1928-1929 General Report For The Year
To the Honorable, The Board of Visitors of the Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and Polytechnic Institute:
I have the honor to submit the following general report of the institution for the year which began July 1, 1928, and ended June 30, 1929:
Board Of Visitors
To fill vacancies caused by the expiration of the terms of four members of the Board on July 1, 1928, the Governor appointed Hon. A. T. Eskridge, Hon. J. B. Watkins, and Hon. James P. Woods, to succeed themselves, and Hon. J. R. Horsley to succeed Mr. T. J. Wright, all for the four-year term extending to July 1, 1932.
To fill a vacancy caused by the resignation of Hon. J. B. Watkins, in January, 1929, the Governor appointed Dr. J. G. Ferneyhough, for the remainder of the term extending to July 1, 1932.
Changes In Staff
Deaths: T. P. Campbell, Professor of Modern Languages; C. R. Nobles, Assistant Animal Husbandman, Agricultural Experiment Station; Jere Turpin, Assistant Professor of Business Administration.
Leaves Of Absence: H. S. Stahl, Professor of Botany, March-June, 1929; J. B. Jones, Assistant Professor of Experimental Engineering, 1928-29; T. W. Hatcher, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, 1928-29; Mary B. McGowan, Specialist in Home Economics, Agricultural Extension Division, Assistant Professor of Foods, February-June, 1929; N. P. Lawrence, Assistant Professor of English, 1928-29; J. F. D. Smith, Assistant Professor of Engineering Drawing, 1928-29; J. F. Eheart, Assistant Chemist, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1928-29; A. M. Woodside, Assistant Entomologist, Agricultural Experiment Station. January-March, 1929.
Resignations And Expiration Of Terms: S. R. Pritchard, Dean of Engineering; F. D. Fromme, Professor of Botany and Plant Pathology, Plant Pathologist, Agricultural Experiment Station; Mary Moore Davis, State Agent for Home Demonstration Work, Agricultural Extension Division; W. A. Brumfield, Professor of Hygiene, Health Officer; L. P. Edwards, Professor of Civil Engineering; A. L. Dean, Associate Professor of Poultry Husbandry; R. C. Macon, Associate Professor of Military Science and Tactics, Assistant Commandant of Cadets; J. J. Twitty, Associate Professor of Military Science and Tactics, Assistant Commandant of Cadets; C. Pickard, Assistant Specialist in Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Extension Division, Assistant Rural Sociologist, Agricultural Experiment Station; F. J. Schneiderhan, Assistant Plant Pathologist, Agricultural Experiment Station; J. Eldona Oliver, Specialist in Home Economics, Agricultural Extension Division; C. T. Cornman, Assistant Poultry Husbandman, Agricultural Extension Division; B. C. Craig, Instructor in Military Science and Tactics; George Carey, Jr., Assistant Dairy Husbandman, Agricultural Extension Division; R. A. Smith, Instructor in English and French; L. E. Fuller, Instructor in English; Katherine Holtzclaw, Instructor in Home Economics; E. L. Haefeli, Professional Nurse.
Promotions: S. A. Wingard, Plant Pathologist, Agricultural Experiment Station; F. B. Haynes, Associate Professor of Physics; H. W. Sanders, Associate Professor of Agricultural Education; Emma Weld, Assistant Professor of Home Economics; M. L. Peacock, Assistant Professor of English; J. F. Ryman, Assistant Professor of Physics; J. M. Hedrick, Assistant Professor of Economics.
Appointments: E. B. Norris, Dean of Engineering; C. R. Woolwine, Jr., Health Officer; C. H. Cowgill, Professor of Architectural Engineering; J. W. Whittemore, Professor of Ceramic Engineering; B. L. Hummel, Specialist in Rural Sociology and Community Organization, Agricultural Extension Division; Maude E. Wallace, State Agent for Home Demonstration Work, Agricultural Extension Division; G. Schweickert, Associate Professor of Military Science and Tactics, Assistant Commandant of Cadets; C. P. Hardy, Associate Professor of Military Science and Tactics, Assistant Commandant of Cadets; J. E. Lodewick, Associate Professor of Wood Technology; P. B. Dyck, Associate Professor of Hygiene and Physical Education; H. B. Riffenburg, Assistant Professor of Chemistry; P. B. Potter, Assistant Professor of Agricultural Engineering; R. L. Humbert, Executive Secretary, Assistant Professor of Economics, Director of Industrial Surveys; R. L. Bryant, Assistant Professor of Poultry Husbandry; R. H. McNeil, Assistant Professor of English, Director of Publications; Margaret Minnis, Assistant Professor of Home Economics; A. H. Reid, Assistant Professor of Landscape Design; R. G. Matheson, Assistant Professor of English; J. H. Wild, Assistant Professor of German and French; H. L. Moore. Specialist in Poultry Husbandry, Agricultural Extension Division; W. P. Sadler, Assistant Dairy Specialist, Agricultural Extension Division; W. J. Nuckolls, Jr., Farm Management Specialist, Agricultural Extension Division; Mary B. Settle, Clothing Specialist, Agricultural Extension Division; B. O. Miller, Instructor in Economics; E. T. Hines, Instructor in French and English; J. H. Hall, Instructor in English and French; Ella G. Russell, Instructor in Chemistry; R. D. Michael, Instructor in English, Assistant in Publications; W. F. Harrington, Instructor in Graphics; E. D. Chestnutt, Instructor in Mathematics; F. F. Groseclose, Instructor in Experimental Engineering; P. H. Barnes, Instructor in Civil Engineering; P. M. Reaves, Instructor in Dairy Husbandry; R. G. Sasscer, Instructor in Geology; P. S. Dear, Instructor in Experimental Engineering; W. Cantrell, Instructor in Military Science and Tactics; J. L. Maxton, Assistant Agricultural Economist, Agricultural Experiment Station; A. M. Woodside, Assistant Entomologist, Agricultural Experiment Station; L. D. Lasting, Acting Assistant Chemist, Agricultural Experiment Station; C. J. Blair, Assistant Agricultural Economist, Agricultural Experiment Station; S. W. Earle, Instructor in Animal Husbandry; W. S. Gay, Instructor in Business Administration; C. H. Cowgill, Instructor in Architectural Drawing; C. E. Schrock, Assistant Dairy Specialist, Agricultural Extension Division; R. G. Henderson, Assistant Plant Pathologist, Agricultural Experiment Station; Fannie F. Davis, Acting Instructor in Botany; S. B. Fenne, Acting Plant Pathology Specialist, Agricultural Extension Division; Ida L. Moore, Professional Nurse.
Losses By Death
During the year the institution suffered the loss by death of three members of its staffs. The best known of these was Dr. Theo. P. Campbell, head of the foreign language department. He was the senior member of the faculty, having served for thirty-nine years as professor and for a long period as dean of the college. He was known and is kindly remembered by hundreds of former students, who enjoyed the privilege of membership in his classes. Mr. C. R. Nobles, Assistant Animal Husbandman of the Agricultural Experiment Station, and Mr. Jere Turpin, Assistant Professor of Business Administration, were members of the staff for comparatively short periods, but both of them had impressed us as men of fine character, efficient and faithful in their work.
Summer Activities
Summer activities this year have been more numerous and more largely attended than in any previous year. The campus has been and will continue to be a very busy place during the summer months, so that practically all departments are kept in operation throughout the entire twelve months of the year. This is as it should be and we should do everything possible to encourage conferences and other gatherings of a public service type to be held here.
