others is quite common inside as well as in the vicinity of practically all of our buildings. Signs are posted at the shops and at the barns prohibiting it. Smoking by students has been prohibited in all buildings on the campus, except in the barracks; and this restriction applies also to officials, teachers, and other persons, except in private offices.

Expenses Of Students

By direction of the Governor, in order to meet the requirements of the budget, it was necessary to add $5 a quarter as maintenance fee for each student, thus increasing the general fee for registration from $15 to $30 a year. The dining-hall is conducted on entirely too close a margin, and to continue the present grade of service the charge for board was increased by $7 a year to $191. Likewise, it appeared advisable to increase the charge for room, heat, lights, and janitor service, by $4 to $44 a year, and the charge for laundry by $3 to $19 a year. This makes a total increase of $29 a student a year. Even then our rates are appreciably less than the cost of attendance at the other Virginia state institutions. These increases go into effect next session.

State Scholarships

It has been customary to allow Virginians to attend the college indefinitely free of charge for tuition. Section 858 of the Code of Virginia, however, reads as follows: "The said students, privileged to attend the college without charge for tuition, use of laboratories, or public buildings, shall continue to be selected for the period of two years; provided, that on the recommendation of the faculty of the said college for more than ordinary diligence and proficiency, any student so selected may be continued by the said board of visitors for a longer period."

It would undoubtedly be an incentive to scholarship and save the state the cost of providing instruction for students who do not profit by their opportunities, if this law is enforced. There have been numerous abuses under the present practise, and after this year the practise will be to conform to the law as quoted.

Refunding Student Fees

According to a practice of long standing, when a student for any reason leaves the college after having paid his fees and other charges for the quarter, no refund is made to him except for board, laundry, room, and unfilled order for uniform. He loses his fees. This works a hardship under the present system at the beginning of the spring quarter. In accordance with the minimum scholarship requirements it becomes necessary at the end of each quarter to drop from college a number of students for poor class records. A week or more is required to make out the quarterly reports, have them considered by the council of administration and action taken under the regulations. At the end of the quarters with the exception of the winter quarter there is a vacation, consequently the delay in informing students that they are dropped causes no complications as to fees paid by them; but in March there is no vacation between the two quarters and students are required to go immediately into the spring quarter and pay their fees on the first day. It has been decided that fees be refunded to students who are dropped at the end of the winter quarter and not notified until after they have paid their fees for the spring quarter. A ten-day period will usually be ample for this.

Improvement Of Service

The greatest scholastic achievement of the year, and indeed the greatest of many years at this college, was the recognition of the institution as a standard college by the accrediting agency of this section of the United States, namely, the Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools of the Southern States.

There have been several extensions of importance in the work of the college, including the establishment of a new school of business administration, with instructional departments in agricultural economics, business administration, and economics and history. Provision has been made for two research fellowships and other development of the engineering experiment station recently started. The two-year curriculum in agriculture has been abolished.

The agricultural experiment station, with its sub-stations, has strengthened and somewhat extended its activities, this being made possible by the considerably increased appropriation secured from the last General Assembly for this purpose .

The cooperative extension work in agriculture and home economics has continued to go forward successfully; and despite the generally depressed agricultural conditions which have set back the work in most states, our extension division has extended its activities to additional counties and made some excellent records in the improvement campaigns it has conducted. This division has established some very valuable contacts with important groups in the state; as for example, the State Bankers' Association and the organization of electric power companies, as well as with distinctly farmers' organizations of many kinds.

Teachers of the local schools have been given the privilege of attending college classes for which they are prepared, without payment of any fee.

School Of Business Administration

The policy of a state college should be to meet the demands of its state as nearly as it can. The demand for business training on the college level has increased from year to year. So many calls continued to come to us for technically trained men with a knowledge of the commercial side of industry that three years ago we inaugurated a curriculum in commercial engineering. This has grown more and more popular among the students. It now seems advisable to add a curriculum in business administration and a curriculum in secretarial work and commercial teaching. These two curricula should meet a long-felt need. They must be of strictly standard college grade, coordinate with the other four-year curricula leading to the B.S. degree. They may be readily offered here without any real additional cost, at least during the current biennium, since only one teacher need be added to the staff for the coming session, and only one more the following session, and they would have to be added anyhow in other departments if not in this, in order to care properly for the large enrolment. The number of engineering students has become entirely too large for our present engineering faculty and laboratory facilities. It is presumed that most of the students attracted to business administration will be drawn from the engineering group, as students often express the desire to prepare for business careers although taking engineering courses. It is believed that the new field of work will serve to relieve somewhat the pressure in the engineering division, and at the same time give more nearly the kind of training that many of our students want and for which they are adapted.

On the agricultural side there has come in recent years a demand for men trained in agricultural economics, particularly for co-operative organization work, and it seems impossible for the state agricultural college to ignore this. It is therefore proposed that a four-year standard college grade curriculum in agricultural economics be offered. The necessary instructors for this are already employed, consequently there is no added expense, at least for two years.

These three new curricula being established, it is purposed to organize a school of business administration, to include the new curricula together with the present curricula in commercial engineering and industrial education. In this group will also be placed the two-year pre-law curriculum.