The usual Summer Quarter has been conducted. The short course for electric metermen was held again this year. Short courses, in three sections of two weeks each, were conducted for vocational agriculture teachers in the Smith-Hughes high schools. A week’s conference of the entire group of agricultural high school teachers was held. The boys’ and girls’ clubs short course under the direction of our Agricultural Extension Division was the most successful and best attended ever held here. The Royal Arch Masons held their annual meeting here in July. The picnic of the mechanical departments of the Norfolk and Western Railway was held on the campus, bringing more than 2,000 people here, for a most successful and well managed occasion. The State Agricultural Advisory Council has held here a valuable all-day meeting. The State Veterinary Medical Association held its semi-annual meeting here. The State Farmers’ Institute had a very successful annual session.
Short Winter Courses
Short winter courses were conducted during February in dairying and poultry feeding, salesmanship, dairy manufacture, and dairy farming. There was also a course for cow testing. All of these courses were very practical in type, and farmers of experience should be able to get much good from them. The attendance was larger this year than usual.
Institute Of Rural Affairs
In cooperation with the officials of the State Farmers Institute, it has been decided to hold an Institute of Rural Affairs on July 30-August 2, 1929. The purpose of this is to provide a forum for the discussion of important topics connected with agriculture and rural life, particularly in Virginia and neighboring states. The topics to be emphasized this summer will be in three fields, namely, agricultural economics, rural life standards, and the effect of farm power and machinery on agriculture. Outstanding men in these fields of work will deliver addresses and lead discussions. Every effort will be made to keep the discussion on such a basis as to be of real practical value to farmers and others who attend. It is planned to hold the sessions of the Institute of Rural Affairs in the forenoon, the sessions of the Farmers’ Institute in the afternoon, and joint sessions in the evening.
Certificates Of Merit In Agriculture
It is customary to award each year two certificates of merit to persons who have made outstanding contributions to the development of agriculture and rural life in Virginia. These certificates are presented during the annual meeting of the State Farmers’ Institute. In the summer of 1928, the certificates were awarded to two distinguished former Governors of Virginia; not of course because they were chief executives of the state, but because as such and otherwise they have had a large part in the development of the agricultural life of Virginia: Hon. Westmoreland Davis, of Loudoun County, and Hon. Henry Carter Stuart, of Russell County.
Opening Of The Fifty-Seventh Session
Following the practise inaugurated last session, the three days, September 18-20, were used for the registration and orientation of new students. A program of exercises covering morning, afternoon, and evening of each day was arranged; and practically every student was in place promptly on the first morning. The exercises included psychological and placement tests, military drill, lectures by college officials, talks by representatives of various college interests, and recreational features such as music, moving pictures, athletics, and cheering practise. The physical examinations by the health officer and the routine of registration were practically completed on the first day, about 450 new students being enrolled and given programs in eight hours. It is believed that the time devoted to orientation was well spent and that the results will be as satisfactory as they were last year. The college Y. M. C. A. rendered valuable service in the reception of the new students; and a number of cadet officers were called back a few days in advance to instruct in the military drills. Former students were registered on the third day, and classes began the next morning.
Student Enrolment
The annual catalog includes detailed statistics of student enrolment, and it is necessary here to include merely a summary. During the year a total of 1,392 students were enrolled in the regular nine-months session, which showed an increase of 92 over the next preceding year. Of these 274 were registered in the four-year agricultural curricula, being 50 more than in the year before; 611 in the engineering curricula, being 17 less than in the year before; 336 in business administration curricula, being 29 more than in the year before; 92 in applied science curricula, being 6 more than in the year before; and the remainder in unclassified and special courses. The Summer Quarter of 1928 registered 289 regular students, a gain of 64 over the preceding summer.
Of the regular nine-months session enrolment, 89.5% came from Virginia, whereas last session 89.8% were from Virginia. The students from outside of this state came from 20 states and 4 foreign countries.
In connection with the increase in enrolment it is well to call attention to the nine dollars increase in fees charged this session. Mention may also be made of the fact that the entrance requirements were rigidly enforced, including the recommendation of the high school principal, and a considerable number of applicants who were eligible for most colleges were denied admission. Our greatly increased dormitory facilities have enabled us to accommodate the large number of students in a very satisfactory manner. Moreover, the dormitory rooms have been much better equipped, including new beds with springs. Window shades have been installed in all bedrooms.
As usual the call for financial assistance has been great. To provide for additional self-help positions, we are experimenting with student janitorial service in the dormitories. This was tried last year in one building and appeared to give satisfaction as great as, if not greater than, that secured from colored janitors employed in the other buildings.
Influenza Epidemic
In common with other institutions all over the country, this college experienced an epidemic of influenza during November and December. Cases first came to our notice very soon after Thanksgiving Day, and the number rose gradually to its peak at the end of the first week in December. The number of cases was far beyond the capacity of the college infirmary, so it was necessary to establish an annex in the college assembly hall, which is conveniently located and seemed to be the most logical place. This annex, however, was soon filled to capacity, and on December 9, it appearing that we would probably have more students on the sick list than we could safely undertake to care for, we decided to consult the state health commissioner with a view to letting well students go home for the holidays about a week before the date set for them to begin. We thought it best to consult the state health commissioner because at that time no other Virginia institution, so far as we could learn, had contemplated such a step, and we did not want to endanger people on the outside by letting our students be distributed over the state after having been here under the conditions then prevailing. The health commissioner gave permission for well students to return to their homes on certain conditions, one of which was the securing of a permit from the home health officer of each student.
Students were examined by the college health officer, and where they appeared to be well, they were permitted to leave, beginning on Tuesday, December 11. Classes, however, were continued through Thursday, December 13, but by the end of that day practically all well students had left for their homes. Students who were not well were kept at our infirmary, some of them throughout the Christmas holidays. The holidays were set to begin on December 20, so that only about one week was lost, and since that would have been taken up with the quarterly examinations, it may be said that the work of the quarter was practically completed before the students left. It was arranged to give the quarterly examinations on the first five days of the winter quarter, beginning January 2.
After this college closed, reports came from institutions all over this state and other states that they were closing. In many cases these institutions did not reopen after the holidays at the set time, but we did do so, and since then we have had very few cases of sickness. The following statistics are presented to give a more definite idea of the situation which prevailed.
Total Enrolled | Number Sick | Percentage Sick | |
Freshmen | 506 | 99 | 19.6 |
Sophomores | 300 | 41 | 13.7 |
Juniors | 222 | 18 | 8.1 |
Seniors | 211 | 21 | 10.0 |
Post-graduates | 58 | 1 | 1.7 |
Women students | 7 | 12.7 | |
1,297 | 187 | 14.4 | |
Average days in infirmary for influenza only | 5.5 | ||
Average days in infirmary for influenza and complications | 18.4 | ||
Average days in infirmary for all students sick | 6.1 | ||
I am very happy to be able to report that although we had several very serious cases, and the students were in a precarious condition for some time, no death resulted. The college health officer and the regular force of three nurses served faithfully and efficiently, and we were able to secure enough nurses at all times from Roanoke and Bluefield to assist the regular staff. There appeared to be nothing in the way of a panic at any time among the students or among the employees of the institution, and all seemed to be desirous of working together in the best possible way. The same may be said of the parents of the sick students and other visitors. In fact, we were much gratified that there was not a complaint from any parent, but we received much commendation concerning the way in which the sick students were cared for during these trying conditions.
Military Affairs
As stated in a former report, the custom of rating institutions as “distinguished colleges” was discontinued a year ago by the war department. Last year, however, we were informed by the army officer who inspected the institution that if the distinguished college rating were continued, we would be entitled to this rating. A report from the inspection made in October of the present college year contains the following:
”Interest and application of leadership: Superior. Intensity of effort noted throughout.
”These units have exhibited such excellent training that for several years the ‘distinguished college’ rating has been given this institution in the competition extending through this army area. The character of the military accomplishments exhibited at this inspection gives rise to the belief that when these competitive inspections are resumed the ‘distinguished’ rating will be retained, and it is therefore recommended that this institution be inspected by the War Department board in due time in order to determine their efficiency.
”The care of equipment and motor vehicles is worthy of commendation.”
On April 6 we were visited by Major General Sladen, commandant of the Third Corps Area, United States Army, and on April 8 we had the annual inspection by a board of four army officers. The result of the inspection was very satisfactory.
Major John B. Maynard, who will be our commandant next year, represented us at the annual meeting of the Association of Military Colleges, and he has also recently made an address to our Petersburg and Hopewell alumni chapter.
We are losing this year four of our army officers, who have rendered excellent service here. This is an unusual number of changes in one year. We trust that the replacements will be satisfactory, and apparently care has been exercised in selecting the new officers.
Intoxicating Liquors
We understood from newspaper articles that the Governor instructed the Attorney General to conduct an investigation of the use of intoxicating liquors in the educational institutions of the state, both public and private. We received no official communication with reference to this, but it may be appropriate to call attention to the fact that for many years the following paragraph has appeared in the general regulations of this institution:
”Students who shall drink or be found under the influence of intoxicating liquor, or bring or cause the same to be brought on the campus, or have the same in their rooms or otherwise in their possession, shall be dismissed.”
It has been the custom during the present college administration, and I presume always prior to that, to summarily dismiss any student where there is convincing evidence of violation of the regulation quoted. So far as my observation extends the officials of this institution have made every effort to protect our students from the illicit traffic in intoxicating liquors which is so prevalent throughout the country. It is probably too much to hope for a complete elimination of this evil from this college, and I presume the same is true of practically all colleges and other communities, but we believe that the record of this institution compares most favorably with that of others and we have no fear of an investigation at any time. It is, of course, our purpose to continue to be vigilant in this direction.
Student Publications
Attention is called to the unusually high record which has been made by the student publications this year. It is customary for the Virginia Intercollegiate Press Association to award each year a silver cup for the best college weekly newspaper in the state, and our publication, The Virginia Tech, was selected by the judges for this honor. A second silver cup was awarded to the editor. The college annual, The Bugle, was second place in Class A college annuals. One of our students was elected president of this organization for the coming year, and it was decided to hold the next annual meeting at Blacksburg.
Student Self-Help
A study has been made recently as to the earnings of students. The information was obtained through questionnaires sent to students, and also from employment centers. While returns have been received from only twenty per cent of the entire student body, yet these reports show that our students earned approximately $88,000 during the past year from various types of employment at the college and in the community. In many cases the work done by students was in their special field of interest, such as engineering, chemistry, geology, etc. The amounts paid by the federal government for students registered in the R. O. T. C. are included, and naturally these form the largest group, with a total of approximately $15,000. The college dining hall comes second, more than sixty cadets being employed there, reaching a total of more than $12,000 for the nine months’ session. We are now using students as janitors in our dormitory buildings, and there are various other kinds of work provided by the college and town.
Agricultural Experiment Station
The work of the Agricultural Experiment Station has steadily increased in volume and scope. The object is to render service to all of the agricultural enterprises and interests in the state. It is not possible for the station to deal with all of the important problems facing farm people; however, the program of work is planned with a view of rendering assistance first on the most pressing problems, and then others are taken up as rapidly as the available resources permit. During this year the station was working on 110 separate projects, dealing with problems in the fields of farm crops, soils, fertilizers, orchard fruits; livestock feeding, management, and disease control; farm machinery; agricultural economics, home economics and rural sociology.
New projects undertaken during the year were as follows: economics of strawberry growing; parasites for the control of peach moth; pathology of fowl paralysis; factors involved in the rapid-method agglutination test for pullorum infection; economics of the organization and management of the apple orchard; cost of production and profits under the systems of farming in the potato growing areas of Virginia; and also several minor projects.
The experiments on bacillary white diarrhea in fowls yielded results which have pointed the way to practical control measures for this very destructive disease, and the results of this investigation are being generally applied by poultrymen in the state.
The experiments on calcium sulphide for orchard spraying developed a new spraying material which gives promise of being a better material in many respects than those hitherto used.
The historical study of the prices of farm products in Virginia from 1801 to 1927 brought together very useful materials on the trends of prices over a long period of time.
The projects completed or brought to a conclusive stage during the fiscal year are shown in the following list of bulletins:
Bulletin 266 -- The Adjustment of Agricultural Production to Meet Home Market Demands in the Clifton Forge-Covington Trade Area. By J. J. Vernon, T. D. Johnson and Wilbur O’Byrne; 30 pages, 3 figures. April, 1929.
Bulletin 267 -- The Role of the Church in Rural Community Life in Virginia. By C. H. Hamilton and W. E. Garnett; 191 pages, 61 figures. June, 1929.
Technical Bulletin 35 -- Tests of Tobacco Fertilizers Comparing Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium from Different Fertilizer Sources. By T. B. Hutcheson and T. L. Copley; 10 pages. January, 1929.
Technical Bulletin 36 -- Calcium Sulphide for the Control of Apple and Peach Diseases. By R. H. Hurt and F. J. Schneiderhan; 15 pages, 2 figures. February, 1929.
Technical Bulletin 37 -- Historical Study of Prices Received by Producers of Farm Products in Virginia, 1801-1927. By Arthur G. Peterson; 218 pages, 46 figures. March, 1929.
Technical Bulletin 38 -- Methods of Balancing Rations for Dairy Cows in Digestibility Trials with Corn Meal. By C. W. Holdaway, W. B. Ellett and J. F. Eheart; 10 pages. May, 1929.
Agricultural Extension Division
There was no change in the general plan of organization of extension work in agriculture and home economics in Virginia during 1928-29. However, greater emphasis than ever before was placed on the dissemination of outlook information for the purpose of helping farmers adjust production to market demands. Six regional outlook conferences were held, one in each of the principal agricultural regions of the state, in connection with county agents’ meetings, for the purpose of developing plans of work. The leading bankers and farmers in each district attending these conferences studied outlook reports and assisted in developing plans for meeting existing conditions. In the eastern part of the state, a special organization known as the interstate potato committee was set up for the purpose of giving intensified outlook information to potato growers. This organization did an especially valuable piece of work and saved our growers several hundred thousand dollars.
County extension agents were employed in 85 of the 100 counties of the state during 1928-29 and some form of extension work was done in every county in Virginia. White men agents were employed in 74 counties and negro men agents in 24 counties. White women agents were employed in 38 counties and negro women agents in 11 counties. These extension agents worked with men and women, boys and girls. The average agent is supposed to reach at least 3,000 people, and in order to get worthwhile results with so large a group, county extension work has to be very carefully organized. Therefore, during 1928-29 considerable time was devoted to the setting up of community organizations and training local leaders. During the Year there were 1,795 communities in the state in which the extension program was cooperatively worked out and approximately 4,000 people rendered real assistance as local leaders in carrying out these programs.
That the service of farm and home demonstration agents was in great demand is evidenced by the fact that during the past year these agents in Virginia made 108,891 visits to 45,420 farms and homes. Nearly 50,000 farm people called on these agents at their offices in search of information. In addition, the agents wrote 97,400 individual letters and answered 40,699 telephone calls. Each agent attended an average of two meetings per week and the total attendance at all meetings supported by extension workers during the year was 522,664.
The Extension Division News, which is an eight-page paper, went to 50,000 farmers each month and the 4-H Club Letter to 16,000 club members. In addition the following bulletins were published and distributed:
No. 109. Market Lamb Production in Virginia -- L. I. Case.