Engineering Extension

Every live college of our type is reaching outside of its campus and serving the state in every possible way. It is the desire of our engineering departments that they have an opportunity to contribute more fully to the industrial life of Virginia. In the last four years members of our engineering faculty have given valuable professional assistance to other state institutions, and there is every reason to believe that there is a promising field that might be developed even with our present limited resources. If our engineering departments can make their influence for service felt more fully it should lead to more adequate support for our work.

After conferences with representatives of the engineering departments it was decided to ask the Board to authorize the creation of an engineering extension division as a recognized part of the college. It is believed that the cost of operation will not exceed $300 for the year in addition to the expense of printing an occasional bulletin for free distribution. The small amount named, and the printing, can be readily taken care of in the budget which has been presented for the current year. Authority having been given this work has been started.

Membership In Organizations

While the college already holds membership in a considerable number of organizations, invitations to join the Association of Governing Boards of State Universities and Allied Institutions and the American Council of Education have been accepted.

Gifts Of Equipment

The department of dairy husbandry has received gifts of equipment in the amounts named, from the following firms: Letz Manufacturing Co., feed grinder, $350; Bossert Corporation, feed mill, $500; Taylor Instrument Co., recording thermometers, $400; Pyrene Manufacturing Co., acid syphon, $10; a total of $1,260.

A gift of engineering, shop, and agricultural implement equipment, valued at about $5,250, was secured from the State Highway Department thru the activity of Mr. J. R. Horsley, member of the House of Delegates, and Professor Seitz of our department of agricultural engineering.

The electrical engineering department, thru the kind interest of an alumnus, Mr. E. P. Waller, has secured a lot of laboratory equipment valued at approximately $2,000.

Professors' Compensation

With reference to the compensation of the professors there are two factors which have disturbed me greatly during the five years of my administration, because they produce an inequitable situation which in itself offends my sense of right, and which sooner or later will cause unrest and dissatisfaction among the members of our faculty.

To one of these the attention of the Board has been called informally a number of times. This is the renting of houses of greatly varying value to professors at a uniform rate, which has the effect of considerably reducing the compensation of certain professors as compared with others, or vice versa.

The other factor is the unequal yearly period of employment for men of the same rank and pay. Some professors have duties requiring them to be here at work twelve, or at least eleven, months a year, while others on the same salary, are entirely free to accept positions in the summer school here or elsewhere, or other employment, thus adding perhaps a fourth to their yearly compensation. This situation has already caused some dissatisfaction among members of the faculty, and it would be unwise to permit it to continue.

Undoubtedly plans can be devised for removing both of these inequitable factors, and while it may cost the institution something to do it in such a way as to affect no one adversely, it is very important that it be done.

Professors' Residences

That the assignment of college-owned houses to professors for residences is inequitable and uneconomical is strikingly shown by noting the values of these houses recently appraised by a committee of the insurance underwriters and our faculty, as given here:

 2 Houses valued at $ 5,000 each
 1 House valued at    6,000
 1 House valued at    7,000
 9 Houses valued at   8,000 each
10 Houses valued at  10,000 each
 1 House valued at   12,000
 1 House valued at   14,000
 1 House valued at   15,000
 1 House valued at   16,000

The houses occupied by the president, the commandant, and the health officer (extension division house) are not included in this list.

Professors who are not furnished houses on the campus are allowed $300 a year commutation. In estimating the salary paid to professors the houses have been understood as being the equivalent of $300 a year in each case regardless of the comparative value of the house. It is obviously inequitable to count a house valued at $16,000 as equivalent to one valued at only $5,000. In other words, we are requiring the professor occupying a $5,000 house to pay the same rent for it as the professor occupying a $16,000 house pays. Some plan should be devised for evening up these inequalities.

For the sake of more accurate accounting, beginning March 1, 1924, each professor has the $300 for house included in his salary, and if he occupies a college-owned house he pays to the college $300 as rent. Thus, a professor drawing the maximum salary of $3,300 per annum with house will hereafter draw $3,600 per annum without house, and if he lives in a college-owned house he will pay back to the college $300 per annum for rent, while the professor who does not occupy a college house will get his $3,600 as heretofore. This does not mean an increase in these salaries. This does not, of course, meet the problem to which it is desired to call attention, but it does pave the way by making it clear as to what the professor's salary is and what rental value is placed on the house he occupies.

It is suggested that perhaps the easiest way to overcome the difficulty mentioned would be to establish a certain percentage of the value of the house as the rental for same in each case, making this percentage such that the amount of rent paid for the average house (or largest number of houses) would be $300 a year as at present. The result of this should be that a majority of the professors would pay no more than they now pay. For example, suppose 3% of the estimated value of the house be taken as the annual rental, the result would be thus:

 2 professors would pay $150 rent and the college would lose $300
 1 professor would pay   180 rent and the college would lose  120
 1 professor would pay   210 rent and the college would lose   90
 9 professors would pay  240 rent and the college would lose  540
10 professors would pay  300 rent and the college would lose    0
 1 professor would pay   360 rent and the college would gain   60
 1 professor would pay   420 rent and the college would gain  120
 1 professor would pay   450 rent and the college would gain  150
 1 professor would pay   480 rent and the college would gain  180

The total loss to the college would be $1,050 and the total gain would be $510, thus making a net loss to the college of $540. This loss could be absorbed readily in the amounts set aside for salaries in the current budget. According to this plan only four professors would be affected adversely, while thirteen professors would benefit, and the other ten would remain as at present. The professors not occupying college houses would not be affected in any way, their commutation remaining at $300. This plan should meet with less disapproval than any other yet thought of; but it must be recognized that it is placing the rental of these houses at an absurdly low figure. It would seem that one should get four times 3% of the value of the house, particularly when free water and abundant garden space are supplied with the house. This rent is hardly sufficient to keep the houses in repair. When compared to the rentals charged in the town they are less than half, which thereby continues an inequality as regards the professor not furnished a college house.

Business Management

The institution is now in excellent financial condition. This is largely due to increased support secured from the state during the last four years, but it may be confidently claimed that it is also due in no small degree to the improved business methods which have been put into practise. Even a casual inspection and comparison of the accounts will, it is believed, fully demonstrate the accuracy of this statement. Comparatively few unpaid accounts are outstanding now. By reason of the budget control system, departments are kept within their means, and no debt is being incurred in any direction. Of course greatly increased revenues must be secured if the college is to continue to develop and to meet the needs of the state.

Service Department Accounts

The financial statements as at February 29, 1924, showed uncollected departmental accounts amounting to $10,548. Omitting the interdepartmental transactions it was found that there was a total of approximately $7,246 owing to these departments by individuals, about 40% being employes of the college. This, too, in spite of a special effort that was made during January and February to close out these accounts prior to the close of the fiscal year.

Some of these accounts had been standing for a long time, and some will never be collected. The service departments have been operated on a very close margin, indeed evidence is not wanting that up to a few years ago they were conducted at a loss, and funds appropriated to instructional purposes or collected from students were used to make up deficits. It is respectfully submitted that a college is maintained for instructional purposes and for providing living accommodations for its students, so far as this may be necessary, and it is not the real business of a college to supply commercial service. It certainly is inexcusable to supply such service at less than it costs, or at the risk of losing through delayed settlements and bad debts. Such service as is now being supplied to the people of the community is supplied to them largely as a favor, and the college should not permit itself to be imposed upon in this manner. The telephone company requires payment in advance or the service is discontinued, the electric lighting companies in other places require payment within a few days or the current is cut off, etc., and these utilities are conducted for profit; but here, where the service is furnished practically at cost, we have been kept waiting months for settlement.

There seemed to be no good reason why all of these service departments should not be put upon a strictly cash basis. The creamery was already operating successfully a cash ticket system, which means payment for each bottle of milk as delivered; and a similar C. O. D. plan could be worked out for the laundry, as is the case in the cities. Payment for electric current could be required within ten days after the close of the month, the penalty for non-payment being discontinuance of the service. The other service departments should be able to collect charges when the articles are sold or the job is done, delivery being dependent upon cash payment.

All commercial service supplied by the college should show a reasonable profit. But, if a fair overhead be included, none could show any appreciable profit, if indeed there was no loss. Certainly if we are to run charge accounts there should be sufficient profit to justify it. This business should be reduced to a minimum and conducted on a strictly cash basis, or else the rates should be considerably increased. [For these reasons, the Board directed a cash basis, beginning June 1, 1924, and this is now in effect.]

Coal Mine

We have fortunately been able to dispose of the coal mine, selling the equipment for a reasonable price, and surrendering the lease on the property. This has relieved us of a very undesirable burden.

Additional Revenue

As a result of the increased scale of charges for students and enforcement of the law as to state scholarships, an increased revenue derived from these sources may be estimated as follows:

Maintenance Fee of $15 (800 students)$6,667  $12,000  
Board—$7 increase (700 students)2,722  4,900  
Room, etc.—$4 increase (700 students)1,555  2,800  
Laundry—$3 increase (700 students)1,166  2,100  
Tuition—Probably 80 students at $904,000  7,200  
 $16,110  $29,000  
  Included in Governor's estimates7,600  11,400  
    Net addition to revenue$8,510  $17,600  

The budget has been based on the assumption that this additional revenue will be available for the current fiscal year.

Addition To Loan Fund

By appointment of the Governor the president served as a member of the Commission on Simplification and Economy of State and Local Government. Before accepting the appointment he discussed the matter with the Board and secured approval. The law establishing this commission provided that a per diem of $6 be paid to the members. The amount paid in accordance with this provision of the law was $324. Not considering it proper for a state official who is employed for his full time to receive compensation from other sources when this represents time taken from the work for which he is paid as a state official, a check for $324 has been handed to the treasurer of the college, with the request that this amount be added to the student loan funds—not, however, the state loan fund (which would operate to our disadvantage in connection with the state budget appropriations).


Because of the financial situation, and also because of the introduction of certain measures affecting the institution and its allied interests, it was necessary for the president to spend an unusual amount of time in Richmond during the General Assembly. On the whole the results were quite satisfactory. The appropriations as shown in the accompanying table are very gratifying under the circumstances which we faced at the beginning of the legislative session. Senate Bill 46, giving more authority to the college administration for the control of the property, was passed and became the law in June. Senate Bill 340, making a conditional appropriation of $100,000 for buildings, was passed and signed. Two or three other bills and resolutions of a financial character, in which the college was interested, were lost; but the way was prepared for further effort at the next session. A measure for a soil survey of the state under the direction of the agricultural experiment station was enacted into law, and this also provides for a water-power survey with which we will undoubtedly have much to do. One or two bills were passed affecting the crop pest commission laws, acceptable to the state entomologist. Two very undesirable bills affecting the extension division were defeated. During the legislative session there was excellent cooperation among the various state-supported institutions.