No. 110. Four Major Diseases of Tobacco in Virginia and Their Control -- James Godkin.
No. 111. Spray Information for Virginia Fruit Growers (revised) -- F. A. Motz.
No. 51. Twenty Lessons on Poultry Production (revised by A. L. Dean -- reprint) -- A. F. Treakle.
No. 104. Pork Production (reprint) -- G. C. Herring.
No. 73. Secretary’s Minute Book -- C. A. Montgomery.
No. 83. Livestock Judging for Club Members (revised) -- L. I. Case.
No. 99. Corn Production (revised) -- W. H. Byrne and S. D. Preston.
Engineering Experiment Station
In our Engineering Experiment Station the results of the study of Imhoff tanks (24) * for sewage disposal, from the standpoint of chemical control, proved very valuable, and several papers have been presented. The successful operation of the college disposal plant was effected during the year, possibly as a result of the chemical research.
An analysis of the data on timber beams (17) gave very erratic results on account of seasoning cracks, and it is doubtful whether any reliable conclusions can be drawn.
In cooperation with the Iowa State College some work was done on impulsive loading (28).
A considerable amount of work was done on the physical properties of building material (29), and especially on clay products manufactured in Virginia (36).
Some work was done upon ductile materials in an effort to determine the effect of cold working (33).
In cooperation with the Bureau of Mines much work was done upon the re-classification of Virginia coals (22) and the coking properties of semi-anthracite coal of Virginia (34).
Work was completed upon “the distribution of ash in coal by benches,” and the results were published in bulletin No.5.
Expenditures were confined largely to equipment in ceramics and wood technology, especially for special testing equipment. A small universal testing machine, of 10,000 pounds capacity, was also purchased, and plans were made for the erection of a stone saw for the preparation of specimens of building stone. Some office equipment was also provided.
Engineering Extension Division
The activities of the Engineering Extension Division for the year, as formerly, consisted of publishing technical bulletins, giving short courses, and supplying technical information to organizations and individuals. In addition, we began making industrial surveys of towns and counties.
The following bulletins were published:
No. 16 -- City and Town Planning, July, 1928.
No. 17 -- Industrial Survey of Wytheville, Va., Oct., 1928.
No. 18 -- Simple Time Measuring Apparatus, Jan., 1929.
No. 19 -- Treatment of Water for Industrial and Domestic Purposes, April, 1929.
A short course for electric metermen was held in June, which lasted for six days and was attended by forty-four men.
Technical advice was given as formerly to a large number of organizations and individuals. The addition of the departments of ceramic engineering and wood technology widened our field, as the former could give much helpful advice to brick manufacturers and other clay-users, and the latter helped the furniture manufacturers and other wood-users.
During the year the division was reorganized into three bureaus: (1) community development, (2) industrial service, and (3) extension instruction. The first undertook the making of industrial surveys for towns and counties, and should be given special mention here.
This bureau is designed to prepare community and industrial studies, to provide engineering services and advice to the communities of the state, to encourage the development of city planning among Virginia towns and cities, and to further any worthy community enterprise requiring engineering advice. It proposed to make industrial surveys of towns, cities, and counties on a cooperative basis. The plan involved the services of the surveyors without charge to the communities, while the interested town or city was asked to appropriate a fund for travel expense, the cost of living while the men were working in the community, and the cost of having the publication printed. A plan was soon developed with Southwestern Virginia, Inc., whereby that organization would sponsor an industrial survey of each of the 19 counties included within the area of their organization. In the meantime, the town of Wytheville, the Rotary Club of Tazewell, the Chamber of Commerce of Suffolk, and the Chamber of Commerce of Bedford, called for these services. The survey staff conducted the field work and prepared the following bulletins from September 1, 1928, to June 30, 1929:
Industrial Survey, Wytheville -- December, 1928 -- 38 pp.
Industrial Survey, Tazewell-North Tazewell -- January, 1929 -- 34 pp.
Industrial Survey, Suffolk -- February, 1929 -- 62 pp.
Industrial Survey, Giles County -- March, 1929 -- 64 pp.
Industrial Survey. Montgomery County and City of Radford -- April, 1929 -- 92 pp.
Industrial Survey, Bedford -- May, 1929 -- 48 pp.
Industrial Survey, Wise County -- June, 1929 -- 100 pp.
Industrial Survey, Grayson County -- June, 1929 -- 62 pp.
Industrial Survey, Carroll County -- June, 1929 -- 56 pp.
These reports represented the findings resulting from field work and the study of prepared reports on specific subjects. The data are presumed to represent the information which an industrial concern would be vitally interested in knowing before locating a plant. The reports represent a definite and valuable service to the communities of the state in their efforts to foster industrial development.
Gifts To The College
The family of the late Dr. Theo. P. Campbell, long professor of foreign languages and dean of the college, has generously presented to the college library his valuable collection of modern language books. These acquisitions will be of much service to faculty and students. The cataloging will be pushed as rapidly as is possible with the limited library staff available.
Senator Carter Glass has presented to the college a young Jersey bull calf, son of Royal Oxford’s Blue Nun, which is said to be as well bred as any young calf in the south, and which fortunately fits in very well with our breeding here. Our department was considering the purchase of this calf, but Senator Glass agreed to present him to us without charge.
The Associated Plumbing and Heating Contractors at their recent annual meeting provided for a two-year graduate scholarship in plumbing and heating research at this institution. The holder is to devote his research activities to problems relating to the plumbing and heating industry. It is hoped that the establishment of this research scholarship will prompt other organizations of a technical type to take similar steps.
Naturally we are very grateful to these friends of the college for this manifestation of interest and liberality on their part.
State Highways
As directed by the Board, resolutions were prepared and submitted to the State Highway Commission in advocacy of the improvement of the road between Blacksburg and Christiansburg, and a large delegation was present at the public hearing. As a result it has been decided to rebuild not only this road but also a section on the same route north of Blacksburg. We have been assured that this new road will be of a high type of construction and much wider and straighter than the present road. We are anxious about the time it will take to construct the new road, and about the detours which will have to be used, because the traffic is very heavy and the detours will undoubtedly be dangerous in bad weather.
We are also interested in the improvement of the road from Blacksburg via Catawba to connect with the Lee Highway about five miles south of Buchanan. This will shorten the distance materially from Blacksburg to points north and east via Lexington and Staunton. Effort is being made to secure favorable consideration.
University Clubhouse
The University Club having obtained permission from the Board to erect a clubhouse on the property of the college, completed plans, and awarded contract for the erection of the building. The work of construction has begun and it is expected that the house will be ready for occupancy during the Fall Quarter. A scheme for the participation of the college in the financing of the cost of this building is now being considered by a committee of the Board, and no doubt the matter will be settled satisfactorily at an early date. This clubhouse will fill an urgent need of the institution, and we feel that everything possible should be done to assist in the project.
Addition To The Hospital
For the budget year which began March 1, 1929, we have an appropriation of $25,000 for an addition to the student hospital. The contract was let and the work is now well underway, so that it is expected that the new portion may be occupied as soon after the opening of the Fall Quarter as may be necessary. The additional facilities thus provided will relieve a most urgent situation which has existed for several years. It is not to be expected, of course, that this enlargement will provide sufficient accommodations for all possible emergencies which may arise as in time of epidemics, but it will greatly help in the efficient handling of sick cases and will suffice for normal conditions.