State Appropriations for the Biennium 1924-1926—Compared with the Last Biennium

For1924-251925-261924-261922-24Inc. or
Dec. (—)
Resident Instruction:     
   Operation$231,030  $240,735  $471,765  $449,884  $21,881  
   Capital Outlays13,900  77,325  91,225  107,775  —16,550  
   Deficit……  ……  ……  24,820  —24,820  
   Totals$244,930  $318,060  $562,990  $582,479  —19,489  
Extension Division188,000  188,000  376,000  366,336  9,664  
Experiment Station62,900  62,900  125,800  103,850  21,950  
County Expt. Stations9,675  9,655  19,330  16,700  2,630  
Crop Pest Commission18,760  18,760  37,520  38,480  — 960  
Livestock San. Bd.21,550  21,550  43,100  43,340  — 240  
   Totals$545,815  $618,925  $1,164,740  $1,151,185  $13,555  

Capital Outlays Included in the Resident Instruction Appropriations

Function and Object1924-251925-26
Administration—Office Equipment……  $850  
Agriculture—Laboratory Equipment$1,500  1,500  
            Poultry Structures……  4,500  
Engineering—Laboratory Equipment2,000  6,000  
S. H. Industrial Teacher Training—Office Equipment……  675  
Printing—Office Equipment50  50  
            Laboratory Equipment2,450  2,450  
Academic-Science—Laboratory Equipment1,000  1,000  
Library—Educational Equipment (Books. etc.)1,000  1,000  
Dairy Husbandry—Guernsey and Jersey Cattle……  5,000  
Animal Husbandry—Swine, sheep, horses, beef cattle……  2,000  
Plumbing, Sewerage, Water—Automatic Pump Control600  ……  
            Sewage Disposal Plant……  45,000  
            Dormitory Plumbing……  2,000  
Sinking Funds—Building and Equipment Fund1,000  1,000  
            Water Works Fund300  300  
Loans to Students—Imprest Cash4,000  4,000  
Totals$13,900  $77,325  

Other Special Items Carried in Appropriations for Operation Under Resident Instruction

Function and Object1924-251925-26
Administration—Enlargement of Building……  $3,300  
            Insurance$6,000  6,000  
Mechanic Arts—Repairs to Roof Shops Building3,000  ……  
Academic-Science—Repairs, etc., Science Hall1,000  1,000  
Farm—To continue general improvements1,500  1,500  
Heat & Power Plant—Boilers……  12,250  
Electric Service—Replacements for service system1,500  1,500  
            Lights in Buildings500  500  
Plumbing, Sewerage, Water—Motors and Pumps1,500  1,500  
Buildings & Grounds—General Repairs10,000  10,000  

Balance Sheet

The president offers herewith the results of an attempt to draw up a balance sheet in consolidated form for the year ended February 29, 1924. So far as ascertained this is the first attempt ever made at this institution. The valuations for the physical plant are, of course, merely estimates; but all data used are conservative. From the balance sheet it is to be noted that the institution is in a very healthy financial condition, perhaps more so than at any time in its entire history. We closed the year with a gross balance of $55,819, and an unencumbered balance of $4,688 after providing ample reserves for all obligations. The working budget for the year beginning March 1, 1924, was made so as to come well within our assured resources.

Funded And Floating Debts

In connection with the water-works bonds shown on the balance sheet, attention was called to the fact that the sinking fund as of February 29, 1924, was within $281 of the total bond issue, and this balance is more than covered by the appropriation for the current year. This part of the funded debt could, therefore, be disposed of at once.

It will be noticed from the balance sheet that there was on February 29, 1924, in the workmen's compensation reserve fund the sum of $9,997. The appropriation for the current year is $2,500, making a total March 1, 1924, to the credit of this fund, including certain interest to be credited, something more than $12,500. This money was on deposit in bank, drawing interest at the rate of 4%. We were paying interest at 6% on a balance due on certain professors' houses amounting to $11,894, as shown on the balance sheet. It appeared to be good business to use temporarily the workmen's compensation reserve funds to pay this debt, replenishing this reserve with 2/3 of the interest at 6% now being paid thru the state budget appropriations on this debt. When this debt is paid thru appropriation by the state the amount of the principal can be put into the workmen's compensation reserve.

Consolidated Balance Sheet

As at February 29, 1924

(Exclusive of Extension Division and Experiment Stations)

I. Current:
 Cash in hands of Treasurer $55,819
 Rotary Funds:
  Petty Cash$500
  Student Loans16,269
  Workmen's Compensation9,997
 Accounts Receivable:
  General Departmental10,548
  State Board Voc'l Educ'n (Smith-Hughes)1,062
  U. S. Veterans' Bureau (Rehabilitation)5,000
 Supplies Inventory 54,701
II. Endowment:
 From Land Grant Act of Congress, 1862 344,312
III. Funded Debt:
 Sinking Funds in hands of Treasurer:
  Buildings and Equipment36,966
  Water Works14,719
IV. Physical Plant:
 Land (656 acres at $350 average) 229,600
  Less Depreciation Reserve222,560
 Central Heat Distribution System65,000
  Less Depreciation Reserve3,250
 Electric Service Distribution System25,000
  Less Depreciation Reserve2,500
 Water Supply System20,000
  Less Depreciation Reserve2,000
 Sewerage System20,000
  Less Depreciation Reserve4,000
 Departmental Equipment553,500
  Less Depreciation Reserve27,675
 Livestock 35,000
I. Current:
 Working Balance $4,688
 Reserve for Rotary Funds 26,766
 Reserve for Orders and Contracts Outstanding 49,744
 Reserve for Federal Income paid in advance 17,997
 Reserve for Supplies 54,701
II. Endowment:
 Reserve for Land Grant Fund 344,312
III. Funded Debt:
 Buildings and Equipment Bonds, 1900 100,000
 Water Works Bonds. 1896 15,000
IV. Physical Plant:
 Balance due on Black Farm Property 17,176
 Balance due on Professors' Houses 11,894
 Equity of the Town of Blacksburg in Sewage Plant3,000
 Unencumbered Investment in Physical Plant 2,455,630

The college will thus save the 2% on $11,894 each year until the appropriation is made to cover the debt on the houses, and the workmen's compensation reserve will lose nothing. The Board having approved, this has been done.


A great improvement has been brought about in the protection of the property by fire insurance. The accompanying table gives detailed information as to the insurance now carried, as a result of securing the $6,000 annual appropriation requested by the Board.

Insurance on Buildings and Equipment, 1924

Ins. on
1. Saunders$8,000  $800  $7,200  $3,600  ……  ……  
2. Fromme8,000  800  7,200  3,600  ……  ……  
3. Smyth10,000  1,000  9,000  4,500  ……  ……  
4. Watson10,000  1,000  9,000  4,500  ……  ……  
5. Barlow10,000  1,000  9,000  4,500  ……  ……  
6. Holden16,000  1,600  14,400  7,200  ……  ……  
7. Burkhart10,000  1,000  9,000  4,500  ……  ……  
8. McBryde10,000  1,000  9,000  4,500  ……  ……  
9. Newman8,000  800  7,200  3,600  ……  ……  
10. Rasche8,000  800  7,200  3,600  ……  ……  
11. Johnson8,000  800  7,200  3,600  ……  ……  
12. Ellis8,000  800  7,200  3,600  ……  ……  
13. Commandant8,000  800  7,200  3,600  ……  ……  
14. Stahl7,000  700  6,300  3,150  ……  ……  
15. Parrott12,000  1,200  10,800  5,400  ……  ……  
16. Lee5,000  500  4,500  2,250  ……  ……  
17. Gudheim6,000  600  5,400  2,700  ……  ……  
18. Owens6,000  600  5,400  2,700  ……  ……  
19. Begg10,000  1,000  9,000  4,500  ……  ……  
20. Williams8,000  800  7,200  3,600  ……  ……  
21. Pritchard8,000  800  7,200  3,600  ……  ……  
22. President50,000  5,000  45,000  22,500  ……  ……  
23. Pres. Garage1,000  100  900  450  ……  ……  
24. Brumfield12,000  1,200  10,800  5,400  ……  ……  
25. Wilson14,000  1,400  12,600  6,300  ……  ……  
26. Hunt10,000  1,000  9,000  4,500  ……  ……  
27. Campbell15,000  1,500  13,500  6,750  ……  ……  
28. Robeson10,000  1,000  9,000  4,500  ……  ……  
29. Hutcheson, T. B10,000  1,000  9,000  4,500  ……  ……  
30. Apartment25,000  3,750  21,250  15,000  ……  ……  
31. Minter5,000  500  4,500  2,250  ……  ……  
32. Van Oot5,000  500  4,500  2,250  ……  ……  
33. Holtzclaw10,000  2,000  8,000  4,000  ……  ……  
34. Shelor4,000  600  3,400  1,700  ……  ……
35. Exp. Sta. Cott.3,000  450  2,550  1,275  ……  ……  
36. (a) Farm Cottage1,600  320  1,280  800  ……  ……  
   (b) Farm Cottage1,600  320  1,280  800  ……  ……  
   (c) Farm Cottage1,600  320  1,280  800  ……  ……  
   (d) Farm Cottage1,600  320  1,280  800  ……  ……  
   (e) Farm Cottage.1,600  320  1,280  800  ……  ……  
37. Holdaway8,000  800  7,200  3,600  ……  ……  
38. Price, C. R.3,000  450  2,550  1,275  ……  ……  
39. Fireman800  120  680  340  ……  ……  
40. Mechanic Arts175,000  17,500  1,57,500  25,000  $85,000  $25,000  
41. Mining6,000  600  5,400  2,700  3,000  2,000  
42. Science Hall85,000  8,500  76,500  51,000  43,000  30,000  
43. Dining Hall100,000  15,000  85,000  56,000  30,000  20,000  
44. Agric'l Hall & Htg. Pit.150,000  15,000  135,000  90,000  65,000  40,000  
45. Agric. Educ'n.9,000  1,350  7,650  3,825  2,500  1,700  
46. Agric. Mach'y.4,000  600  3,400  3,000  25,000  15,000  
47. Extension60,000  0  60,000  42,000  9,000  5,000  

Buildings and Equipment (continued)