Patton Engineering Hall
As explained in my report for last year, in our budget of requests for the biennium we asked for $200,000 to complete Patton Engineering Hall. We could secure only $110,800. It was, therefore, first decided to complete the walls and roof for the entire building, and finish the first floor for use. Later, however, estimates for the completion of the building were secured and it appeared that this could be accomplished for approximately $35,000, which would mean $54,200 less than was estimated a year or so previously. Being able to complete the building for so small an amount was dependent upon continuing the work by the present contractors without cessation. Obviously if they were permitted to remove their organization and equipment, and we were then to ask for bids a year later, it would cost considerably more than the amount quoted. Moreover, all of the proposed building space was badly needed by our engineering departments. From every standpoint it seemed desirable to secure in some manner the necessary $35,000.
The whole situation was explained to the Governor. The plan proposed to him was that we be authorized to go ahead with this work, paying for it out of our general operating funds, with the understanding that if we should incur a deficit on this account it would be taken out of our appropriated funds for the second year of the biennium, and, further, if this deficit should still exist at the end of the biennium it would be cared for by an allowance in the biennial budget for 1930-32. The Governor approved this plan.
I am happy to be able to report that the building has been completed, and paid for in full without incurring any deficit. The equipment is now being installed, and the building will be occupied before the opening of the Fall Quarter.
New Dormitory
The new stone dormitory was originally intended to contain 100 bedrooms, but ways were found to add six additional rooms. It was found impossible to construct this building for the $150,000 appropriated for it, and it was decided to leave the top floor with its 46 rooms unfinished. It was estimated that it would require $25,000 to complete this unfinished portion.
Inasmuch as the funds for this building were secured on the Noell loan plan, it was considered best to make no effort to secure the additional funds until the budget of requests for 1930-32 should be submitted. This delay was not serious, especially because the location of the building is such that the top floor may be readily completed without materially interfering with the occupancy of the lower floors.

Other Physical Plant Improvements
The heat and power plant is now in partial operation, and the equipment in the old plant will soon be transferred to the new plant. Transfer of the old equipment will be delayed until it is clear that it may be done without interrupting the service. The cost of the new plant has been kept strictly within the $250,000 appropriated under the Noell loan plan for it.
An appropriation of $22,000 being available for fireproofing the stairways and corridors of the five old barrack buildings, the contract was let, and there is reason to believe that the work will be completed near enough to the opening of the Fall Quarter to prevent any serious inconvenience in the use of the buildings.
There being an appropriation of $11,500 for extension of water mains, and an appropriation of $5,000 for extension of sewer lines, these lines are now being laid and will soon be completed. They meet a very urgent need.
The large drill and recreation field bas been completed, although additional work will have to be done to get the surface smooth and in grass.
The waste space in the McBryde Building of Mechanic Arts was converted into usable rooms, and unfinished portions were completed, to provide quarters for ceramic engineering and other expanded activities. At the same time the heating system of the entire building was remodelled and new connections established to the central heating plant.
A horse barn for the animal husbandry department, at a cost of $2,500 is now under construction; contract has been awarded for two new silos to cost $2,000, at the dairy barn, and plans are now ready for remodelling the west wing of the main dairy barn, using the $6,500 included in the budget for this purpose.
A wood-block floor has been installed throughout the electrical laboratories in Patton Hall; water meters in large number have been installed at the various general buildings and residences on the campus; an addition to the laundry building has been completed; important changes have been made in the administration building; a power elevator has been provided at the student hospital; the tailor shop has been equipped with steam heat and connected to the central heating system; additional seats have been provided in the stadium by the Athletic Association with their funds; walks, drives, and parking spaces on the campus have been considerably extended, much sodding and planting of shrubbery has been accomplished, and the campus lighting system has been extended; and a large amount of painting and general repair work on numerous parts of the college property have been completed during the year.

Lease Of Farming Lands
The attention of the Board has been directed several times to the urgent need for additional land for the college farm, the experiment station, and the dairy husbandry department. Recently a lease was signed for the Smithfield property, but this cannot be had before the fall of 1929 owing to the unwillingness of the present lessee to give it up until the expiration of the term for which he has leased it. The lease which we hold on the McBryde farm will expire in January, 1929, and we have succeeded in getting an extension of this lease for one more year. In this way we will have the McBryde land to use until we can get possession of the Smithfield property.
Capper-Ketcham Act Funds
Official information has been received from the Governor that he has accepted on behalf of Virginia the provisions of the recent act of the Congress known as the Capper-Ketcham Act. It will be necessary to get the General Assembly of 1930 to ratify this.
As a result of this legislation our Agricultural Extension Division funds for the year beginning July 1, 1928, are increased in the amount of $20,000. The director of the division has budgeted these additional funds in accordance with the provisions of the law, and this budget has been approved by the federal department. This supplemental budget distributes the $20,000 as follows:
Employment of additional home demonstration agents | $8,000 |
Employment of additional farm demonstration agents | 8,000 |
Employment of additional Negro agents | 633 |
Additional for supplies and out-of-state travel | 800 |
Additional for publications | 1,500 |
Part of salary of poultry specialist | 1,067 |
Concerning The Potato Industry
It will be recalled that at the last meeting, resolutions were presented from those interested in the potato industry on the eastern shore of Virginia thanking us for our help in connection with the serious problem they are facing. A program has been worked out cooperatively by the United States Bureau of Agricultural Economics, the Federal Extension Service, and the Agricultural Extension Divisions of Virginia, Maryland, and North Carolina. A comprehensive project has been outlined including the employment of a specialist in agricultural economics who will act as secretary of the Interstate Potato Committee, of which Mr. J. R. Hutcheson is chairman. Mr. A. E. Mercker, an experienced agricultural economist, has been secured at a salary of $6,000 a year for this position, with an allowance of $1,500 for traveling expenses. His office will be with the United States Bureau of Economics in Washington, but the headquarters of this committee will be retained at Blacksburg. The $7,500 involved will be distributed among the five agencies concerned, the share of our extension division being $1,750, our share being larger than that of Maryland and North Carolina, since Virginia produces as many potatoes as the other two states combined.
Financial Management
The financial statements for the year ended February 28, 1929, give indication of the excellent financial condition of the college. We have operated well within the available revenue. From Table I it will be seen that we closed the year with a balance on hand sufficiently large to cover all outstanding obligations. Table II gives the revenue produced during the past year, and the inventory of supplies on hand at the end of the year as compared with that at the beginning of the year. The inventory should be added to the cash balance on hand to get the total amount to our credit at the beginning of the new budget year. Since there are no outstanding obligations against this inventory, it is essentially an unencumbered cash balance on hand. It thus provides a substantial working margin of $50,492 to protect against unexpected deficiency in revenue or excess in expenditure during the year. Table III is a consolidated balance sheet as at February 28, 1929.