Ins. on
48. Power Plant$30,000  $4,500  $25,500  $12,750  $60,000  $30,000  
49. Y. M. C. A50,000  5,000  45,000  30,000  5,500  3,000  
50. Academic No. 170,000  7,000  63,000  31,500  20,000  15,000  
51. Academic No. 275,000  7,500  67,500  33,750  8,500  5,000  
52. Barrack No. 1100,000  15,000  85,000  42,500  3,500  2,500  
53. Barrack No. 260,000  9,000  51,000  25,500  3,000  2,000  
54. Barrack No. 360,000  9,000  51,000  25,500  3,000  2,000  
55. Barrack No. 462,000  9,300  52,700  26,350  3,000  2,000  
56. Barrack No. 560,000  9,000  51,000  25,500  3,000  2,000  
57. Gymnasium14,000  5,000  9,000  5,000  1,500  1,000  
58. Laundry10,000  1,500  8,500  5,000  21,500  15,000  
59. Military Lab15,000  1,500  13,500  4,000  50,000  10,000  
60. Hospital30,000  4,500  25,500  12,750  4,000  1,500  
61. Library110,000  11,000  99,000  50,000  55,000  35,000  
62. Administration20,000  2,000  18,000  9,000  6,000  5,000  
63. Old Extension10,000  1,000  9,000  4,500  2,000  1,000  
64. Greenhouses12,000  1,800  10,200  1,000  1,000  500  
65. Veterinary3,000  450  2,550  1,275  1,500  1,000  
66. Sta. Dai. Barn10,000  1,500  8,500  6,000  1,000  500  
67. Farm Dai. Barn40,000  6,000  34,000  20,000  3,000  1,500  
68. Mach'y Barn10,000  1,500  8,500  6,000  8,000  5,000  
69. Stk. Jdg. Pav5,000  500  4,500  3,000  1,000  500  
70. Horse Barn12,000  2,400  9,600  6,000  2,000  1,000  
71. Exp. Sta. Barn12,000  2,400  9,600  4,800  2,000  1,000  
72. Sta. Horse Barn8,000  1,600  6,400  3,200  1,000  500  
73. Beef Catt. Barn4,500  450  4,050  3,500  2,000  1,000  
74. Plumber Shop1,600  240  1,360  710  1,000  500  
75. Tailor Shop4,000  2,000  2,000  1,000  18,000  10,000  
76. Livestock……  ……  ……  ……  30,000  16,400  
Totals$1,864,900  $222,560  $1,642,340  $847,000  $583,500  $310,100  

For Comparison

 Insur. Val. Bldgs.Insur. Carried% Ins. to Val.
Last Year$1,664,840$286,025  17.2
This Year  1,642,340847,00051.6
 Insur. Val. ContentsInsur. Carried% Ins. to Val.
Last Year$564,617$82,90014.7
This Year  583,500310,10053.1

The $368,920 insurance carried last year would have cost $859 this year and $1,520 next year, while the increased amount will cost this year $5,799 and next year $4,905. The appropriation being $6,000 for each year, it will be possible to increase the amount of insurance carried next year. The present total insurance carried is $1,157,100 and it is desirable to increase this amount to at least $1,475,000 as soon as possible.

Improvements To Physical Plant

During the past year new buildings have been completed and paid for as follows: agricultural extension division building; stock-judging pavilion; beef-cattle barn; herdsman's cottage; and storage houses.

A great deal of remodeling has been accomplished and numerous minor additions have been made, among them: old storage pavilion converted into temporary gymnasium to meet needs created by burning of field-house; old barn converted into "fruit-packing plant; X-ray room constructed in cellar of hospital; academic building No. 1, first floor remodeled to provide more classrooms and offices, basement remodeled to enlarge quarters of printing department; main stairway to auditorium changed to promote safety; lavatories installed in barracks Nos. 1 and 4, and now being installed in Nos. 2 and 5; wing added to greenhouse.

Many repairs have been made, amounting in some cases to remodeling; composition floors laid in both wards of the hospital; walls and roof of library repaired; cement floors laid in basement of science hall, and walls and ceilings painted thruout; Dean Pritchard's residence re-plastered; Professor Rasche's residence completely remodeled and renovated, including new plaster, floors, painting, etc., thru entire interior; Professor Johnson's residence re-plastered and partly remodeled, with addition of room and bathroom; Professor Ellis's residence re-plastered; Professor Newman's residence re-floored; new floors laid on first floor of academic building No. 1 and inside walls painted thruout; and residence in the grove remodeled for use as a dormitory for women students.

On the grounds numerous and much-needed improvements have been made, especially the bituminous macadam driveway from the Y. M. C. A. down faculty row, by the agricultural hall and the barns, to the town line at Professor Begg's residence. New walks and minor roads have been built; a concrete run-way has been laid in rear of the cattle-sheds; ornamental light standards have been erected along the faculty row drive; the work of rebuilding the electric distribution lines has been nearly completed; a considerable amount of new fencing has been built.

The connection of the buildings in the main group to the central heating plant has been completed; a concrete tunnel for heating pipes, wires, etc., has been built for one-half of the distance between the library and academic building No. 2; the heating system of the agricultural hall has been overhauled; weather-stripping has been placed on the windows of the library, and on the most exposed windows of the barracks and the two academic buildings.

Fine specimens of beef-cattle and sheep have been put in the animal husbandry department, and a few horses for teaching purposes are being added; modern machinery has been installed in the creamery, and the space here considerably enlarged; the experimental engineering laboratories have been moved to the old power-house and to heretofore unused rooms in the mechanic arts building, and the entire basement floor of academic building No. 1 placed at the disposal of the printing department; a large cylinder press has been added to the printing equipment and also a number of smaller pieces; many additions have been made to the laboratory equipment in farm machinery; and a considerable amount of general laboratory equipment has been added in the various departments.

The long list of recommendations made by the insurance inspectors has been covered to the extent of about two-thirds of the items, the remaining items being too expensive to care for without special appropriations for the purpose. Fire extinguishers have been placed in all barracks divisions.

A large number of general repairs, particularly to professors' residences, have been completed or are now in progress; and every effort is being made to keep the plant in good physical condition. This requires continual effort and is expensive, because most of the buildings are quite old, were of cheap construction to begin with, have been neglected in past years, and are being subjected to hard usage every day. In numerous instances a general renewal of woodwork, floors, and plaster is necessary to preserve the buildings in reasonably fit condition for occupancy—this being particularly true of the barracks. At present the Y. M. C. A. building is being completely overhauled inside—plastering, floors, heating, plumbing, wiring, painting, etc. The largest dairy barn is being extensively repaired, feed-grinding machinery will soon be installed, concrete stairways will be built to the main entrances, and walks, roads, and general landscaping will be completed around this barn at an early date.

The old extension division building will soon be remodeled inside to provide three additional classrooms and four offices. The attic of academic building No. 2 is being conditioned for use, and when completed in the next few weeks will provide three more classrooms and four offices in that much-used building. Proposals are being secured for general repairs to the roof of the mechanic arts building, for which a special appropriation of $3,000 was secured. Plans have been prepared and proposals are being received for erecting an addition to the administration building, this being provided for by an item in the budget. Plans are being prepared for improving the appearance of the entrance to the dining hall and rebuilding the outside steps at the entrance. Two new boilers have been purchased for the main heating-plant, and two old boilers are now being removed therefrom and will soon be installed in the agricultural heating plant. Two new water-pumps and motors will soon be installed at the pumping station; also an automatic control system. Several efficiency devices are soon to be installed at the central power-plant.

The athletic stadium is nearing completion so far as the grading and drainage system is concerned, the entire cost being borne by the Athletic Association, with no expense to the state except for the land itself. Preliminary plans for the new alumni war memorial hall, which will be chiefly a large gymnasium and accompanying facilities, have been approved, and the working plans and specifications are now in the course of preparation, so that bids will be received soon.

A step in the right direction for the future development of our campus was taken by the authorization of the Board for the employment of a landscape architect.

During the year a five-year lease has been closed with the heirs of Dr. John M. McBryde for the use of the farm of approximately 100 acres lying to the north of the college property across the Price's Fork road. This land is now being farmed by our agronomy department.

All property owned or operated by the college has been made a game sanctuary under the laws of Virginia.

Sewerage System

As is well known to the Board, the sewerage system of the college, which is jointly used by the town of Blacksburg, is in a very serious condition from overtaxing. A state appropriation of $45,000 was made for improvements. The town voted a bond issue of $50,000, the greater part of which it was understood would be used for cooperation with the college in connection with sewage disposal. A preliminary survey was made with a view to taking the sewage to New River, and the estimates of the engineer total $154,710. This is of course prohibitive for the funds now available from the college and town, which total $90,000. It is to be understood that this is by no means final, and that it will take several surveys to finally decide the best route and probable cost. Steps are being taken by the college and town jointly to have further surveys and estimates made. It will take several months to get sufficient information on which to base a decision as to the plan to be followed, and this reference is made merely to report progress.

Two Urgent Problems

In making a report to the governing board, the temptation to gloss over unfavorable spots in the operation of an institution is so great that more frequently than otherwise the reports of executives fail to adequately present conditions as they exist. It might be delightful to omit mention of such features as the two problems to which attention will be now directed; to lead the Board to believe that there are no such problems, but that, having attained perfection, everything moves serenely along; and to indulge in bombastic rhetoric about the greatness of this institution. It is difficult however for one to reconcile such statements with standards of professional honesty, and it certainly would not be fair to the Board which has reposed confidence in its chief executive officer to deliberately deceive by suppressing the facts.

The most important problems facing this college are: first, the improvement of instruction and study; and, second, the improvement of student conduct. The two are inseparably connected. They are not peculiar to this particular institution, unless perhaps in degree. Regardless of what published reports may indicate, the same problems exist in all educational institutions, the difference is only one of degree.

The primary object of every college is to supply instruction and promote study on the one hand, and on the other hand to develop personal qualities in its students which will make them fine characters according to the highest standards of American citizenship. In contradistinction to these objectives are the tendencies so pronounced among youth of the present day to put aside study for everything else; and to disregard the guidance of their elders in order to follow the dictates of their own desires.