Table I -- Financial Statement for the Year March 1, 1928-February 28, 1929
(For Regular Budget only-not including Interdepartmental)
(1) Function | (2) Total Receipts 1928-29 | (3) Accounts Receivable Mar. 1/29 | (4) Total Revenue 1928-29 | (5) Disburse- ments 1928-29 | (6) Accts. Pay. & Resvd. Mar. 1/29 | (7) Total Expdt’rs. 1928-29 |
Dollars | Dollars | Dollars | Dollars | Dollars | Dollars | |
Administration | 1,215 | …… | 1,215 | 40,298 | 4,783 | 45,081 |
Agriculture | 10,857 | …… | 10,857 | 73,834 | 571 | 74,405 |
S. H. Agriculture | 8,809 | 1,234 | 10,043 | 14,378 | 12 | 14,390 |
Engineering | 1,314 | …… | 1,314 | 85,440 | 19,749 | 105,189 |
Mechanic Arts | 6,198 | …… | 6,198 | 40,312 | 1,913 | 42,225 |
Printing | 23,490 | …… | 23,490 | 28,546 | 1,060 | 29,606 |
Academic-Science | 1,291 | …… | 1,291 | 114,322 | 11,734 | 126,056 |
Military | 297 | …… | 297 | 9,312 | 765 | 10,077 |
Summer Quarter | 7,629 | …… | 7,629 | 11,652 | …… | 11,652 |
Library | 7,620 | …… | 7,620 | 11,197 | 2,722 | 13,919 |
Hospital | 13,146 | …… | 13,146 | 13,516 | 1,032 | 14,548 |
Dining Hall | 188,023 | …… | 188,023 | 146,036 | 6,768 | 152,804 |
Tailor Shop | 57,174 | …… | 57,174 | 54,425 | …… | 54,425 |
Laundry | 25,643 | …… | 25,643 | 20,899 | …… | 20,899 |
Farm | 5,359 | 151 | 5,510 | 9,733 | 9 | 9,742 |
Dairy Husbandry | 788 | …… | 788 | 9,515 | 4 | 9,519 |
Animal Husbandry | 3,710 | …… | 3,710 | 11,162 | 308 | 11,470 |
Creamery | 13,348 | 221 | 13,569 | 16,675 | …… | 16,675 |
Heat & Power Plant | 24 | …… | 24 | 210,743 | 77,148 | 287,891 |
Electric Service | 22,768 | …… | 22,768 | 11,585 | 118 | 11,703 |
Plbg., Sewer, Water | 1,983 | 1,267 | 3,250 | 12,325 | 103 | 12,428 |
Buildings & Grounds | 5,995 | 1,628 | 7,623 | 333,521 | 49,229 | 382,750 |
Sinking Fund | 16,135 | …… | 16,135 | 22,090 | 3,028 | 25,118 |
Student Loans | …… | …… | …… | 1,500 | …… | 1,500 |
Fees Unallocated | 125,398 | …… | 125,398 | …… | …… | …… |
College Depts. | 548,214 | 4,501 | 552,715 | 1,303,016 | 181,056 | 1,484,072 |
Balance Mar. 1/28 | 87,388 | …… | 87,388 | …… | …… | …… |
Federal Appro’n | 33,333 | …… | 33,333 | …… | …… | …… |
Land Grant Funds | 10,371 | …… | 10,371 | …… | …… | …… |
State Appro’n | 400,265 | …… | 400,265 | …… | …… | …… |
Noell Act Loans | 400,000 | …… | 400,000 | …… | …… | …… |
Gross Bal. 3/1/29 | 176,555 | …… | 176,555 | …… | …… | …… |
Total | 1,479,571 (A) | 181,056 (B) | 1,484,072 (C) | 1,479,571 (A) | 181,056 (B) | 1,484,072 (C) |
(A) Total Receipts (column 2) exceeded Total Disbursements (column 5) by $176,555, the Gross Balance on March 1, 1929. In this Gross Balance is included $115,651 remaining on hand from loans under the Noell plan Act of 1928 (for Power Plant $76,672 and for Dormitory $38,979).
(B) Accounts Receivable and Balance on Hand March 1, 1929 (column 3) equal Accounts payable and Reserved (column 6).
(C) The Total Disbursements, Accounts Payable and Reserved, for 1928-29 (column 7) equal the Total Revenue (column 4).
Table II -- Business Statement for the Year March 1, 1928-February 28, 1929
(For Regular Budget only -- not including Interdepartmental)
(1) Function | (2) Accounts Receivable Mar. 1/28 | (3) Total Receipts 1928-29 | (4) Accounts Receivable Mar. 1/29 | (5) Net Rev. Produced 1928-29 | (6) Supplies Inventory Mar. 1/28 | (7) Supplies Inventory Mar. 1/29 |
Dollars | Dollars | Dollars | Dollars | Dollars | Dollars | |
Administration | …… | 1,215 | …… | 1,215 | …… | …… |
Agriculture | …… | 10,857 | …… | 10,857 | 888 | 422 |
S. H. Agriculture | 1,613 | 8,809 | 1,234 | 8,430 | …… | …… |
Engineering | …… | 1,314 | …… | 1,314 | …… | …… |
Mechanic Arts | 353 | 6,198 | …… | 5,845 | 7,633 | 7,715 |
Printing | 13 | 23,490 | …… | 23,477 | 1,799 | 2,250 |
Academic-Science | …… | 1,291 | …… | 1,291 | …… | …… |
Military | …… | 297 | …… | 297 | …… | …… |
Summer Quarter | …… | 7,629 | …… | 7,629 | …… | …… |
Library | …… | 7,620 | …… | 7,620 | …… | …… |
Hospital | …… | 13,146 | …… | 13,146 | …… | …… |
Dining Hall | …… | 188,023 | …… | 188,023 | 5,239 | 5,210 |
Tailor Shop | …… | 57,174 | …… | 57,174 | 15,849 | 21,925 |
Laundry | …… | 25,643 | …… | 25,643 | 477 | 270 |
Farm | …… | 5,359 | 151 | 5,510 | 3,175 | 2,700 |
Dairy Husbandry | …… | 788 | …… | 788 | 937 | 1,381 |
Animal Husbandry | …… | 3,710 | …… | 3,710 | 905 | 648 |
Creamery | 493 | 13,348 | 221 | 13,076 | 855 | 1,065 |
Heat & Power Plant | …… | 24 | …… | 24 | 5,500 | 1,900 |
Electric Service | 184 | 22,768 | …… | 22,584 | 1,363 | 2,350 |
Plbg., Sewer, Water | …… | 1,983 | 1,267 | 3,250 | 430 | 331 |
Buildings & Grounds | 1,097 | 5,995 | 1,628 | 6,526 | 6,057 | 2,325 |
Sinking Fund | …… | 16,135 | …… | 16,135 | …… | …… |
Fees Unallocated | …… | 125,398 | …… | 125,398 | …… | …… |
Total | 3,753 | 548,214 | 4,501 | 548,962 | 51,107 | 50,492 |
The Net Revenue Produced in 1928-29 (column 5) is the Total Receipts (column 3) less the Accounts Receivable at the beginning of the year (column 2) plus the Accounts Receivable at the end of the year (column 4).
The Inventory (columns 6 and 7) includes only supplies on hand for early consumption and nothing of a permanent nature. thus being essentially the same as Cash on Hand for operation, and it might be properly included in the Gross Balance in Table II. This. therefore. is a substantial working margin, or reserve.