The fault lies partly with the college authorities. In a few cases the teaching is doubtless quite poor, in more cases mediocre, largely perhaps because the teacher does not know how to do any better or that there is any better way than the way in which he himself was taught. Again, there is considerable lack of uniformity as to the requirements made of the students in the various departments of instruction, owing to a softness to be found in certain types of college teachers. At this college there has been little or no supervision of instruction. A teacher is appointed and immediately left to himself to work out his own salvation with no higher authority to check up on his work. Unless some extraordinary situation arises, defects in the work of a teacher are not brought into the consciousness of the college administration; and the poor teaching, if such it is, goes on year after year at the expense of the students. At this college there has been considerable inbreeding of teachers, with the result that inefficient methods often have been passed down thru many years, the teachers simply not knowing any other way of teaching than that which has prevailed at this particular institution. This is certainly not meant as a reflection on the faithful work which the great majority of our faculty have done, nor is there any intention to overlook the fine results that have been accomplished. Such a situation is not peculiar to this institution. The college that exercises real supervision over the teaching of its professors is rare indeed. Where is one?

To improve the work of our faculty the following suggestions are offered:

1. The deans of the several instructional divisions may be required to check up on the teaching of the members of their respective faculty groups, and to make reports at least annually of the efficiency of the instruction given by every member. This may be done with the help of the heads of the various departments.

2. A specialist in methods of teaching, a man of national reputation, may be secured each year to hold here a conference, or to give a series of lectures, demonstrations, etc., for a period of about one week, all members of the faculty, instructors and assistants to be expected to attend.

3. Heads of instructional departments may be encouraged to visit other institutions where recognized success has been attained in their respective fields of instruction, with a view to securing ideas as to improving the work of their respective departments.

4. Studies may be undertaken to demonstrate to the faculty the lack of uniformity in the requirements made of the students in the various departments, the varying standards of grading the work of students, etc.; and efforts may be made by the deans and heads of departments to bring about a fair degree of uniformity.

As regards the conduct of the students, it cannot be truthfully said that it has been satisfactory during the last several years. By this is not meant that it has been worse than in previous periods, but it is quite evident that improvement in this direction has not been as satisfactory as in other directions. If we are to develop and maintain the desired college standards here we must make progress with the discipline as well as with the scholarship. This whole subject has been dealt with in considerable detail by the special faculty committee on student life in its report, with which the Board is familiar; and the Board was asked to give serious consideration to it, with a view to formulating as soon as possible a definite policy for our future guidance.

The whole future development of the college is dependent upon the policy adopted in this connection. It is far from clear, even tho we secure the necessary funds to greatly enlarge the physical plant and teaching staff, how we can hope to enlarge the student-body if it continues to be organized on the present military basis. Indeed, even with the present enrolment, it seems that we are attempting the impossible. We are trying to do something that no standard college in America, so far as we have been able to ascertain, is even attempting to do, unless we include the United States military and naval academies which have the full force of the federal government behind them. To put it bluntly, the arbitrary military system of government of students in college is archaic, and any institution that has the temerity to try to continue it must suffer under an almost insuperable handicap in its effort to grow and to maintain a place in the group of standard colleges. The whole trend of the present age is away from despotism and toward democracy, and it is difficult for one to convince himself that young men trained under a despotic system in their formative years are receiving the best preparation for citizenship in a democracy. Democracy has come to stay, and it is not a question of securing it for future generations but rather of preparing oncoming generations to make them safe for democracy's priceless possession.

One thing is very clear, namely, whether we change our system of organization or not, if we limit our enrolment, as now appears to be necessary, we should limit it not so much by barring out new applicants as by weeding out those who have been admitted, who have been given a chance to profit by the opportunities so liberally offered by the state, and who have not made good. If any are to go surely we should let the weakest and poorest go, and keep the best and most promising. To this end, about two years ago we set up here certain minimum standards of scholarship, and students who do not measure up to these have been consistently dropped. This has undoubtedly been a valuable incentive to study, and it will be more valuable if we discontinue the practise of so readily readmitting in succeeding quarters students who have been dropped. The same applies to students dropped for unsatisfactory conduct records. Such students should not be readmitted until after they have been out long enough to demonstrate conclusively that they have been brought to a realization of what going to col. lege means, and until by study and work they have made themselves worthy of further consideration.

Another policy which we have adopted is to refuse to renew scholarship privileges for students who do not make satisfactory records. What one gets for nothing he frequently does not appreciate; and where a student has enjoyed for two years or more the free tuition offered by the state and has not done his reasonable part, he should be required to pay for his tuition if he be allowed to continue in attendance.

In what has been said in this report and in the report of the faculty committee on student life, have been laid bare some of the sore spots in the operation of this institution. When malignant sores are discovered in a human body, it is sometimes necessary to resort to a major surgical operation; but it is customary to get the consent of those who are responsible for the individual before the operation is performed. We have no desire to shirk our responsibility, but we feel that we ought to know just how far the Board is willing for us to go. We are but servants of the Board and we are employed to carry out as best we can the wishes of the Board. Unless we are assured of the approval and support of the Board, we naturally hesitate to take steps which may be quite drastic and may involve at some time a large group of students.

The Board expressed a sympathetic attitude to all of the foregoing and a desire to have the officials of the college work in the direction indicated as far as practicable.

Certificates Of Merit

The Board having decided to award certificates of merit in agriculture to Hon. Albert J. McMath and Dr. Henry W. McLaughlin, these certificates will be delivered at the farmers' institute during the summer.


Thanks are due the special committee of the Board on conference with the town authorities as to the water and sewerage situation, satisfactory results being obtained; and the committee which conferred with the representatives of other institutions in the interest of cooperative effort for better support.