Table III -- Consolidated Balance Sheet-As at February 28, 1929
(Exclusive of Agricultural Experiment Stations and Extension Division)
ASSETS | |||||
I. Current: | |||||
Cash in hands of Treasurer | $60,904 | ||||
Imprest Cash: | |||||
Student Loans | $27,194 | ||||
Workmen's Compensation | 18,235 | 45,429 | |||
Accounts Receivable: | 4,501 | ||||
Supplies Inventory | 50,492 | $161,326 | |||
II. Endowment: | |||||
From Land Grant Act of Congress, 1862 | 344,312 | ||||
III. Funded Debt: | |||||
Buildings and Equipment Sinking Funds | 28,113 | ||||
IV. Physical Plant: | |||||
Land (722 acres at $400 average) | 288,800 | ||||
Buildings | 3,018,000 | ||||
Less Depreciation Reserve, 10% | 301,800 | 2,716,200 | |||
Central Heat Distribution System | 104,000 | ||||
Less Depreciation Reserve, 3% | 3,120 | 100,880 | |||
Electric Service Distribution System | 28,000 | ||||
Less Depreciation Reserve, 10% | 2,800 | 25,200 | |||
Water Supply System | 19,500 | ||||
Less Depreciation Reserve, 10% | 1,950 | 17,550 | |||
Sewerage System | 108,000 | ||||
Less Depreciation Reserve, 25% | 3,240 | 104,760 | |||
Departmental Equipment and Library | 835,000 | ||||
Less Depreciation Reserve, 5% | 41,750 | 793,250 | |||
Livestock | 53,000 | 4,099,640 | |||
$4,633,391 | |||||
I. Current: | |||||
Reserve for Imprest Cash | $45,429 | ||||
Reserve for Accounts Payable, etc. | 65,405 | ||||
Reserve for Supplies | 50,492 | $161,326 | |||
II. Endowment: | |||||
Reserve for Land Grant Fund | 344,312 | ||||
III. Funded Debt: | |||||
Buildings and Equipment Bonds, 1900 | 75,000 | ||||
IV. Physical Plant: | |||||
Debt on Black Farm | 17,176 | ||||
Balance Owing on Professors’ Houses | 11,894 | ||||
Borrowed under the Noell Act | 650,000 | ||||
Equity of Town in Sewage Disposal Plant | 49,021 | ||||
Unencumbered Investment in Physical Plant | 3,324,662 | 4,052,753 | |||
$4,633,391 | |||||
The Working Budget For 1929-30
The working budget for the current year is presented in Tables IV and V. This is little more than the printed budget of the Governor on which the appropriations were based. To this has been added the increase in student fees and certain other changes to bring it up to date.
Table IV -- Summary of Budget for the Year March 1, 1929-February 28, 1930
(1) Function | (2) Estimated Receipts Regular | (3) Estimated Receipts Interdeptl | (4) New Expd. Allocations Regular | (5) Accounts Payable Mar. 1/29 | (6) New Expd. Allocations Interdeptl | (7) Total Estimated Expdt’rs. |
Dollars | Dollars | Dollars | Dollars | Dollars | Dollars | |
Administration | 1,400 | 345 | 46,532 | 82 | 10,945 | 57,559 |
Agriculture | 11,000 | 400 | 78,150 | 570 | 5,000 | 83,720 |
S. H. Agriculture | 10,000 | …… | 14,940 | 11 | 725 | 15,676 |
Engineering | 1,300 | …… | 104,050 | 7,250 | 3,575 | 114,875 |
Mechanic Arts | 6,200 | 4,000 | 27,000 | 1,912 | 4,150 | 33,062 |
Printing | 23,500 | 15,000 | 32,560 | 1,061 | 600 | 34,221 |
Academic-Science, | 1,300 | …… | 126,650 | 735 | 1,000 | 128,385 |
Military | 300 | …… | 9,900 | 165 | 750 | 10,815 |
Summer Quarter | 7,600 | …… | 11,875 | …… | …… | 11,875 |
Library | 7,700 | …… | 14,325 | 122 | 925 | 15,372 |
Hospital | 13,200 | …… | 13,850 | 32 | 900 | 14,782 |
Dining Hall | 188,300 | 2,000 | 158,340 | 6,768 | 21,925 | 187,033 |
Tailor Shop | 57,200 | …… | 49,475 | …… | 225 | 49,700 |
Laundry | 25,700 | 900 | 18,425 | …… | 3,850 | 22,275 |
Farm | 5,300 | 4,900 | 12,225 | 9 | 450 | 12,684 |
Dairy Husbandry | 800 | 11,500 | 22,915 | 4 | 5,475 | 28,394 |
Animal Husbandry | 3,700 | …… | 14,400 | 308 | 575 | 15,283 |
Creamery | 13,400 | 16,200 | 17,325 | …… | 14,325 | 31,650 |
Heat & Power Plant | 100 | 13,000 | 122,797 | 476 | 150 | 123,423 |
Electric Service | 23,000 | 13,000 | 12,950 | 118 | 11,075 | 24,143 |
Plbg., Sewer, Water | 2,000 | 700 | 27,725 | 103 | 325 | 28,153 |
Buildings & Grounds | 6,000 | 7,005 | 215,179 | 1,250 | 2,000 | 218,429 |
Dorm. Sinking Fund | 28,498 | …… | 26,267 | 2,231 | …… | 28,498 |
Pow. Pit Sinking Fd. | …… | …… | 14,117 | 797 | …… | 14,914 |
Bonds 1900 Sink’g Fd. | …… | …… | 4,750 | …… | …… | 4,750 |
Student Loans | 2,800 | …… | 4,300 | …… | …… | 4,300 |
College Depts. | 440,298 | …… | 1,201,022 | 24,004 | …… | 1,313,971 |
InterdepartmentaL | …… | 88,945 | …… | …… | 88,945 | …… |
Fees Unallocated | 117,402 | …… | …… | …… | …… | …… |
Federal Funds | 44,000 | …… | …… | …… | …… | …… |
State Appro’n | 442,270 | …… | …… | …… | …… | …… |
Accounts Rec. | 4,501 | …… | …… | …… | …… | …… |
Bal. of Loans | 115,651 | …… | …… | …… | …… | …… |
Bal. Sup. Funds | 60,904 | …… | …… | …… | …… | …… |
Total | 1,225,026 (A and B) | 88,945 (C) | 1,201,022 (A) | 24,004 (B) | 88,945 (C) | 1,313,971 (A, B, & C) |
Amounts in column 2 cover amounts in columns 4 and 5. constituting the regular budget. In column 4 are included the reserves of March 1, 1929, amounting to $157,052, which together with the accounts payable of March 1, 1929, amounting to $24,004, are covered by accounts receivable, balance on loans and balance in support funds March 1, 1929, totalling $181.056. Columns 3 and 6 balance. Column 7 represents total of all estimated expenditures, which are covered by columns 2 and 3.
Table V -- Allocations for the Year March 1, 1929-February 28, 1930
(1) Function | (2) -A- Personal Service | (3) B-C-D-E Operation | (4) E-F Capital Outlays | (5) G-I-J Fixed Charges, etc. | (6) Inter- depart- mental | (7) Total Alloca- tions |
Dollars | Dollars | Dollars | Dollars | Dollars | Dollars | |
Administration | 32,750 | 10,889 | 1,200 | 1,775 | 10,945 | 57,559 |
Agriculture | 65,000 | 10,548 | 3,047 | 125 | 5,000 | 83,720 |
S. H. Agriculture | 12,265 | 2,379 | 307 | …… | 725 | 15,676 |
Engineering | 91,550 | 3,625 | 15,950 | 175 | 3,575 | 114,875 |
Mechanic Arts | 20,100 | 6,831 | 1,806 | 175 | 4,150 | 33,062 |
Printing | 14,700 | 14,206 | 4,715 | …… | 600 | 34,221 |
Academic-Science | 115,000 | 5,885 | 6,200 | 300 | 1,000 | 128,385 |
Military | 8,100 | 1,767 | 173 | 25 | 750 | 10,815 |
Summer Quarter | 11,550 | 100 | …… | 225 | …… | 11,875 |
Library | 9,600 | 1,203 | 3,619 | 25 | 925 | 15,372 |
Hospital | 11,000 | 2,412 | 420 | 50 | 900 | 14,782 |
Dining Hall | 33,000 | 127,308 | 2,000 | 2,800 | 21,925 | 187,033 |
Tailor Shop | 13,000 | 33,300 | 2,225 | 950 | 225 | 49,700 |
Laundry | 11,000 | 3,125 | 4,000 | 300 | 3,850 | 22,275 |
Farm | 5,500 | 4,334 | 400 | 2,000 | 450 | 12,684 |
Dairy Husbandry | 5,750 | 14,454 | 2,250 | 465 | 5,475 | 28,394 |
Animal Husbandry | 3,750 | 7,683 | 3,250 | 25 | 575 | 15,283 |
Creamery | 3,200 | 13,575 | 550 | …… | 14,325 | 31,650 |
Heat & Power Plant | 11,500 | 34,501 | 76,672 | 600 | 150 | 123,423 |
Electric Service | 4,000 | 5,840 | 3,128 | 100 | 11,075 | 24,143 |
Plbg., Sewer, Water | 4,250 | 4,896 | 18,682 | …… | 325 | 28,153 |
Buildings & Grounds | 29,000 | 35,500 | 145,729 | 6,200 | 2,000 | 218,429 |
Dorm. Sinking Fund | …… | …… | …… | 28,498 | …… | 28,498 |
Pow. Pit. Sinking Fd. | …… | …… | …… | 14,914 | …… | 14,914 |
Bonds 1900 Sinkg. Fd. | …… | …… | …… | 4,750 | …… | 4,750 |
Student Loans | …… | …… | …… | 4,300 | …… | 4,300 |
Total | 515,565 | 344,361 | 296,323 | 68,777 | 88,945 | 1,313,971 |
Above amounts are for regular budget except as shown in column 6 and included in totals of column 7.
These allocations are all included in the totals shown in Table IV.
A -- Salaries. wages, and special payments; B -- Repairs, light, heat, power, travel, transportation, communication, printing, etc.; C -- Food, fuel, laboratory, office, and other supplies; D -- Building, highway, and other materials; E -- Office, laboratory, and other equipment (in column 3 for replacements, in column 4 for new additions); F -- Buildings and other structures, land and land improvements (pipe-lines, roads, walks, fences, etc.); G -- Rent, insurance, and refunds; I -- Interest; J -- Rotary funds. In column 6 the amounts include a few capital outlay items in addition to the operation items.
State Development Service
The work of our Agricultural Extension Division and Agricultural Experiment Station has been well known throughout the state for many years. These two divisions of our work are constantly extending their service to the state, establishing additional contacts, and aiding in an ever larger way our various agricultural interests. It must be remembered that this institution has a responsibility to business and industry in our state commensurate with its responsibility to agriculture. We feel, therefore, that we should make every effort to develop types of service for the promotion of our industrial and commercial interests similar to the service which we are rendering to agriculture.
For several years we have conducted an Engineering Experiment Station, on a modest scale, which has accomplished some worthwhile research. The work of the Engineering Experiment Station is growing and its possibilities are beginning to be recognized by our industrial interests. The recent establishment of a research scholarship by the plumbing and heating contractors’ association is an indication of this. We believe that this action will be followed in time by others. It seems quite probable that federal support for the Engineering Experiment Station will be secured in the next year or so. The recent addition of laboratories for ceramics, wood technology, and certain branches of chemistry, has put this station in a position to render new service which may be of considerable value in the development of the natural resources of our state.
Up to this year we have done comparatively little in engineering extension service, but during the year we have been able to extend these activities very considerably. Our state survey of wood resources and wood utilizing industries is nearing completion, and the results should be ready for publication during the summer. Our state ceramics survey is well under way, and a bulletin should be published in the near future. In making these surveys our specialists have been able to give helpful advice to those engaged in the industries concerned, and among other results an association of the brick manufacturers of the state has been formed and gives promise of filling a useful place in our industrial development. We have made a number of industrial surveys of towns and counties, and these have aroused widespread interest, not only in Virginia but throughout the country. They should in time contribute to an important degree in the development of our present industries, and in bringing desirable new industries into our state.
We are convinced that we should make every proper effort to assist in the industrial and commercial development of Virginia, and to that end we welcome opportunities for establishing contacts which will promote helpful cooperation. The work we are doing and the opportunities for service which we are offering are attracting more and more attention, so that I think it may be said that we are being looked upon more and more as the chief source for technical assistance in agriculture and industry in Virginia. Various members of our staff, especially those who are connected with the agricultural and engineering extension services, are constantly making contacts and establishing mutually helpful relationships throughout the state. In my judgment, this should be encouraged in every possible way.
Alumni Reunion
At a meeting of the executive committee of the General Alumni Association, held in New York City, a number of projects were decided upon to be undertaken by the alumni for the benefit of the college. This meeting was so unusual in the type of men present that I feel justified in mentioning it here. The five alumni present as members of the executive committee were: E. W. Allen, vice-president in charge of engineering of the General Electric Company; F. Donaldson Brown, vice-president in charge of finance of the General Motors Company; John B. Huffard, vice-president of the National Carbon and Carbide Company; Lawrence Priddy, outstanding insurance agent; and E. W. Smith, vice-president in charge of the western lines of the Pennsylvania Railroad System.
Among other things, the alumni decided to hold a general reunion during the 1929 commencement. While it was not expected that so many alumni would be present as were here in 1922, yet the attendance was excellent. The interest shown by the alumni and the fine spirit manifested on this occasion were most gratifying.
The appendix to this report contains certain statistical and financial data for the year, which have been gathered from the registrar’s and treasurer’s offices. If the tables included there are read in connection with similar tables published in the volume of reports for the six years, 1919-20 to 1924-25, inclusive (Bulletin of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Vol. XX, No. 3x (April, 1927), and the reports for 1921)-26 and 1926-27 (Bulletin of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Vol. XX, No.6, September, 1927), a continuous statistical and financial record for the college may be had from July 1, 1919, to July 1, 1929. It is to be noted that the general report covers a year which ended on June 30, 1929, while the financial data apply to a year ended February 28, 1929.
Some of the colleges apparently have had smaller enrolments this year than last, but not so with us. Here there has been a substantial increase, continuing the steady upward climb of the last nine years. Moreover, many additions have been made to our faculty and to the list of courses offered here. Several new types of work, which we believe are of unusual value and promise in the development of Virginia, have been included. Our building and equipment program progresses satisfactorily. From every standpoint there is abundant indication that this institution is on the upgrade, and that it is making constant gains, not only on the campus but also throughout the state and country. Our aim must ever be to improve our work, to extend our activities, and to meet in the most efficient and economic manner possible the increasing demands for service in the field of technical education, research, and extension service in Virginia.
The recent commencement season brought for me an exceedingly happy ending to the tenth year of my service at this institution. Mrs. Burruss and I were overwhelmed with the generous treatment of the student-body, the Athletic Association, and the board of directors of the Alumni Association. It is a very great privilege to be permitted to serve in this capacity for so long a period as ten years, especially when one considers the fact that the average college administration is approximately six years in length. One cannot fail to recognize the magnitude of the responsibility which this implies, and I am humbled by my consciousness of it and of my own shortcomings; yet I am encouraged by the fine support which has come to me from many sources, to go forward with the confidence that the same cooperation and help which has brought achievement to V. P. I. in the past decade will bring even greater accomplishment to V. P. I. in whatever additional years I may be permitted to serve here. I am profoundly grateful to all these wonderfully fine friends of mine and loyal supporters of the college we love.
Respectfully submitted,
Julian A. Burruss, President.
June 30, 1929.
1919-1929 Reports
Early President's Reports were published in bulletins, with multiple reports in each bulletin. Note that the original spelling of many words (enrolment, remodelling, etc.) has been retained.
1927-1928, 1928-1929 Reports
1927-1928 -- General Report
1928-1929 -- General Report
Enrolment Statistics
Summary of Treasurer's Reports
1925-26, 1926-27 Reports
1925-1927 Introduction
1925-1926 -- General Report
1926-1927 -- General Report
Appointments, Tenure, and Salaries
Vacations, Office Hours, Records, etc.
Enrolment Statistics
Summary of Treasurer's Reports